"I really have to. It's a matter of life and death...I allow you to release my sister." Remy struggled for a while, and made a very difficult, or dangerous, decision for her.

Ye Kai was full of question marks, he didn't know what she meant, did she have a younger sister?Judging from his tone, he might be a big monster.

What he doesn't know is that Remy's sister is not only a great monster, but also the strongest sequence.

"Miss, I won't do that unless I live to die." Sakuya took a serious look at Remy and said softly.

Remi let out a sigh of relief and nodded, her sister and Sakuya hold a heavy place in her heart, and she doesn't want anyone to make mistakes.

"This afternoon, I summoned a large group of monsters to take refuge, but they are all monsters without transformation, and these are at your disposal." Sakuya remembered something, and whispered to Paqiuli.

Paqiuli hummed and said, "Leave half of them to look after the house, and the other half to attack Castlevania. Anyway, they are all little monsters. They die when they die."

Leaving aside the little monsters without transformation, even Ye Kai is not afraid of them, it is equivalent to the little monsters before Ye Kai changed jobs.

With the particularity of ghost swordsmen, if they can gain experience, those little monsters are a group of experience babies.

Attacking Castlevania is just a matter of luck. If they are not at home, or the defense is empty, they can take Castlevania away. In this way, the Scarlet Devil Mansion will have a castle and all the collections of a vampire.

Anyway, she will take the little devil, and it is enough to deal with a magician.

Even if there is an accident, the little devil is capable of escorting her to evacuate.

Sakuya nodded, and then his figure seemed to move, and disappeared for about ten seconds, and said softly: "I have already ordered."

A monster that doesn't even have a shapeshifting form, its mind is too low, it's destined to be cannon fodder, it's okay if it's all dead, as long as important people don't get into trouble.

Remi nodded, stood on the chair, waved her little hand, and shouted: "That's it, today is the night of the full moon, and it's also the time when I, Remilia Scarlet, am the strongest!"


Suddenly a scarlet spear appeared in Remy's hand, and he raised it towards the sky.

"What kind of weapon is this? It smells so bloody and feels so powerful. It's definitely an artifact." Ye Kai looked at Remy's weapon in surprise.

Seeing Ye Kai's shocked eyes, Remy proudly stood up her own plane, and pretended to be indifferent: "This is the weapon used by the Lord God Odin in Nordic mythology, and it was made by dwarves from the branches of the world tree. , it's called Gungnir."

Then she gave me a quick compliment.

This gun is sacred, and the oath made on the tip of the gun can never be undone and must be fulfilled.The prototype itself is a javelin, so it is used as a javelin, and it is very powerful. When projected, it looks like a shooting star piercing the sky, also known as the shooting star gun.

The ability of this gun is quite simple and powerful, that is, "it will hit the target as soon as it is thrown". It is a magic gun that can hit anything.

Ye Kai suddenly felt a pain in the ass. This artifact is still Odin's exclusive artifact, but now it appears in the hands of Remilia, the vampire. Seeing the blood entanglement on it, there should be countless vampire hunters and demon hunters. The exorcist died on it.

I don't know what their expressions were when they were pierced?

Compared with this long spear, Ye Kai's Roland Guardian is simply weak, at least it needs to be of the level of the Meteorite Knife to use it to make gestures and support the scene.

"Amazing." Ye Kai praised.

"Everyone, do you have any questions?" Remy nodded proudly when she heard what she wanted to hear, and then scanned the ground with a majestic expression.

"No more, miss." Sakuya said.

Patchouli just nodded slightly.

Ye Kai and Hong Meiling also had no doubts.

"Now, let's conquer Gensokyo and start moving!"

Chapter 51

Since Ye Kai took shortcuts all the way, he didn't encounter any weird creatures.

It was Sakuya who secretly told Ye Kai that although they belonged to the same family of vampires, Scarlet and Dracula were simply incomparable.

Although the top combat strength is similar, the opponent does not drink raw blood like Remilia, and the number of vampires under him makes one's scalp tingle. There are three viscounts alone, and more than ten barons.

Since Ye Kai hasn't changed his job yet, he can't even deal with little monsters, so he is given such an errand, just go to the people's place to pick up leaks.

But Ye Kai obviously didn't think so. Although the place of people is not big, it is definitely not small. Meihong and Huiyin alone may not be able to see it.

Most importantly, today is a full moon.

Even if Huiyin wanted to hide the place of people in history, she couldn't do it.

Huiyin's identity is Bai Ze, a famous mythical animal from the Kunlun Mountains in China. It is covered in snow, can speak human language, and understands the emotions of all things.

It is an auspicious beast that can make people turn bad luck into good luck.

Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor went on a hunting tour and got the mythical beast of Baize when he arrived at the seashore.

This beast can speak and express the emotions of all things, so the emperor ordered a picture to be written to show the world, and later used it as a pattern for clothes.In the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, there was the Baize Banner, which was used by the emperor for traveling rituals; in the Ming Dynasty, there was the Baizebu, which was used as clothing for noble relatives.

In addition, Bai Ze actually has six horns, but only two can be seen in the animal form of Shang Bai Ze Huiyin.

Therefore, Huiyin is a half-beast existence.

Usually it is a human being, but on the night of the full moon, it will transform into a half-beast of Bai Ze. When it is a human, it has the ability to swallow history.

When Bai Ze, he had all the knowledge of Gensokyo and the ability to create history.

Although the current Huiyin's combat power has soared a lot, her ability to protect the village is much worse...

Thinking of this, Ye Kai tightened the sword in his hand.

For the eldest lady, Ye Kai was going to protect her food and attack the enemy along the way.

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