But for Ye Kai, he is going to protect his hometown.

Finally, when she arrived at Renzhili, Meihong happened to be sitting at the entrance of the village smoking a cigarette.

The village is surrounded by a two-meter-high earth wall, and the soil burned with the help of Meihong's ability is quite strong.

"Hey, why are you here, aren't you going to live in the Scarlet Devil's Mansion today?" Meihong glanced at Ye Kai in surprise, he is a very responsible person, it's not like him to be absent from work for no reason.

"Boss, I just got the news that vampires are going to invade Gensokyo, and I also participated in the battle." Ye Kai looked embarrassed.

"Pfft...you? You don't want to challenge me, do you? If it weren't for Rumia's cowardice and stupidity, you wouldn't even be able to beat her." Meihong gave Ye Kai a contemptuous look.

"No, the ones who invaded Human Village, Hakurei Shrine, and Yokai Mountain are all vampires from Castlevania. Our targets are the Magic Forest, Sun Flower Field, and Lost Bamboo Forest. I was sent to clean up Dracula's people, Missy said that one vampire family in Gensokyo is enough." Ye Kai shrugged.

Anyway, what Paqiuli said should be what Remy meant, so there is nothing wrong with saying that.

"You guys... really let me not know what to say." Mei Hong was helpless.

She really didn't take this incident seriously, but the patrols in Ren Zhi Li should be strengthened.

The tengu from Yokai Mountain, the shrine maiden from Hakurei Shrine, the fragrance from the Sunflower Field, the old woman from Eternal Pavilion, and Neet, which one is the most annoying?Even in the enchanted forest, there is Alice as a good magician.

This vampire invasion is simply courting death!

If it was before, when everyone's monster power was declining, they might still be able to fight, but now...hehe.

"By the way, did the boss see Tai Gongwang?" Ye Kai sat next to Mei Hong and asked.

"You mean that old man who always goes fishing and is still alive and well? I haven't seen it. Is there something wrong?" Mei Hong was puzzled, isn't that just an ordinary old man who can no longer be ordinary?

"Uh...it's okay." Ye Kai said.

It seems that Taigong is still so mysterious, as long as he wants you to find it, he can find it no matter what, but if he doesn't want you to find it, no one should be able to find it except Yakumo Zi's level.

Ye Kai originally wanted to ask the grandpa if he planned to fight, but he didn't expect to find him at all.


At this moment, a small firebird appeared on Meihong's body and flew towards the village.

"Huh? Martial law?"

Ye Kai said in surprise.

"Well, I feel that some troublesome guys are coming, you are undead now, right?" Mei Hong sneered.

"should be……"

Ye Kai frowned a little, if the brigade of vampires came over, he didn't know if they would be able to defend it.

"Don't worry, the monster sage won't sit idly by, and the other party probably won't send too many people to the people. I'll count, four. No, there are a lot of weak chickens behind, it should be a servant Category."

Mei Hong stood up and cleaned the dust behind her. As a strong person, she naturally saw farther than Ye Kai.

"Haha! Is there a battle? You dare to invade the people's land, you are not small, let's see how I deal with them today!"

At this moment, a maddened voice sounded.

Ye Kai twitched at the corner of his mouth, as if he recalled some bad memories.

His teacher, Shangbaize Huiyin, is about to appear.


A blast.

Ye Kai covered his nose with his hands, coughed twice, a figure appeared in front of him and Mei Hong, and she stepped on the ground to create a big round hole.

The one who appeared here was naturally Kamibaize Huiyin.

Her clothes turned green, and her face no longer had a gentle expression, but a sneer.

Her eyes also changed from brown to scarlet, looking very bloodthirsty.

Two huge horns appeared on her head, and the cold light flashed continuously.

"Where did the bastard come from, dare to come to my old lady's place to provoke trouble?" Huiyin turned her head sharply, staring at Ye Kai, Ye Kai's skin went numb.

He had seen Huiyin like this once before, when Meihong got drunk at his house, she burst into Ye Kai's house laughing wildly, and took Meihong away.

As for what happened to the two of them later, Ye Kai didn't dare to ask.

"Um... just moved to Castlevania in Fantasy Township." Ye Kai bowed.

Regardless of whether he is a human or a monster now, and how far he will grow in the future, Huiyin will always be his teacher. In his previous life, he has engraved the shadow of respecting teachers and respecting the way in his bones, so he respects Huiyin very much.

"Hehehe...they are already here." Huiyin turned around again.

Flames appeared in Meihong's hands, and her expression became extremely dignified.

Even Ye Kai also summoned Kazan, the soul of the sword.

The opponent is very confident, even attacking from the front, not a single sneak attack.

The war is about to start!

Chapter 52

The enemy has thirty seconds to reach the battlefield, crush them!

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