"Fiancee." Ye Kai said these three words emphatically.

"Hi." Tifa said softly.

"Well, it's all the same, I wish you happiness." After speaking, Reimu was about to walk inside.

"You don't take a hot spring?" Ye Kai asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Lingmeng turned to Ye Kai and said, "Shouldn't it be free today?"

"It's not free, pay for it!" Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

It's fine if you don't give gifts, it's fine if you eat other people's gifts, it's fine if you come to have a meal, and you want to take a king's bath?

"Cut, stingy." Lingmeng fished in his pocket, took out a pile of small change, slapped it on the table, and said boldly: "You don't need to look for it."

After speaking, he rushed in.

Ye Kai counted, fifty less...

Damn it, give me back my naive, lively and lovely young spirit dream!

Tifa learned her lesson this time, and put all the gifts at the toll office, so as not to be taken away by such unscrupulous people.

By the way, Reimu is a human being, right? She can also fly?Wait, Marisa is human and can fly.

Is flying common sense in Gensokyo?

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

"Stupid, come and chase me!" Qi Lunuo flew in and made a face at Ye Kai.

"Big brother, I have no money!" Rumia proudly rummaged through her pockets.

The big goblin hides behind Cirno, and every time such a shameful thing happens, Cirno takes the lead.

"Be careful, I'll eat you!" Ye Kai made a vicious look.

"Idiot, take the move, Ice Talisman!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Tifa suddenly felt much cooler.

He grabbed a piece of ice and found that there was no impurity in the ice.

"This is the purest ice in nature, it's edible." Ye Kai also grabbed a piece and took a bite.

"Wow, that's too much!" Qi Lunuo said with a jump.

"Let's go, Cirno-chan." The big goblin quickly pulled Cirno away, and Rumia followed.

"It's free for them to come, after all, they are children." Ye Kai explained: "Don't look at Qi Lunuo and Lumia like bear children now, I was no match for them before."

"So strong?" Tifa's pupils shrank slightly.

The strongest person in the world of Final Fantasy may not be able to defeat Mei Hong even with one piece, and Mei Hong is not a big monster...

The previous generation said that Ye Kai is a serious big monster, and his strength, even if he is not a real pervert, is also the top group in Gensokyo.

"Well, it can only be said that good luck tricks people." Ye Kai said a little disappointed.

"It's okay, it will change back sooner or later." Tifa comforted.

"Well, that's right, Rumia will be there in twenty years, and Cirnuo will probably need ten thousand years." Ye Kai thought for a while.

Immediately, he explained to Tifa what their name was.

"Ye Kai!"

Ye Kai heard a squeak, secretly thought it was not good.

Sure enough, Shiji-sama flew towards her, with Komachi and Sephiroth following behind her.


Tifa instinctively assumed a fighting stance again, her muscles became tense, ready to strike at any time.

She thought that no one would expect to meet this guy here!

"Tifa?" Sephiroth smiled, and said calmly, "There is no need to make such a gesture. I could have been reincarnated, but I didn't. I want to use my whole life to atone for my sin."

Seeing Sephiroth like this, Tifa's expression changed: "The former Sephiroth?"

Tifa gritted her teeth, and said coldly, "Then how will the fate of the folks be counted?"

"Now that I'm dead, I can't die again. Even if I die again, I can't change anything. I can only make amends slowly, let the wicked get retribution, and let the good people have a good pregnancy." Sephiroth explained.

Looking at the translucent Sephiroth, Tifa took a deep breath, lowered her fist, and said calmly, "Just because I didn't attack you doesn't mean I forgive you."

"I don't need to forgive." Sephiroth shook his head and said, "If you think hitting me can vent your anger, go ahead and hit me."

"Hey, Sephiroth, don't act like a little girl." Ye Kai laughed.

"Thank you for killing the evil me, otherwise I don't know how many mistakes I would have made. That me should really be killed." Sephiroth said in a deep voice.

"The past is in the past, and the blame should be on Baotiao, not you." Ye Kai shook his head and said, "Just do what you like."

"My favorite thing to do now is atone for my sins and listen to Master Siji's teachings." Sephiroth said seriously.

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