The perfect princess: think about it or forget it, after all, she is the original match, and the teacher is unknown.

Forever seventeen years old: I feel that you don't even need to take revenge on him, as long as you live with him for a month.

NEET Ji: Then I will go by myself!

One Punch Miko: I advise you not to, since he did something indescribable last night, it means that no one can please anyone who goes there, and he might get himself involved.

NEET Ji: My concubine is from Penglai, so I can recover.

I like to eat history: so I broke the jar?

NEET Ji: How dare you say that the concubine is a broken pot, report your name, and the concubine will destroy you!

Like to eat history: Four Seasons Ying Ji.

NEET Ji: ...How about sincerity?

Only [-] yuan: The report on the resolution of the mutation this time is good and realistic.

Honest and honest: I just say it, someone will always recognize me.

Forever seventeen years old: You fought two own battles, and the result was so heroic for you...

Only one hundred thousand dollars: it's true!

Forever Seventeen: I made a video.

Only one hundred thousand yuan: ...

495 Years of Solitude: Live broadcast last night, everyone is really energetic.

Honest and honest: I have already recorded it.

The most dignified me: how did you do it?Aren't you at the scene of the mutation?

Honest and honest: Chat records.

The most majestic me: Then write it well, and praise the heroic appearance of Remy-sama in another world.

The originator of black technology: Has no one discovered that the territory of Gensokyo has doubled in size and become circular again?

Xianguoben under great pressure: I found out, how did you find out?

The originator of black technology: Kappa-[-] satellite is in the sky!

Xiang Guoben, who is under great pressure: ...that's okay too.

Forever Seventeen: There is still one block left, the vicinity of the Hakurei Shrine has not been expanded, it seems that it should be the last block.

Moriya Shrine Fengzhu: It seems that more beliefs can be collected in the future.

I love frogs the most: Come on!

Only [-] yuan: chat privately with me in one room!


Seeing that the topic was getting more and more crooked, Kaguya directly threw the IPD on the bed.

"Do you want me to accompany you to the banquet?" Bayi Yonglin said softly.

"Hmph, concubines don't want to attend the banquet." Hui Ye pouted.

"Oh, so you are afraid of Meihong." Bayi Yonglin nodded knowingly.

"Who said that? The concubine has decided, that guy must give the concubine an explanation today, whether he wants the concubine or the turkey!" Hui Ye said through gritted teeth.

"You ask, you will be even more upset after asking." Yonglin shook her head and said.

"Are you so sure that he will definitely choose turkey?" Kaguya asked suspiciously.

"Let's put it this way, even if you don't like meeting on a moonlit night, what will you do when something happens to him?" Yonglin said softly.

"Of course it's helping." Hui Ye said as a matter of course.

"Then, what if the target of the battle is Ye Kai?" Yong Lin said.

"Just pay back that bastard's favor." Hui Ye snorted.

Yonglin shrugged, girls are extroverted, but men's ideas are different from women's.

Although Hui Ye has been keeping up with the development of the times, she knows very well that the principle of marrying a chicken is like a chicken and a dog is like a dog. This is still an old thought.

Tradition will not change.

However, it seems that Kaguya has adjusted well, after all, he has lived for tens of thousands of years, and has seen all kinds of storms and waves.

What happened yesterday is over after a bit of entanglement, and the trouble is in the future.

"No matter who you compare with, Ye Kai will choose Meihong, but Youyouzi and that little girl probably wouldn't ask this kind of question at all. Don't look at Youyouzi as if she is naturally dumb, she thinks clearly than anyone else. It’s hers, it’s hers. If it’s not hers, she won’t try to fight for it, but make herself look weak, so that she can become a winner.” Yonglin said softly.

"It's so troublesome, when did the concubine say that she likes him? This is something that people who like him should struggle with!" Hui Ye said frantically.

"If I don't like him, I would like to ask you and Meihong who to choose?" Yonglin laughed.

"Hmph, we'll talk about it later." Hui Ye hid herself under the quilt.

Seeing that she didn't continue to play games, Yonglin knew she had listened to what she said.

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