For the first time, they felt that they were so small.

Each of these seeds represents a world!

"First of all, this is the world of Arad, I am not going to choose this world." Yakumo Zi said softly.



Most people did not object. Although they can stand at the top in the Arad world, some apostles are not so easy to get along with. They are too messy and do not meet the aesthetics of these lazy guys.

"The next one is the Xingyue world. There are Gaia and Alaya in this world. Even if we can set a charter, we will not be comfortable. Moreover, although this world looks advanced and peaceful, it is actually very chaotic."

"The Diablo world, this world is not as good as the current world."

"In the world of Final Fantasy, the life of the planet is coming to an end."

Hearing this, Sephiroth couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. It can be said that half of the lifespan of Final Fantasy World is his fault.

"Iron City World, it's too backward, and those Kabane are annoying."

"In the world of the ancient scrolls, there are too many phases..."

Everyone listened to Yakumo Zi's analysis of the situation little by little, and then each insisted on their own opinions.

For the first time, Ye found out that choosing a suitable world is so complicated.

This is different from choosing a house. If the house is not good, you can change it with money, but if the world chooses the wrong one, it is really wrong.

"First of all, the food in that world has to keep up with the development. Master Yuyuko is already used to delicious food." Youyuzi fanned the air with a fan.

Youmu's head is full of black lines at the back, isn't this too tricky?

By the way, everyone is talking about business, you say food is really a man?

"It's better to have someone who can fight often." Youxiang said indifferently: "Actually, I think Arad is pretty good. I think he will meet the so-called first apostle."

Hmm, very fragrant style.

"I don't think that world is desirable..." Yonglin frowned and said, "According to what Ye Kai said, there are big transfers and so on in that world, which is very troublesome. We are fine, but it doesn't mean that the people are fine. Occasionally go around and return Well, let’s forget about staying there.”

Hui Ye said indifferently: "The development of the game in that world...hehe."

Yonglin's head was full of black lines, since when are you still thinking about games?

But yes, this is Kaguya's lifelong pursuit.

"It's best to choose some worlds that don't need to cause too much trouble to Santuchuan, otherwise the soul will not be able to handle it." Siji frowned.

"It's better to stay behind, there are monsters and ghosts, so that I can absorb the faith more easily." Kanako said indifferently.

"It's best that the output is not bad, and there can't be no wine." Cuixiang followed.

"It doesn't matter to me, it's the same wherever I go." The Great Heavenly Demon said indifferently.

He doesn't have much demand for anything, just live a stable life.

However, she had to be present on this occasion.

"Lord Remy thinks it has to be fun!" Remy said proudly.

She is the one who likes to be lively the most, and she is a local tyrant in Gensokyo, and she doesn't care where she goes.

"Shen Qi and You Ding Tian have similar meanings to the Great Demon." Yakumo Zi pondered, "They don't have much demand."

"There must be humans, there must be people who believe in gods, and it is best to believe in witches." Reimu said sonorously.

Even if he went to another world and Gensokyo was exposed to everyone's eyes, Reimu would still be invincible within the Great Barrier.

The Great Barrier will be sublimated after world travel, and will only resist external denials, and will not be hindered by beliefs or the like.

Moreover, Gensokyo will no longer be an existence that cannot be touched by others.

As long as you pass through the shrine or ghost playground, you can still enter Gensokyo.

Hakurei Shrine is mainly to leave a back door in this world, and Ye Kai's place has been defaulted as the connection point of various worlds.

After all, Ye Kai needs to do his best to connect to the world, and it's not good to leave it in anyone's house, so let's leave it in his own house.

Reimu thinks that when the time comes, those who come to Gensokyo can still charge the entrance fee, which is a good deal.

Ye Kai occasionally travels to other worlds, it is difficult to provide safety for those who come to Gensokyo at any time, this Reimu can completely replace it.

It has to be said that it is the safest to be covered by her.

Of course, you have to pay, otherwise Reimu won't care about other people's lives.

"To sum up, the development of the world can't be too bad, at least it must be modernized. And the people inside must believe in ghosts and gods, that is to say, there are mysterious powers. The production of food, games, etc. must not be less, and must keep up with Gensokyo. Mysterious power can't be too strong, otherwise we will have a very unhappy life. Of course, it can't be too little, or Miss Youxiang will be bored. The population can't be too large, or it will cause trouble for Master Siji." Ye Kai Thinking about it, he said, "You must have money..."

Everyone nodded and agreed with Ye Kai's statement.

Ye Kai smiled and said calmly, "I choose this world."

Yakumo Zi and others looked at the seed Ye Kai chose, and nodded at the same time.

This world can really keep up with their needs!

Chapter 449 New World

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