By the way, does the deep sea have feelings?

bang, bang, bang...

Each barrage can sink a deep sea, and in less than two minutes, the deep sea was wiped out...

All that remains are some dazed goblins, and diamonds and cores among the wreckage.

Ye Kai's eyes lit up, these are the capital to build the tutelary mansion!

In this world, he doesn't have so many 648 to buy diamonds.

Although the fighting power of the ship girl is dispensable to Ye Kai or Gensokyo, Ye Kai has a collection habit.

In his last life, he only made less than [-] boats, but in this life, he has to get it all together!

A tutelary mansion that can guarantee a balance of income and expenditure is already very good, and it is difficult to save excess resources for construction.

After all, it takes a lot of resources to repair and resupply the attacking ship.Especially big ships like battleships and aircraft carriers.

But Ye Kai doesn't need these, he can fight by himself, he doesn't need the ship's mother to attack at all, as long as the ship's mother lives happily, that's enough.

At that time, the resources obtained by defeating the deep sea can be built continuously.

The money in this world should not be of much value to the navy, he can still sell the extra resources for money, and then buy supplies to support Yuyuko.

This world is really wonderful!

"You seem to be very interested in those things." You Xiang pointed at those wreckages.

Most of the deep sea sank directly to the bottom of the sea, or were evaporated by Youxiang's magic cannon.

But some of them still sank to the bottom of the sea, and those ships will stay.

Of course, the ship equipment is no longer usable, and when the diamonds and cores are taken away, it will sink to the bottom of the sea.

"Well, we in Gensokyo also have our own tutelary mansion!" Ye Kai nodded vigorously.

"Then you clean it up, I'm not interested in this thing. By the way, are you so sure that you will become the admiral?" You Xiang asked curiously.

"Eh... I don't know, try it." Ye Kai spread his hands helplessly.

"There seems to be something coming here in the distance, but it is different from the desire to destroy in these deep seas, it seems to be a very beautiful quality." You Xiang said indifferently.

Ship girls are all born in good times, they will not have any bad intentions, and their personalities will be like historical prototypes, at most they will be influenced by the admiral.

Of course, Jian Niang, who has existed for a long time, will still understand the ways of the world, after all, Jian Niang is not an idiot...

"Should be the ship girls of this world, right? Don't attack them then, I will negotiate with them." Ye Kai reminded.

"Well, the strength of these deep seas is actually pretty good. I used [-]% of the power in the two magic cannons just now. Cirnuo's level is not the opponent of these monsters. I mean those who are resistant." Youxiang pointed The wreck of the aircraft carrier and the wreck of the battle line.

After all, the ship's mother is a ship, and Qi Lunuo can't beat the battleship.

In other words, if you want to deal with this kind of thing without letting the big monster take action, at least you need Huiyin's level?Sakuya seems to be unable to deal with it, after all, Sakuya's attack power is too low.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, they have to pass through our territory." Ye Kai said proudly.

"That's right, I'll go back first." You Xiang nodded, and flew towards the sun flower field.

She still likes those little destroyer girls, but it's a pity that Shen Hai's mind is full of destruction, and she can't raise them. If she is not careful, she will break them.

And Ye Kai ran over to collect resources.

So many diamonds, how many materials can be exchanged?In other words, how do those confused fairies communicate with them?Throw diamonds in their faces?It doesn't seem to work...

Chapter 453 Ship Girl

There are a total of [-] diamonds and six cores, but he can't see what is the core, so he can only wait for a professional to identify it.

After a while, several carrier-based planes flew over, lingered over Ye Kai and the wreckage, and then flew back.

It seems that if the opponent sees the deep-sea army, he will turn his head and run away. This time it should also be a high-speed ship.

Maybe it's because the deep sea has sunk, or maybe it's because they don't feel any threat, so the two ships sail towards Ye Kai from a distance.

One of them has blond hair and blue eyes. He has a domineering figure. His long hair would reach his ankles if he let it down. He is now flying in the wind.

She was wearing a white navy outfit, with black silk and white boots on her lower body, which was very alluring.

No wonder the admirals are all stallions, creatures like Jian Niang are completely malnourished.

There is a huge deck on her back, which seems to be the place for the carrier-based aircraft.This is an aircraft carrier, Ye Kai concluded.

The other has red hair and blue eyes, with raised hair, like cat ears, wearing a sailor suit, long socks, not tall, and the ship outfit is mainly the torpedo launcher beside him, it should be a destroyer.


The two ship girls ran to Ye Kai's side, and now Ye Kai had lost his wings and was standing on a simple raft.

This raft was made fresh from the wood in the backpack to deal with the ship's wife.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here? What is this place? What happened before? Where are a lot of deep-sea ship girls, why are they gone?" the tall girl said softly.

Creatures like Jianniang can see through human malice and lies, so they are never afraid of human lies.

They wandered around for a long time, but they couldn't get close to this piece of land. Only when they came here could they see clearly and then approach this piece of land.

The sea-crossing bridge and the train running on it prove that this place is also in the industrial age, but the current world map does not have this place at all!

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