But when his life was about to come to an end, his desire for life surpassed everything else, and now Dracula has sucked all the human blood and turned into a real vampire.

Dracula also sent him to the weakest-looking people out of care.

It's just that he hasn't sucked human blood yet, so he's only better than a blood servant, equivalent to a little monster like Rumia.

However, dealing with Ye Kai is enough.

You know, Rumia is not weak, but stupid. If she has the will to fight like Kazami Yuka, Ye Kai can only win if he changes jobs.

"Boss Meihong, Teacher Huiyin, be careful! As long as you get close to those stronger vampires, your blood will be absorbed by them involuntarily!"

It would be a joke if vampires only knew how to fight in close quarters. They more or less mastered some spells, and blood sucking through air was a common skill of these powerful vampires.

Although this ability can't suck a lot of blood, vampires have strong resilience. They like to fight protracted battles. When the opponent is not good enough, they will suck the opponent's blood.

"Take care of yourself, I'm fine, I'll die once." Meihong waved the flames with her hands, and the blood servants who approached were burned to ashes by her.

The viscount turned into a bat to fight with her, and if he was not careful, he would be bitten by the bat.

Huiyin takes on two barons and a small wave of blood servants.

Where is the other Baron?

"You still have time to care about others?"


A long sword stabbed towards Ye Kai, and Ye Kai raised it casually, blocking his sword.


The purple ominous flame slashed at the opponent.


The other party's reaction was quick, and he easily held Ye Kai's sword.

It's a pity that Ye Kai used an artifact.

Click, click.

Under the incredulous gaze of the housekeeper, his rapier was cut off abruptly by Ye Kai.

"Heh, is it really necessary to fight you like a vampire?"

Just when Ye Kai didn't know what to do, the steward retreated quickly, and a wave of blood entered Ye Kai's body.

Why do you think of the skills of vampires in League of Legends?Luckily he doesn't drive big.

Ye Kai didn't give in either, whoever runs first will die at this time.

I saw his sword stab forward, but missed.

Before the butler could laugh at him, Ye Kai actually slid forward when he stopped, as if he violated the laws of physics.


With a burst of sword energy, there was a shallow wound on the steward's abdomen.

Even thrust!

Chapter 53 You Know Too Much


Ye Kai frowned slightly. If the whole sword was stabbed in, it would definitely not be as simple as a slight injury. If the attribute of the sword was light instead of darkness, it would still not be so simple.

The problem is that my own sword is a dark attribute, and the opponent is also a dark attribute vampire.

The housekeeper gently touched the wound on his abdomen, the veins on his head were bulging, his eyes were wide open, and a strange twist appeared on that gentleman's face.

"Boy, you pissed me off! I'm going to suck your blood up little by little!" The butler rushed towards Ye Kai at a speed more than three times faster than before.

Ye Kai's eyes were fixed, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed.

Although this vampire is not strong, his resilience is definitely not inferior to his own. The little injury just now is nothing to him.

Ye Kai didn't even think about it, there was a landslide in front of him.


Although the housekeeper was not hit, the impact also interrupted his attack.

Two red magic bullets appeared in the butler's hand, and they threw them towards Ye Kai.

Bang, bang.

Ye Kai couldn't dodge in the process of using skills, he could only resist hard, otherwise it would destroy the rhythm of the super body.


A trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of Ye Kai's mouth.

The current skills are still too few.

As for Huiyin on the other side, the battle was also very difficult.

She can gain the upper hand against any baron, but now she is under siege.

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