Ye Kai's face changed.

Sephiroth, you really are a pure man!

Tifa looked at Komachi and compared herself. simply not a level.

When she encountered a natural enemy, she was too lazy to deal with Sephiroth.

Siji fell in front of the two of them at this time, and said coldly: "I never thought that you would be one of the monster sages in Gensokyo. I never thought that you would be able to understand the past and the present."

Ye Kai scratched his head, and smiled awkwardly: "Well, I'm not that good anymore!"

"Humph." Siji jumped onto a rock, waved his repentance stick and said to Ye Kai: "You did accumulate a lot of merits and virtues about the Westward Demon, but you know that because of the willfulness of you and Kaguya , how many people were killed?

Although you have also accepted the punishment, the merits and demerits will not be offset, and you will still go to hell after death.

Also, what did you do in Arad?That Kane will naturally be sanctioned by others, what right do you have to sanction him?Confucianism breaks the law with literature, and chivalry breaks the law with martial arts. If everyone does what you do, the world will soon be in chaos?

This is especially true during the lunar war. What's wrong with those soldiers?You and Zi Yakumo fell into someone else's trap and helped them complete their political conspiracy. This is the worst of all crimes!

And in that plane full of monsters, that person just had an argument with you, and you stabbed him to death, why did you do that?

And there's more..."

Tifa experienced the horrors of the seasons for the first time.

Komachi was drowsy, Sephiroth looked at Ye Kai with interest.

Yong Lin came with Hui Ye, and brought countless food. After seeing the four seasons, they resolutely did not say hello to Ye Kai, and walked in secretly.

Even Yonglin can't stand the four seasons...

During this period, Huiye glanced at Ye Kai and Tifa complicatedly, which made Tifa a little wary. This girl is interested in Ye Kai, and she is not ordinary.

She should be the Kaguya princess, right?It is indeed beautiful.

Then Calamus and Jiuzhi Laiqi also saw this scene, they just quietly greeted Tifa and went in without daring to talk much.

People from Hongmeng Pavilion came and put down the gifts for Ye Kai and Tifa.

They are the most generous gift givers, after all, they are Ye Kai's nominal eldest lady and second lady!

Tifa chatted with Remy Fran and Sakuya, and also with Meili and Renko, but Patch remained silent.

A few people really couldn't bear the noise of the four seasons, so they sneaked into the playground.

Not long after, the Sao Ling band was ushered in again, and they just said hello and went in.Since I didn't know Ye Kai that well, I didn't give a gift.

The last one to come is Moriya Shrine. Sanae and Tifa have a high compatibility, but Sanae is too weak.

The gift from Moriya Shrine is also quite generous, after all, Ye Kai helped them a lot.

Sanae knew that she had to pay for the accommodation, so she took the initiative to swipe the card to pay, and said politely.

Tifa also has a little more affection for Sanae.Let Ye Kai handle the fare evasion before.

As for Wenwen and Datianmo?They didn't stop at all when they saw the four seasons...

Just when Tifa was about to fall asleep, Siji said: "There are other things today, so let's talk about it first."

Tifa suddenly felt that Ye Kai was so pitiful.

Chapter 446 Tifa's Integration

After Siji finished speaking, Ye Kai took out the magic sword and said to Siji: "Master Siji, the soul here has made many mistakes, but she didn't do it on purpose, I have no right to judge her merits or demerits, or You have to come."

Siji nodded in satisfaction, then took a look in her mirror, thought for a while and said: "Now she only has the original power left, let her stay with you, after her sanity recovers, I will Sentence her again."

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, thinking that Lord Siji would take this guy away.

Four Seasons was obviously very happy for Ye Kai to leave this kind of matter to her, but he was not happy when he saw the people behind him.

Komachi fell asleep squatting on the ground!

Look at Sephiroth, how sincere is he when he listens to the teachings?If you compare people, you will die, if you compare goods, you will throw them away!

"Xiao-ye-zuka-xiao-cho!" Four Seasons roared.


Komachi stood up with a whoosh.


Those huge breasts hit Siji's face just right, causing Siji to stagger and fall off the stone...

Tifa: "..."

Can this be used as a weapon?

Siji took a deep breath, looked at the sky, it was already late, and said to Komachi: "Let's let you go this time, let's go in first."

"Hi!" Komachi nodded quickly.

If she was preached again, she wouldn't have to do anything these days.

Looking at the situation, no one will come, and a few people walked towards the beach.

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