"Our opponent this time is not someone else, but Castlevania. One vampire family, one in Gensokyo is enough, Ye Kai will pretend to assist Renzhi, and solve the vampires in Castlevania." Paqiuli said indifferently.

Her identity is not only a magician, but also the brain of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Ye Kai is a little confused, so what role will the Scarlet Devil House play this time? Hakurei Shrine and Youkai Mountain are all taken care of by others, and Renzhili is also done by others, and the Hongmeng Pavilion is responsible for selling cuteness?

For him and Meiling who have just joined for a long time, is it really okay to say such a confidential matter?

In other words, they are so confident that they are not afraid that the other party will get the news, or what they pass on to Ye Kai and Mei Ling is all fake news!It was meant to be confusing...

It was only later that he realized that he was thinking too much... Remi's waywardness and off-line were not something he could guess!

In other words, Remy's unique ability prevented her from feeling Ye Kai's fate of betraying the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Remilia nodded proudly and said: "As for me, I will attack the Sun Flower Field. It is a big place and there is a sea. It is a good place. Paqi is in charge of the magic forest because she can't go too far. China, You are in charge of cleaning up the mess after I finish fighting, and the Lost Bamboo Forest will be handed over to you afterwards."

"Because of the need to guard against Castlevania's sneak attack on the Scarlet Devil's Mansion, this time the rear area will be handed over to Sakuya."

Patchouli added.

The two talked too fast, and Hong Meiling didn't even have time to refute the name question.

Sakuya also told Remi the names of Ye Kai and Hong Meiling, but she forgot Hong Meiling's name...

Although Sakuya is very strong, especially her time ability, her throwing knife is more suitable for dealing with humans, or monsters and vampires with weaker defenses.

Her throwing knives are all silver, and Paqiuli hasn't had time to make magic throwing knives designed to break the defense of monsters.

So this time, I'm afraid she won't be able to join the battle.

Remi is the most important combat force, and she has a childish temper. I may make mistakes when dealing with too complicated forces. Let her go to the Sun Flower Field where there are few monsters. It is said that there is only one monster there.

"After that is the main event. After conquering Sunflower Field, Magic Forest and Lost Bamboo Forest, Paqi and I will go to Monster Mountain and destroy Dracula. And Ye Kai and China will go to Hakurei Shrine and destroy Dracula. Pull the remaining power." Remi said majesticly.

"When everything is done, we will find the Lost House, and then kill the monster sage, or use force to force her to hand over Gensokyo to us." Paqiuli said indifferently.

Ye Kai doesn't know how to complain now, his tasks are really good, and he is not at all embarrassed.

Paqiuli also focused on the mission of Ye Kai and Hong Meiling. Ye Kai's strength is not very good, and the opponent sent to attack humans will not be much stronger.

Although Meiling's fighting power is good, but she doesn't know what level it is, so she will do logistics first, and then go to attack the seemingly weak Lost Bamboo Forest. If she goes there, she won't be able to cause trouble if she goes against the water.

As for whether she will turn against the water and attack Remy?I didn't see that she was called after the fight, but she was not used at all by Paqiuli.

And Ye Kai's idea is...

There are big tengus and big tenmos in Youkai Mountain, so mourn Dracula.

Mourn to the bug maiden of Hakurei Shrine, Dracula's people.

Sunflower field?Youxiang doesn't kill loli or powerful monsters (for fear that she won't be able to fight them after they are killed), and usually she will stop when she enjoys the fight, letting the opponent retreat.

As for not killing Lori... She likes children very much, and she doesn't care if those goblins go to her place for a banquet, as long as they don't destroy the flowers.

If someone who is ugly or not a child goes to her flower field, she will definitely bombard her twice with a magic cannon.

If she opened her heart and didn't kill him, she would let him go. When she was in a bad mood in the future, she might think of that monster, and then talk to her about how the magic cannon hits people well.

Chapter 50 Conquering Gensokyo!

With Remy's character of being malicious and cute, Youxiang will definitely not kill her, but a beating is inevitable.

As for the magic forest...Ye Kai only knows that Marisa Kirisame and Alice live in it. Marisa is the eldest lady of the Kirisame Magic Shop in Renzhisato. He has seen it a few times, but it was all when he was a child. , it is said that when she grew up, she fell out with her family and went to the magic forest to become a magician.

But for her, it is a profession, not a race. She is still an ordinary human being, just like the bug witch Hakurei Reimu.

Yesterday I was still in Wenwen.I saw her whereabouts in "News". It seems that when she was "collecting" things, she was accidentally caught by the big tengu of Yokai Mountain. Now she is locked up in Yokai Mountain and has been trying to escape.

There should be only one Alice left in the magic forest.

Her name is very strange, it sounds a bit like Alice Megatron, but it is actually Alice Margotroyd, who can use magic and manipulate dolls to fight. I know which one is more powerful, Paqiuli, the Qiyao magician.

However, considering that Paqiuli doesn't like opening shields and suffers from asthma, Alice should have a better chance of winning.

Of course, this was all Ye Kai's guess, he had only heard of Alice, but never met her.

As for Hong Meiling, I just hope she doesn't get lost in the Lost Bamboo Forest.

Although she is a big monster, she is too confused, and she doesn't like the method of brute force cracking. If she encounters that situation, she can use one sentence to describe it: sleep wherever she falls.

The bamboos in the Lost Bamboo Forest don’t know how they grow, they all look the same, and they will recover in less than a minute after one is cut off, as if there are environmentalists living in it.

Once Ye Kai went to the Lost Bamboo Forest to find Mei Hong, and got lost in it. Later, he met a humanoid loli rabbit, and was kicked by that hateful rabbit.

I don't know why, Ye Kai walked out of the lost bamboo forest after meeting her.

Ye Kai was still young at that time, and later he was taught a lesson by Meihong, saying that the bamboo forest is very dangerous if he goes lost, and if he went there, it would be too late for him to be eaten by monsters and cry.

Although the man-eating monsters in the Lost Bamboo Forest are all in the depths of the Lost Bamboo Forest, but who knows if Ye Kai will go in by chance.

After that, Ye Kai never went there again.

In fact, the story of Lost Bamboo Forest will not happen in theory, the biggest possibility is that Lei Mi was beaten by You Xiang, and then she had to rely on Hong Meiling to rescue her.

Ye Kai didn't say much about the strategic deployment this time, and the same is true for Meiling. Remilia should not change because of what the two of them said. Gensokyo is full of strong people. This is a war that cannot be won, just try your best.

"Sakuya, if someone really attacks the Scarlet Devil Mansion and you still can't stop it, please remember to ask for help." Remy suddenly said solemnly.

"Understood, miss." Sakuya nodded with a smile.

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