Gensokyo is in a mess now, and there is no way to wait for reinforcements, otherwise Marisa will definitely come back to help.

Fortunately, Mei Hong's fire was not a joke, except for the housekeeper, who slipped through the net, all of them were stopped by her alone. She was afraid that Ye Kai would do something stupid, and it was better for him to have one who could deal with her than to participate in her battle. .

Lost home.

Yakumo Zi looked coldly at the countless gaps, but she didn't intend to make a move.

"Master Zi, are you just looking at it like this?" Yakumo Lan looked at the various battles in the gap, a little bit unbearable.

"Otherwise? For the sake of Gensokyo, I have to see when and under what circumstances this kid will cross, whether it is a battle or emotion." Yakumo Zi said solemnly.

In other words, when life is threatened.Even if he was really pierced by a sword, or his blood was sucked dry, Yakumo Zi could save him, and the doctor of Yongting Pavilion is not just for nothing.

It's been a long time since she showed such an expression.

Although her integrity is negative, she loves Gensokyo more than anyone else.

Only Ye Kai, now out of her control, made her have to take it seriously.

Every generation of Hakurei Miko was her friend, but they died young one by one.

If it is because the life span is at the end, it can only die of old age.

But they are all because of the fate of Hakurei Miko.

As for Yakumo Zi, she could only watch helplessly, powerless.

Gensokyo is the place where sincerity is least lacking, because every monster has a heart-to-heart friend.

Gensokyo is the least heartfelt place because they rarely accept new friends other than those they accepted a long time ago.

Now Ye Kai has broken this rule.

At least Huiyin, Meihong, and Hong Meiling, these three guys have long regarded him as a junior as a friend.

And Youyouzi also likes being with Ye Kai very much.

The appearance of Ye Kai not only strengthened the power of Gensokyo monsters, but also strengthened the Hakurei barrier in a disguised form, and made Reimu's body less dead.

In other words, other worlds have strengthened the vitality and power of Reimu in a disguised form.

And the added vitality is definitely far greater than the power, which makes Lingmeng at least not be backlashed by the extremely strong spiritual power.

In the long run, Reimu may not fall because of the fate of Hakurei Miko.

"Then, what about other battlefields?" Seeing that Yakumo Zi was not going to help Ye Kai, Yakumo Lan couldn't help but wondered.

"Other you think those vampires can attack? It's Yuka, Reimu, Yayi Eirin, or Yokai Mountain." Yakumo Zi's expression relaxed a little, and she covered her face with her fan.

Yakumo Lan choked.

"If they can defeat the ones I mentioned, I can worry less." Yakumo Zi once again set her sights on the battlefield of Ye Kai and others.

"Then, what about the magic forest?" Yakumo Lan suddenly thought of something.

"Alice... even I can't move this girl, just rely on that anemic magician?" Yakumo Zi said with a smile.

An old friend, but already here.

"Well, let's do a little bit of help, lest that brat hold grudges in the future, I will betray my appearance by then, he must be very interested in the ketone body of a seventeen-year-old girl like me." Yakumo Zi said narcissistically After saying a word, a gap was opened in the dungeon of Yokai Mountain, and a warlike guy was released...

As for those defeated vampires, Yakumo Zi will naturally dispose of them, let's put them all in the sun flower field, that guy will not show mercy.

Among the people, in an ordinary wooden house.

"Unexpectedly, the master of the demon world would come to find me, an old man."

Tai Gongwang sat at an ordinary wooden table, drinking tea quietly.

Around his waist was still the magic whip used to shoot fish.

"Passing through Renzhi, come here to see you. After all, those strong people don't like to deal with others very much, Jiang Taigong." A young girl was sitting opposite him.

She has silver hair with a silver shawl, a bunch of hair on the left side is tied with a red headband, and there are two spherical ornaments on the headband, and her eyes are silver-white.

Wearing a gothic-style bright red dress with a large V-neck and a shawl; wearing a white shirt with a very high collar.

There are six huge wings on the back, the color is purple.

"In the magic forest... There is a guy there who is going to trouble your daughter, Shenqi." The grandfather smiled and said indifferently.

"Oh hehehe, my dear daughter is having fun now, I won't spoil her interest." Shenqi smiled.

"It's my overthinking." The grandfather shook his head and said.

"Are you afraid that I will destroy that Bai Ze's barrier?" Shen Qi said with a smile.

"After all, a guy like you is much more difficult than those vampires." The grandfather said indifferently.

"Don't worry, I won't make a move here. But you, wouldn't you make a move against me?" Shen Qi covered her chest and looked at the grandpa warily.

"Ahem...don't worry too much, I'm such a bad old man, I don't have much fighting power." The grandfather coughed twice.

After all, at such an old age, it is a bit unbearable to be so Tao Kan.

"Cut, you old guy, even if you really have no ability at all, you can't make people feel at ease." Shen Qi took a sip of the tea her grandfather made for her.

Shenqi didn't come here specifically to find him, she was really just passing by, wanting to buy something for her lovely daughter.

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