"What is our strategy for this world?" Ye Kai wondered.

"We can't let humans disappear, and we can't let the deep sea disappear. I have already noticed the source of the power of the deep sea. They seem to have an arsenal that can continuously produce the deep sea, which is a bit like the human model." Yakumo Zi knocked on her fan Knock on the head.

Several people discovered the world view of this world when they opened the seeds of this world.

It can be said that it can fully meet the requirements of anyone.

Although the strategic technology here is backward, the development of agriculture and game industry is very good.

If those deep seas want to attack this side, they must pass through the ghost playground, which is the edge of the sun flower field.

When Youxiang was fine, she could still fire two magic cannons there to enjoy herself.

There must be a tutelary fort to protect other places, but Gensokyo does not need it at all!

Take out any big monster, those deep seas are no match, even if all their deep sea flagships come together, it will not end well.

Youxiang with unlimited firepower alone can fight them so hard that they can't find Bei.

The deep sea also needs fuel and ammunition to operate, but Youxiang is like a perpetual motion machine.

The deep sea had more advantages than humans before, but it will be completely reversed when it comes to Youxiang.

Whether their main guns can break the defense is a matter of opinion...

"That is to say, we guarantee that human beings will not fail, but we can't let human beings take the upper hand and maintain a balance between the two forces. Is that what you mean?" Ye Kai said.

"Well, almost. Otherwise, this world will enter the pre-nuclear era again. The fear of monsters and belief in gods will disappear again, and the power of denial will appear again. At that time, we will have to change the world, which is very troublesome." Yakumo Zi said helplessly.

In fact, it is the best way to kill [-]% of the remaining humans and then raise the living ones in captivity.

But Ye Kai is a human being after all, and he will be the first to object, and Grandpa Wang will definitely be on Ye Kai's side when the time comes.

In that case, there will be a civil war in Gensokyo, and the gains outweigh the losses.

"Huh, well, it's getting late, I'll go back first, my strength is almost exhausted." Ye Kai stood up.

"Well, let's go, our consumption is not small." Yakumo Zi closed her eyes and said softly: "Tomorrow we will start to attract immigrants from Final Fantasy World, get ready."

Ye Kai nodded, put on his clothes, and left the hot spring hotel.

And Tifa was already waiting for him at home.

"Are you back? I don't know. You flirted with other women at the beginning of the banquet, and then left me aside. Is there anything to explain now?" Tifa smiled.

There was murderous intent in that smile.

She is unhappy and unhappy, and will hide these emotions and wait until the fall to settle the score.

In front of people, I still have to save face for Ye.

"Tifa is the best!"

Ye Kai opened his arms and walked towards Tifa.

Whoosh, bang...

A large human-shaped pit visible to the naked eye appeared on the ground.

quack quack.

Tifa clenched her fists and said with a smile: "I've endured it for a long time, I have nothing against you, Yuyuko and Kaguya, as long as you resist the beating."

bang, bang, bang...

Tifa rode on Ye Kai, punching to the flesh.

"Let you find another woman, let you throw me aside..."

"Take it easy, you can't hit it!"


Night, not quiet at all.

It is said that Ye Kai was beaten for a full four hours before his voice changed into another voice.

There are rewards and punishments, is this the way of a husband?

Chapter 451 Immigrants

"Yo, Zack, long time no see!"

Looking at the Zacks family who came out of the gap first, Ye Kai laughed.

In other words, after spending so long in other worlds, this guy is the one I get along with the most.

"Ha, old friend, Iris was taken aback when Tifa was dragged away." Zack rushed up and hugged Ye Kai.

"Well, this kind of thing will happen often in the future, you have to get used to it." Ye Kai patted Zacks on the shoulder and said.

"Speaking of which, when Yakumo Zi found me, I was taken aback, and suddenly appeared in front of me." Zacks spread his hands.

"She didn't look for you in the middle of the night, she already has a conscience." Ye Kai said deeply.

"So scary?" Zack asked in surprise.

"Well, this is the Gensokyo Survival Manual, so remember it well." Ye Kai took out a booklet and handed it to Zacks.

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