Anyway, Ye Kai also has a hot spring hotel opening, which happens to generate income for him.

"No way, the child will grow up sooner or later." Iris covered her mouth and smiled.

"By the way, aren't Barrett and the others coming?" Tifa asked curiously.

"Let's not come here now. Several large oil fields have been discovered over there, and they are trying to develop them. Ms. Yakumo Zi left a passage there, which is in the church. From there, it can lead to here, and there are people here to respond. "Iris said softly.

"There will be immigrants?" Tifa asked in surprise.

"I don't know, there should be more, right? The people who come here this time are basically young people. There are some children, but not many. After coming, you can't go back, unless you go back to work." Iris thought I thought: "If there are people who can go back, if we publicize it again, some people may come."

"Gensokyo seems to only accept a maximum of [-] people, [-] of them, [-] here, and [-] left. I don't know if people from this world will find a way to settle here." Tifa mused.

Suddenly, Iris felt a palpitation.

"I feel that something bad is coming this way." Iris said solemnly.

Chapter 452 Poor Deep Sea

"Tifa, entertain them, and I'll go meet those deep seas."

Ye Kai's voice came over at this time.

Gensokyo is surrounded by a large barrier, but in order to give this world a chance to communicate, there is still a big gap left.

Looking at Gensokyo from other places, it will feel foggy, hard to see, and inaccessible no matter what.

But if you look from the direction of the guard house of ghosts and gods, you will find Gensokyo.

This small island and the sea-crossing bridge are also protected by a large barrier, so they are not afraid of being attacked. The only places that can be attacked are the ghost playground and the sun flower field.

Iris can sense the deep sea, not to mention Ye Kai, who is good at fluctuations.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a little rain fell on the ground.

When it rains, it is the time when the deep sea likes to act the most.

Ye Kai saw it from a distance, and a deep sea fleet was coming towards this side.

Naturally, unlike in the game, there are only six ships, but a lot of them.

There are at least ten deep-sea battleships, more than [-] deep-sea battle cruisers, less than ten deep-sea aircraft carriers, more than [-] deep-sea light carriers, and a lot of heavy patrols, light patrols, and destroyers.

As for the submarine and flagship, they did not appear.

These warships are no longer something that a single town guard can handle. The headquarters of the warships must order a joint operation and send more than six town guards to participate in the battle.

A tutelary mansion must have at least six warships, and a powerful tutelary mansion can probably gather four teams.

The strongest tutelary fort is also the tutelary fort that guards the world government, and can gather eight teams.

This place is the closest to Tokyo, and a ship girl has been sent there to investigate. After all, a large-scale deep-sea riot is abnormal no matter how you look at it.

The land area of ​​the island country has decreased by about two-thirds. When new land is discovered, they will investigate everything they say.

Those ordinary people who migrated here couldn't see so far, and they didn't struggle to see Ye Kai leave.

This world looks much more comfortable than the last one, and it will soon be too happy to leave.

"Need help?" Zacks smiled and said, "At any rate, my fighting power is not bad."

"Forget it, it's just a small problem, I can handle it myself." Ye Kai waved his hand.


I saw Ye Kai spread his undulating wings and greeted the group of deep seas.

What is the combat effectiveness of these deep seas?Let people look forward to ah.

Countless aircraft carriers seemed to have spotted Ye Kai, and overwhelming carrier-based aircraft rushed towards Ye Kai.

Inside those carrier-based aircraft, all goblins are flying the carrier-based aircraft.

It has to be said that the fairies in this world are really magical creatures.

Ye Kai sneered, bombers, fighter jets, do these things work on him?

But before Ye Kaifei got close to those deep seas, he saw a magic cannon piercing the sky blasting over.


All the carrier-based aircraft in the sky disappeared.


Another magic cannon.

The army of the deep sea has evaporated at least [-]% as if it never existed.

Ye Kai looked back and saw You Xiang flying over slowly.

"Accidentally exerted too much force, there is no more to play." You Xiang flew to Ye Kai's side, and said softly: "Leave the rest to me."

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Countless barrages hit the group of deep seas.

Ye Kai looked at the expression of the deep sea in the distance, as if he was very innocent...

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