Don't try to reason with monsters, because powerful monsters won't reason with you.

A weak yokai is dumb, but she will lower your IQ before defeating you with her vast experience.

The mighty but dumb yokai are even scarier—huh?What is the reason?Can I eat it?

Finally, monsters who are not strong and not stupid... Most of them have a terrible backstage, and that should be the last existence to be messed with.

In Gensokyo, you must not talk about age, please, please, please...

Zacks saw black lines all over his head, and felt that this was not an immigrant, but a way to survive...

The Zacks family is determined to settle here, and the rest of the heroes have to work hard for the rise of the planet.

In fact, if it wasn't for Zack's concern, he would have stayed there.

However, there is obviously a great need for manpower, or heroes here.

Zacks is a strong man, and the rights and lives of ordinary people need to be protected by Zacks.

The number of people who migrated this time is not large, a total of about [-] people, which can be said to be very small for a world.

But Ren Zhi Li can't digest these people at all, and they are already used to their own people there.In the end, he had to rely on the small island next to him. Fortunately, that small island also had an area of ​​[-] square kilometers, and the infrastructure had already been laid out.

Of course, the price is some rare metals, and things like resources.

Ever since she knew that diamonds are what the goblins here need, Zi Yakumo started hoarding them.

Not only diamonds, in fact diamonds can also be used, but artificial diamonds are not.

Closer to home.

Iris walked up to Tifa and looked at Tifa ambiguously.

Tifa's face turned red from Iris' stare, she rubbed the corner of her clothes and said, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Your progress is pretty fast." Iris said with a deep expression.

"No, after all, it's been a long time since I've seen you, so it's half-hearted..." Tifa said in a mosquito-like voice.

"Ann, is it the same as I said, it's quite interesting?" Iris poked Tifa's waist.

"No, no." Tifa hit Iris twice.

Immediately, Tifa saw Cisne behind her. She was looking at the two children in her arms with tenderness. They were Zacks' daughter Yuna and son Tida. Iris gave birth to twins .

"Is this where we want to live?" Iris looked at the already built town and said with emotion.

"Well, Zack is the mayor." Tifa smiled and said, "A bridge has been built, leading to the edge of the ghost playground, and you are welcome to come and play."

"Well, is there a discount?" Iris smiled.

"No discount." Tifa shook her head decisively.

This can be said to be self-governing. Even if Zacks is not corrupt, he will still make a lot of money.

As for the banknotes, Zi Yakumo has already distributed them to Zacks and others.

Now Gensokyo's banknotes are the same as the world's common currency. When everyone moved over, Yakumo Zi changed the banknotes.

Except for the different portraits on the banknotes, the rest have not changed much.

The portraits on the banknotes have all become the portraits of the ship's mother...

After all, there is no distinction between countries in the world. It is not good to use the avatar of the leader of any country, so let's use the ship girl's.

"Cut, stingy." Iris rolled her eyes.

"My family, Ye Kai, can spend a lot of money." Tifa rubbed her temples.

It's not that Ye Kai is too flowery, but Youyouzi is too edible...

"Marlene didn't come, she's going to follow Cloud." Seeing that Tifa was still looking towards the gap, Iris couldn't help reminding.

"That little girl is a big kid." Tifa rolled her eyes and said.

Even though he was so kind to her, he ran away with Claude.

In the gap, a large number of humans slowly appeared. Those who were officials before still have the same job now, except that there is one more mayor.

The police maintained order, and the cadres sent by Renzhili helped to divide the house.

First come, first served, no one will be short of houses.

As for the rest, you have to buy it yourself.

How much money can be distributed is related to how many rare metals are brought over. Coins from the world of Final Fantasy are not recognized here.

For the rest, whoever works in agriculture, in business, or as a worker depends on his own ability. Anyway, the start-up capital has been given, and it is okay to buy land or storefront.

Those factories are currently considered state-owned enterprises, and there are no private individuals.

When they have money in the future, let's contract it to them.

Tifa was full of emotion, Ye Kai said that the playground would become popular in the future, she believed it now.

The total length of the cross-sea bridge is less than [-] kilometers. If you take the train, you can quickly reach the island of Gensokyo. The train is the black technology of Kappa. It is amazingly fast. There is a train every half an hour, from [-] am to [-] pm car.

As for why there is no midnight?Gensokyo is still used to that kind of lazy life.

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