In the hot spring.

There are many more people coming to the hot spring this time than last time.

Orange, Lianlian and Fran had a good time, while the two goblins and Rumia were in their own group. Since Mystia was already paralyzed from exhaustion, she didn't participate this time.

Meihong and Huiyin sat in the distance, chatting about a very relaxed and pleasant topic.

"You said that after Hui Ye married a bastard, should I act like a mean old woman and let her do the laundry, cook and take care of the children all day, or act like a weak old woman and let her take care of my daily life?" Mei Hong said.

"That's not good, is it?" Huiyin said in embarrassment.

"Then, I'll act like a normal-looking one, that is, an ancient nobleman, and then let her kneel down to greet me every day, and serve me tea and water?" Meihong pondered: "At that time, she can kneel on the mat , Do you think there are high voltage electric panels or nails in it?"

"I feel that she won't communicate with you easily." Huiyin said with sweat profusely.

As long as Hui Ye is involved, Mei Hong will come up with endless ways to punish people, and Hui Yin doesn't know how she does it.

the other side.

Tifa was accompanied by Sanae and Renko Meili. The four of them were all decent human beings, and they were all modern people, which gave Tifa a sense of belonging.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to come from another world. Ye Kai said that we are from the future, but because of our special ability, he dragged us to the past." Lianzi said happily.

"Hmm..." Tifa said softly, "Actually, I don't quite understand either."

"My ability is very strange. Sometimes I dream about things in the past, and they are all related to Gensokyo. At that time, we witnessed the construction of Gensokyo with our own eyes." Meili said softly.

"That's amazing." Tifa smiled.

"By the way, how did you feel last night?" Lianzi asked enthusiastically.

"Eh... last night?" Several question marks appeared on Tifa's head, did they all know this?

"That's right, everyone in the group was talking about your affairs last night, and it was published in the newspaper this morning." Lianzi laughed.

Tifa: "..."

For the first time, she had a clear understanding of the gossip in Gensokyo.

How boring they are every day, they will inquire about this matter.

In Gensokyo, are there no secrets and privacy?

"When Wenwen interviewed you before, what you wrote was definitely not what you answered. She would exaggerate and then distort, and finally turned into a messy report." Sanae said softly.

"Forget it, anyway, I don't care much about other people's opinions." Tifa said softly.

Take Ye Kai's words, if you are serious with those monsters, you will lose.

Suddenly, everyone felt that the ground seemed to move.

It's not like it's really moving.

"Earthquake?" Tifa asked in surprise.

"Uh... Seems like it? It doesn't matter, it's just an earthquake." Lianzi said indifferently.

"Well, it's the first time for an earthquake or something to happen in Gensokyo." Mei Li said thoughtfully.

"That's right, I made a fuss. Even if it's a real earthquake, I'm afraid it won't be able to cause storms in this Gensokyo, right?" Tifa said with a sigh of relief.

Both Yakumo Zi and Yayi Yonglin have the ability to calm down earthquakes easily.

The first generation also ran here at this time, and the outside has already been cleaned up.

She knows the truth, what kind of earthquake is this, this is Gensokyo moving!

But even if she said it, the monsters would not take it seriously, and they still had to do what they should do.

That world is really exciting.

Outside, the big monsters all looked at the sky solemnly.

Fortunately, it is night now, and everyone can't feel anything.

If you go to the border of Gensokyo, you will find that Gensokyo has already traveled rapidly in the universe.

Only the moon has not changed.

Yue Yejian still chose to leave with Gensokyo instead of staying there.

Otherwise, the moon is the last mysterious side force in that world, and it is easy to be targeted by the Dao of Heaven.

Yakumo Zi sensed something quietly, and the phantom of the dragon god loomed in the air.

Transferring the world is no small project. Fortunately, there are two perpetual motion machines, Longshen and Youxiang.

The dragon god is responsible for the general direction, Ye Kai is responsible for guiding the way and opening the gate of the plane, and the remaining monsters are responsible for providing energy.

In the original book, the rocket made by Remy can fly to the moon, not to mention so many big monsters working together.

If the energy is not enough, I am afraid that the power of the big monsters such as Xingxiong Yuyi and Gu Mingji will be used.

Even Fran will not be spared.

Sakuya frowned and looked at Remi with a worried expression.

"Anla Sakuya, don't worry, this is the choice of fate." Remy said proudly: "Fate tells me that there will be no problem."

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