"What's the matter, Sanae?" Seeing that Sanae was a bit out of control, Kanako couldn't help asking a little funny.

"Nothing." Sanae shook her head decisively.

"If you want to go, go, after all, you are human." Suwako smiled.

The hat on her head, the two frog-like ornaments, winked at Sanae.

Sanae thought for a while, but still couldn't resist the temptation, nodded vigorously and said, "Then I'll go, Lord Shenming."

"Let's go and play, maybe you can help when there is a change in the future, you are the wind blessing of our shrine." Kanako said softly.

Sanae nodded and ran to Tifa's side.

"It will take a long time for this child to grow up." Suwako said with emotion.

"Yeah, she is so well protected by us." Kanako said helplessly.

"Ha, Kanako, come drink!" Cuixiang had already dazed Tifa at this time, and ran here.

Cuixiang and the two gods are also old acquaintances. Before they moved to Gensokyo, Cuixiang occasionally went to drink with Kanako. After all, there were too few drinks.

"Hahaha!" Kanako laughed a few times full of madness, then put down the wine bowl, and said to Cuixiang, "Come on, let's fight to the death today."

When Cuixiang heard the words, she filled the cup for Kanako, and then the two touched the cups and swallowed them in one gulp.

Tifa was in a daze, and found that there were suddenly many people around her.

Mei Li, Ren Zi, Sanae, all ran here.

As for Cuixiang?When one is filled, the table is almost changed.

Waiting until the end, pouring down together, this is Cuixiang.

Suddenly, melodious music sounded in my ears. It was the performance of the Sao Ling Band.

Tifa suddenly felt a sense of peace in her heart. In fact, it's not bad to stay here all the time?

Well, not bad, but must stay here.

She was shocked to find that there were only three men in the whole banquet!Laiqi, Sephiroth, Ye Kai.

According to Cuixiang, Sephiroth, or people from Santuchuan seldom attended the banquet.

After all, Laiqi and Calamus didn't have any special abilities, so they couldn't go back to sleep until halfway through the banquet.

In this way, only Ye Kai is the only one in Gensokyo who can attend the banquet seriously?This is a bit scary.

Living among women every day, it would be strange not to be hooked up.


A microphone was thrust into Tifa's hand.

I saw a cute guy with two little wings running up to Tifa, smiling and saying, "Do you want to accept my interview? Ms. Tifa."

Tifa nodded instinctively, but she had an ominous premonition, why did she feel like she was going to be tricked?

Chapter 448 World Choice

When he was about to drink, Ye Kai was caught by Yakumo Zi.

Look at the people at this table, Suwako, Kanako, Yakumozi, Yuka, Shiki, Yuyuko, Daitenma, Remi, Cuika, Yagi Eirin, Reimu, each is the master of a power, and Pay off all the big monsters.

Kaguya, Yakumo Lan, Sephiroth, Youmu, Sakuya, these people are by their side.

It seems that the content of the chat should not be to study whether Ye Kai is interested or not.

"Everyone, what are you studying?" Ye Kai asked in a daze.

Except for those who were cleaning the battlefield, most of them went to the hot springs, and the rest were discussing business matters.

The ancestors did not attend, it was Reimu who attended, after all Reimu is the nominal owner of the shrine.

Yakumo Zi fanned the wind with a fan, and said calmly: "Okay, now we can talk about which world to go to."

Ye Kai focused his eyes, and said strangely: "Don't you need to experience another world?"

"The circle over the Hakurei Shrine has been opened, just after Tifa came back, I think it should have something to do with Tifa." Yakumo Zi frowned.

Ye Kai suddenly said: "So that's the case."

"So, are you ready? Ye Kaisang." Youyouzi said softly.

"I'm fine." Ye Kai shrugged.

Bayi Yonglin frowned, secretly sighing that this time is really the right one.

You know, Gensokyo is not the only one who leaves this world, and the moon may also move along with it, but I don’t know how to choose Yueyejian.

Yakumo Zi walked in front of Ye Kai and pressed Ye Kai's chest, Ye Kai just felt absent-minded for a while.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Countless seeds flew out from Ye Kai's body.

Everyone looked at those seeds and gasped.

One flower one world, one leaf one bodhi.

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