Unknowingly, such a sentence appeared in Ye Kai's mind.

He shook his head, it seemed that he had masturbated too much in his previous life.

The figure of the enemy slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The leader was a guy wearing a British gentleman's attire, that is, the legendary tuxedo.Behind him, there were three vampires in similar clothes.

Then, there were hundreds of guys in plain suits.

Their eyes are all red, and their mouths have sharp teeth.

One viscount, three barons, and more than a hundred blood servants, it is unexpected that the other party thinks so highly of people.

This time, everyone miscalculated.

Dracula divided his troops into four groups. Dracula personally led the team to attack Monster Mountain, leaving three viscounts, each with three barons, all the way to Hakurei Shrine, all the way to Renzhi, and all the way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

And Castlevania has become an empty city.

Dracula is a bit similar to Remilia, that is, they both think that the local forces in Gensokyo are nothing, and the other party is the biggest opponent.

"Hey, my strength and sorcery are much stronger." Meihong glanced at the phantom of the sword soul, and said with a puzzled expression.

This circle covers [-] meters, which is enough.

"Hehe, it's the same for my old lady. Although she hasn't strengthened much, this is really a remarkable ability." Huiyin sneered.

It turns out that these ghosts from Gensokyo who are close to him are teammates.

Ye Kai, on the other hand, is not so optimistic. The vampire viscount is at least a high-level monster, while the baron is a middle-level monster. The remaining blood servants are not as good as little monsters.

Meihong and Huiyin didn't take Ye Kai's fighting power seriously at all, even if he could deal with a blood servant, so what?It still depends on the two of them.


A huge flame soared into the sky and rushed towards the opponent. The talisman papers on Meihong's body lit up with complex lights...

She gave a strong pause on her right foot, made a good move to accumulate power, and rushed towards the leader of the other party.

But Huiyin did not show weakness, and suddenly a long scroll appeared in her hand.


The scroll grew bigger and bigger, reaching the height of the wall in the People's Village.

Immediately, the scroll seemed to have no end, entangled the whole body.

What is this ability?

Ye Kai has never seen Meihong and Huiyin fighting seriously, it's just that they are torturing little monsters and monsters without transformation, and they can solve it in twos and twos.

And the toughest battle he ever fought was against Rumia and dozens of pirates.

Now it is not Gensokyo where spell card rules are popular. All monsters fight with real swords and guns.

Ye Kai suddenly found out that he couldn't do anything except cast Kazan of Soul Blade!

The big ones can't beat them, and the small ones are too many.This level of battle is not something he can participate in yet.


Mei Hong had already punched the Viscount, but the other party didn't appear to be injured at all.

The Viscount said calmly in a stern voice, "Is this the only thing you can do?"


His body turned into a large group of bats, surrounding Meihong.

"Fengyi Tianxiang!"

Meihong roared, and a huge firebird appeared on her body, and rushed towards the bats, it was more than a hundred times bigger than the little bird just now.

stab, stab, stab...

The bats were being burned little by little, making a hissing sound, as if several of them had been burnt.

The blood slaves behind also suffered, and four or five blood servants who were close were burned to ashes by Mei Hong.

Although the vampire is a species of longevity, it is still far from the undead Meihong.

And Huiyin also met the two barons, and her fighting style was completely physical.

bang, bang, bang...

The two barons didn't seem to be able to turn into the high-end way of bats, and they also greeted Huiyin with fists and feet.

Ye Kai's eyes were sharp, and he saw the problem. Huiyin's blood was sucked away little by little. Although it was very small, if it turned into a protracted battle, Huiyin would definitely lose.

Naturally, Ye Kai would not sit idly by, and rushed forward with the Roland Guardian in his hand.

But the other party would not let Li Ling go, and the one who stopped him was a guy who looked like a housekeeper.

"Hehe, I just gained the power of a vampire, let's have fun, kid." The butler sneered.

He was a human butler before he came in, and he never wanted to be a vampire before.

His family has served Dracula for generations, and Dracula did not force him.

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