She brought Tifa over, one was to give Ye Kai a step, and the other was to really watch the fun and see how Ye Kai would deal with his Shura field.

Unexpectedly, this guy was decisive.

That's right, it's a bit difficult for a guy who hasn't been in a serious relationship to face the Shura field.

Leaving aside Ye Kai and Youyuzi, Kaguya, Tifa, there are many ambiguous situations.

But they got together after a serious relationship, and it hasn't happened yet.

"It's okay, Lord Youyouzi will go and appease Ye Kaisang!" Youyouzi clenched his fists and said firmly.

What about Ye Kai?He decisively took Tifa back to his home.

He sat on the bed, put Tifa down, and canceled Wan Jian Guizong.

"Huh, it can be regarded as leaving that place of right and wrong." Ye Kai said with a sigh of relief.

Like what Yuyuko said, he was in a mess.

Although Meihong said she didn't blame him, he had to blame himself.

Kaguya... probably has no future.

And Tifa was suddenly brought over by Yakumo Zi, which was fun.

"What's going on? What... have you been through?" Tifa said softly.

When she was picked up by Ye Kai to fly, she was still a little surprised, she didn't expect Ye Kai to go to the sky.

Judging by his appearance, it is definitely not just a short year, but even ten years is fine!

She also said that she didn't understand what happened just now.

Meihong and Huiye confront each other, Ye Kai stands between them, and Youyuko seems to want to intervene.

Among these people, she only knows Yakumo Zi, Youyuko, and Meihong.

She didn't know why the remaining Lingmeng and other unknown creatures were there.

I heard Ye Kai's introduction before, but I can match the number.

After all, their clothes are very distinctive, and it seems that there are many of the same clothes, and they basically don't change patterns.

She wanted to talk about the world of Final Fantasy, and about immigration.

But looking at Ye Kai's current appearance, it is obviously not suitable to listen to these.

compared to this...

Tifa put her hand on Ye Kai's head, and said softly, "Why is your hair white?"

"It's not important." Ye Kai shook his head, and said with some confusion: "Long time no see, how are you?"

"I'm fine, but now you look very bad."

Tifa sat beside Ye Kai and put his head in her arms.

Ye Kai hugged Tifa, and said softly: "I'm confused now, I don't know what to do. Tifa, I really want to leave Gensokyo and go to another world, but I can't escape... "

Chapter 440 Gentle Tifa

"Tell me, what happened when I was not around?" Tifa said softly.

She suddenly regretted why she didn't leave directly with Ye Kai.

Judging by his current appearance, he seems very tired. It must be that many things have happened.

Ye Kai slowly talked about the experiences of these years.

The experiences of other worlds are basically lightly mentioned, and only the things that run through the past and the present are described in detail by him.

When talking about Youyouzi, Tifa's delicate body trembled, but she didn't interrupt Ye Kai.

Now is not the time to get angry, if Ye Kai is in a normal state, she will definitely beat Ye Kai to death.But if she is willful at this time, I'm afraid she will lose Ye Kai forever.

Slowly, things became clearer, and Tifa frowned.

What she was thinking about was not the love-hate entanglement between Ye Kai, Youyouzi and Huiye, but about Meihong.

Ye Kai is equivalent to indirectly killing Meihong's most important relative, who is also his adoptive mother.

This problem is not easy to solve.

Even if Mei Hong didn't care, Ye Kai probably would.

Can they return to their previous relationship in the future?Fortunately, Ye Kai was still responsible, and he didn't choose to escape, and escape would not solve any problems.

Youyouzi at the door was obviously relieved when he heard Ye Kai's words.

Ye Kai didn't choose to leave, which means there is room for everything.

Alas... Sure enough, he is still young.

No, Yuyuko-sama is also very young.

After thinking about it, Youyouzi didn't go in to make trouble at this time, but flew back to Baiyulou.

"Tifa, tell me, what should I do now?" Ye Kai said in pain.

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