Ghost Playground.

Ye Kai slowly opened his eyes, seeing that Tifa was still sleeping, he couldn't help scratching her nose.

Thinking about the madness last night, it was really...comfortable.

If it wasn't for Tifa's strengthened body, she might not be able to bear it, right?How many years have been held back, it can be regarded as released.

Ye Kai gently stroked Tifa's hair, and kissed her forehead lightly.

Tifa opened his eyes in a daze, and seeing Ye Kai looking at him with a half-smile, couldn't help but punched his chest.

Ye Kai made a painful expression, but Tifa snorted.

Ye Kai can see her level, so naturally she can also see Ye Kai's level.

Tifa is now at level [-], so she is naturally not as good as Ye Kai.

But Tifa's leveling up doesn't seem to be as restrictive as Ye Kai's. As long as he goes to the Dungeon World to practice for a while, he will be able to catch up soon.

The single-line judo is naturally not as good as the four-line ghost sword, but the strength is not weak.

Tifa said softly: "What the hell did you get on the nerve last night?"

Ye Kai said softly: "Create a track for yourself."

Tifa pouted and said, "Why didn't I get my consent?"

"If you ask me this, you won't agree to anything, okay? I have to cut it first and then play it! Besides, aren't you comfortable in the future? You can't do those postures without Judo." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"You old rascal, you still dare to say it." Tifa pushed Ye Kai, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hurry up and get up! Don't make Meihong wait too long."

Ye Kai hugged Tifa, smiled and said, "I want to stay here with you."

Tifa put her hand on Ye Kai's lips, and said softly: "Don't do this, the family relationship between you and Meihong is more important. You spend more time with me, just remember to take me with you in the future. Don't need anything You have to face things by yourself.”

Ye Kai kissed Tifa lightly and said, "As expected, my Tifa is the most sensible."

"I'm not married to you yet." Tifa raised her chin and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you the grandest wedding." Ye Kai said firmly.

Chapter 443 Horror Gensokyo

Ye Kai and Meihong bought a lot of yukatas, kimonos, and ordinary clothes for Tifa.

For Tifa's figure, Ye Kai can be said to know everything from inside to outside.

Hmm... mainly because Huiyin helped to try on the clothes. Tifa is taller than Huiyin, but the difference in size between the two is actually not that big.

Ye Kai pulled a small car, Meihong and Huiyin sat in the car, and just returned to the ghost playground.

Tifa is chatting with the first generation, after all, there are only two humans at this time.When the monsters are having a banquet, there is no business here.

As for Cuixiang?She is still drinking at home to cheer herself up.

Tifa had no choice but to change into her predecessor's clothes first, feeling a little loose on her chest.

It was the first time she lost so badly compared to her bust.

"Tifa, I'm back and bought you a lot of clothes." Ye Kai waved to Tifa from a distance.

Seeing that Ye Kai was just like the coachman, Tifa couldn't help laughing out loud.

One was a foster mother and the other was a teacher in the car, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with pulling them.

"What clothes did you buy?" Tifa laughed.

"Well, I bought some everything, and after the banquet is over, we will go shopping together." Ye Kai said.

Although Gensokyo is not a big place, as long as you travel through it, you can connect to all worlds. People are traveling across cities, but here is traveling across the world.

"Okay, I still want to go back first." Tifa said helplessly.

Iris has also seen Yakumo Zi, I hope she will not be too anxious.

She has learned from her ancestors how unreliable these monsters are.

"That's right, I was caught by Zi suddenly, so I didn't say hello, right? Let me introduce some friends to you after the banquet is over, I hope you won't be too surprised by then." Ye Kai smiled.

She wanted to surprise Tifa with, say, Sephiroth, who was atoning for her sins.

I don't know if this guy will come today.

Seeing Huiyin and Meihong get off the car, Ye Kai introduced: "This is the boss Meihong, you have met before. This is Teacher Huiyin, I used to take classes with her when I was young."

"Hello, teacher." Tifa instinctively bowed to Huiyin.

"Nice girl, she looks very gentle." Huiyin said softly.

Although Tifa is very quiet, her education level is actually not very high, after all, the world is limited.

Tifa bowed to Meihong again. She really didn't know what to call her. It's not good to call her auntie or elder sister, so she said weakly, "Mmm...Mom."

"Ha, how good! Next time, just call me boss like him." Meihong patted Tifa's head and said with a smile, "From now on, my bastard will only marry you, so it's such a happy decision! In fantasy If anyone in the village dares to trouble you, just mention my name."

As for others, concubines don't need to marry, just tie them up and throw them on the bed.

"Thank you..." Tifa blushed.

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