It has to be said that Tifa is very popular, and the ancestors got acquainted with her just by chatting with her. In addition, the two of them are human beings, and they are still very powerful human beings. In this place where monsters are rampant, they have a lot of common language.

After welcoming Meihong and Huiyin in, Xiandai began to arrange the banquet.

There may be a lot of people coming this time, so prepare more food.

Ye Kai and Tifa started unloading, and countless clothes were stuffed into the closet of Ye Kai's house.

Ye Kai himself doesn't have a few clothes, and now the closet is full and he can't put it in.

It was Meihong who bought clothes for Tifa, and she also knew that Ye Kai was not very rich.

Of course, Meihong is not very rich.

"Huh, I bought so much." Tifa said distressedly.

It took the two of them nearly an hour to pack the clothes.

I didn't take a closer look last night, but Ye Kai's house is quite big, at least two hundred square meters, and a master bedroom occupies forty square meters, which is very luxurious.

"Choose one to wear first." Ye Kai said with a smile.

Tifa nodded, and immediately, she entered Ye Kai's room, and decisively opened the door for Ye Kai who wanted to follow.If Ye Kai followed in, wouldn't he be able to attend the banquet today?

She changed into a red kimono and came out, looking straight at Ye Kai's eyes.

Sure enough, whether my Tifa wears clothes or not... she looks good in any clothes.

"Let's go." Tifa looked at Ye Kai who was staring straight at her, and couldn't help laughing.

Ye Kai held Tifa's hand, and Tifa didn't resist, and the two came to the beach just like that.

"You two should be the welcome guests. I'll take care of it here." Xiandai set up the table while making barbecue supplies.

"This... good." Ye Kai said.

I don't know who will be here today, but I want to introduce Tifa to them anyway.

Suddenly, a powerful momentum locked here.

Tifa frowned slightly, and instinctively took a fighting stance.

Ye Kai put his hand on Tifa's fist, shook his head and said, "This is not your world, don't be nervous."

"I prepared very early today." Holding an umbrella, Kazami Youxiang walked slowly towards the beach.

"Sister Youxiang." Ye Kai resolutely followed his heart.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be Yu Wentuo, who let me free pigeons for more than a thousand years." You Xiang smiled lightly.

In the laughter, there is a murderous intent hidden...

She originally thought that Yu Wentuo was also a powerful monster, so if she abused him so much, he would definitely find a place to play, right?

But Ye Kai was lucky, he didn't go to see her in the end.

"Well, I can't use it casually in that state. It takes a long time to accumulate it before I can use it once. It's a complete waste to fight with sister Youxiang, and being crushed won't be effective for exercise." Ye Kai didn't care about anything else, and praised her first. Besides.

"Heh, you have become stronger, but it's not enough, let's talk about it when you get stronger. By the way, can I go to another world with you?" You Xiang said indifferently.

"Well, it's ok, you can bring up to three people, next time I'll take Sister Youxiang out." Ye Kai said with cold sweat all over his head.

Don't offend her if you offend anyone, it's common sense.

You must bring Tifa with you, after all, you are newlyweds.

Youxiang has to take it, so who will be the last one?

"It seems that I still only recognize the strong." You Xiang narrowed her eyes.

"It's great to be in your eyes." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

Before co-authoring, I couldn't get a good impression because I was too weak. I'm really sorry for being so weak!

As for Yakumo Zi's favorability, it was because of previous doubts. When Yakumo Zi stopped guarding against Ye Kai, her favorability would naturally increase.

"This girl is the younger brother and sister?" Youxiang turned to look at Tifa.

Youxiang doesn't seem to care about seniority at all, otherwise most monsters in Gensokyo would have to call her ancestor.

She prefers to talk about each other, and never gets entangled.

The most unrestrained life in Gensokyo is Kazami Yuka.

"Sister Youxiang." Tifa said politely.

"Not bad girl." Youxiang's height and bust are similar to Tifa's, both are beautiful, but the beauty is different.

Youxiang suddenly took out an umbrella, handed it to Tifa and said, "This is a gift, there are three magic cannons stored in it."

Tifa took the umbrella in a daze.

As for You Xiang, she walked towards the seaside, she planned to sit back and wait.

Goblins like the sea the most, so they can be pampered when they are caught.

The clumsy Cirno is the cutest.

"Keep this umbrella safe, and don't press the button if there is nothing wrong." Ye Kai said to Tifa.

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