On the way, Ye Kai explained in detail who used to buy tickets and who used to keep accounts, and Tifa wrote them down one by one.

This is her and Ye Kai's property, so it cannot be managed indiscriminately.

When I arrived at the banquet location, I found that they were already high. Mystia and Calamus Laiqi were busy with their work, smiling from ear to ear.

Every banquet can bring them a lot of income.

"I'm going, and I've actually played it all. I don't know who sponsored this banquet?" Ye Kai said speechlessly.

Xiandai walked to Ye Kai's side and said with a smile: "The food this time will be sold forever, otherwise you will go bankrupt."

Ye Kai glanced at Hui Ye who was eating dumplings in surprise, Hui Ye turned his head away.

"Xiandai, take Tifa to the human side first." Ye Kai said to Xiandai.

"You do what you want, Lover." Tifa rolled her eyes and said.

Ye Kai hastily coaxed Tifa, he was also very desperate.

Fortunately, Tifa is more sensible...

Ye Kai walked to Hui Ye's side, hugged her from behind, and said softly, "Thank you, Hui Ye."

"Go aside." Hui Ye rolled his eyes and said.

She didn't agree with Ye Kai hugging her, but she didn't resist, which was equivalent to acquiescing.

Seeing that Hui Ye, who has been in the house for more than a thousand years, has gone out, Ye Kai has given himself enough face. It is hard to say anything about the previous things, let it be.

He sat beside Hui Ye, put his arms around Hui Ye's waist, and while cutting up Hui Ye's meat, he said: "Boss Mei Hong has obviously given up hatred, why can't you let it go?"

Hui Ye gave Ye Kai a contemptuous look, pointed to the thumbtack on the ground and said, "This is what Mei Hong, who gave up her hatred, sprinkled on the chair of my concubine."

Ye Kai's head was covered with black lines, and he glanced at Mei Hong who was sitting opposite.

With a toothpick in her mouth, Meihong said with a flat face, "Well, habits are really hard to change."

I don't know why, when I saw Kaguya, I instinctively wanted to trip her up.

This won't work... You have to plan for the long run, let the bastard get her first, then order her to do this and that as a parent, and finally don't give her a title.

Are you not the princess of the moon?Are you not arrogant?Oh hehehe... Drink my footwashing water sooner or later!

"Hmph!" Hui Ye turned his head away.

Ye Kai had no choice but to move her little head over and feed it.

The first generation pulled Tifa and sat at the human table.

Reimu, Marisa, Patchouli, Kuchi Raisu, Iris, Alice, all eat here.Well, Alice and Patchouli are human family

"Grandma, why do you come here to work?" Lingmeng said dissatisfied: "I thought you couldn't live, and I gave you money every month."

Reimu knew why the ancestor didn't take off the mask before, and knew that she was waiting for someone.

I thought it was her lover, but I didn't expect it to be that scum monster.

"You can give me up to three hundred yuan a month, what is that money enough for?" Xian Dai rolled his eyes and said.

"So you can support me in the future? The salary here is very high!" Lingmeng said with bright eyes.

"Don't even think about it." Xiandai said decisively: "Of course I spend the money I earn. I gave you the most important shrine. What else do you want?"

"I'd rather not have this important shrine." Reimu said with black lines all over her head.

"It's already given to you anyway, let's manage it well." Xiandai said with a smile.

"You are Lord Ye Kai's wife, right?" Calamus sat beside Tifa.

"It's just a fiancee." Tifa said softly.

She was also desperate for Ye Kai to go to Hui Ye, but she had no choice but to forgive him.

However, all the monsters in Gensokyo seem to be familiar with this, which gave Tifa an illusion that this is normal.

It seems that monogamy is evil, and polygamy is normal.

This kind of subtle influence is the most terrifying. Sooner or later, she will be successfully brainwashed.

"Master Ye Kai is so happy." Changpu looked at Tifa in kimono and said enviously.

Tifa is really beautiful in a kimono.

Laiqi looked at the calamus with a happy face, you are beautiful too!In his heart, Calamus is the most beautiful.

Yuyuko came to the edge of the table at this time, thought for a while, and moved to Tifa's side, and said to Tifa: "Can you tell Master Yuyuko your story?"

Just as Tifa was about to reply, she saw that Reimu and the others instinctively sped up their eating speed when Yuyuko arrived, a little inexplicably.

Immediately, Tifa started talking while eating.

When talking, Tifa's expression is full of happiness, this is not showing off, but a fact that really happened.

However, when the two of them were together, there were very few big events, and most of them were small and warm things, which were finished in a short time.

When she regained her senses, she found that there was no food left on the table.

Yuyuko, on the other hand, was throwing the last piece of steak into her mouth.

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