"Why?" Tifa asked curiously.

Ye Kai pointed to a mountain and said, "The magic cannon inside can flatten a mountain with one shot..."

Tifa: "..."

Gensokyo or something, it's too scary!Isn't there a normal one here?

Chapter 444 Yuyuko and Tifa

Ye Kai and Tifa arrived at the entrance of the ghost playground.

Remy and Fran should still be sleeping at this time, so they won't be here so early.


Marisa just arrived here with Alice.

"Hey, Boss, you won't have to charge money this time, will you?" Marisa laughed.

"Of course you have to pay for accommodation." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"Tch, stingy." Marisa curled her lips.

Alice took out the card decisively, and said calmly, "The room like last time."

Ye Kai smiled knowingly, Alice is spending a lot of money!

He took the money and returned the card to Alice, and Alice gave Ye Kai a look of understanding.

"This is my girlfriend Tifa, um... fiancee." Ye Kai changed his words in the middle of speaking.

He introduced to Tifa again: "This is Marisa, and this is Alice."

Tifa smiled and said, "Hello."

"I wish you happiness DA☆ZA!" Marisa waved her hand vigorously.

Alice said softly: "As happy as we are."

Marisa didn't think deeply about Alice's words. After thinking about it, she took out a golden sphere from her pocket, handed it to Tifa, and said, "This is a gift."

It's a bouncy ball...

Tifa took the things and whispered, "Thank you."

Immediately, Alice and Marisa walked inside.

Ye Kai whispered to Tifa: "Be careful of that black and white, she often steals things..."

"Uh... no one cares?" Tifa asked suspiciously.

Are there no police here?

"She said it nicely. She said it was borrowed. Well, after all, we are monsters. What she meant was that we can get it from her when she dies." Ye Kai said speechlessly.

"Life." Tifa couldn't help lowering her head.

Yes, immortality is a minority after all.

Marisa insists that she is a human being, so she will die sooner or later.

However, when the time comes, it depends on whether the people who care about her will do it or not.With Alice, she probably wouldn't be able to die if she wanted to, but they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives.

"Ara, Yuyuko-sama is here."

At this moment, the figures of Yuyuko and Youmu appeared.


Youyouzi jumped onto Ye Kai's body, and Ye Kai instinctively hugged her.

Youyouzi rubbed her small face against Ye Kai's chest, and said as she rubbed: "If you can't have a big wife, then you don't want Mrs Youyouzi, Ye Kaisang, you have to raise Mrs Youyouzi."

Tifa couldn't laugh or cry, was it really okay to be so intimate in front of her?

But thinking about Youyouzi's character, and kissing Ye Kai in front of his face when the Holy Son came, he didn't get entangled.

In other words, since she knew that Ye Kai was not an ordinary person, she was ready.

Well, as long as Ye Kai resists the beating.

When I can't help it anymore, just beat him to vent my anger.

I used to laugh at Iris and Cisner before, but now it's my turn.

"Good boy." Ye Kai rubbed Youyouzi's head and breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that Youyouzi would make a big fuss this time, and he was ready to die once.

Unexpectedly, Youyouzi is so considerate, as expected, Youyouzi is the best!

Hmm... It seems that the thought of polygamy is what Yuyuko told herself?It's not so strange to say that.


Youyouzi kissed Ye Kai's face, then jumped down, walked up to Tifa, opened her fan, and said to Tifa, "Hello, my name is Xigyouji Yuyuko, let's get along well in the future."

He said and handed out his hand.

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