As long as the task is completed, you can go to the ship girl branch in Tokyo to receive the reward. If there are many ship girls participating at the same time, then the admiral can discuss it by himself.

Some dangerous expeditions, presumably will not encounter other ship girls.

Expeditions in this world are obviously not as [-]% safe as in the game, nor are they several times a day.

To be able to complete two or three times a month is already considered an excellent tutelary fort.

The only mandatory task of the tutelary mansion is to ensure the safety of the residents on its side, and Ye Kai knows this as well.

If the place where the tutelary mansion is located is surrounded, the admiral will be unable to escape even if he wants to, so he can only take the ship's wife to his death. This is also a tragedy.

However, that kind of situation can generally be detected, and there will be a joint operation coordinated by the ship mother headquarters.

At that time, the admiral must participate if there is no accident, otherwise he will be spurned by all the ship girls and admirals.

Cold lips and teeth, you don't care about us, and we won't care about you if something happens to you in the future.

The remaining trivial matter is to organize to touch the steel every year to see if there can be a new admiral.

About Ye Kai's responsibilities, that's about it.

As for the exercise, or the communication with other admirals, the admiral needs to find someone by himself, and the ship mother headquarters will not participate.

Not far away is Tokyo, where the Kanniang branch is located, so there are two tutelary forts, Ye Kai wants to go to their place if he wants to practice the Kanniang.

Exercises are not free. If your ship is too weak, you have to pay others for resources and fuel for the exercises. Otherwise, they will not help you train for nothing.

There is no way, even if it is a matter for all human beings to resist the deep sea, the admiral also has selfish motives.

Ordinary tutelary mansions can be self-sufficient in exercises, and it is rare for an admiral to be a polished commander like Ye Kai.There are six ships after graduation, and the proficiency of the ship girls will not be too low, at least the first batch are around level [-].

The drills don't cost anything like in the game.The advantage is that it will not be destroyed, so aluminum and steel are not needed. If the carrier-based aircraft dives into the sea and sinks, there is no way.

The ammunition is all paintballs that can be bought as long as you spend money, so there is no need to refill ammo.

But as long as you open the ship and go to sea, you need fuel, which is the most expensive.

In fact, the first [-] levels don't need to be attacked and practiced to level up like in games. You just need to shoot targets, which is also very fuel-intensive.

Fortunately, Ye Kai had a lot of initial resources.

Ye Kai's playground has also undergone major changes in the past two days, because the site of Fantasy Township has become much larger now, so a lot of open space has been vacated, and it is completely built according to the standards of Disneyland.

The hot spring hotel has also expanded a lot, including some entertainment facilities have also been increased by the investment of Hongmeng Pavilion.

In the future, people from other cities will come here to play, which can bring Ye Kai a lot of income.

Eternal Pavilion also invested here, and built a place dedicated to comic exhibitions and game exhibitions. The development of otaku culture started with NEET Ji.

Those officials are also very happy to have this kind of spiritual communication. Although the plane is not safe and can't be used now, there are still many passenger ships.

At that time, the suppliers will be provided by other cities, and they can also take a boat to Tokyo to participate in comic exhibitions and the like.

Promote the relationship between the two sides, so that you can make some demands in the future, otherwise, who will take care of you?

Since the iron and blood policy is not easy to use, it is better to adopt a soft policy.

Also, the population here is really small, Yakumo Zi said that tens of thousands of people can settle in, even if the population of Gensokyo is expanded to [-].

Now Gensokyo, due to the fear of other worlds and strong growth power, and the loss of the suppression of heaven, it doesn't care too much about human beings.

If it wasn't too many people and it was inconvenient to manage, in fact, it could continue to expand. Anyway, Zacks could be blamed when the time came.

This absolutely safe place will definitely be a paradise for the rich to retire in the future.

Ye Kai is one step closer to Yangyou Youzi...

It would be much easier for them to go to Zacks' side. The main purpose of going there is to make sure there are a few people with admiral qualifications, but unfortunately there are not.

After all, they don't belong to the same world, and they don't know the world like Ye Kai, so how could they be qualified?

Those government officials looked regretful, but left Ye Kai's contact information, that is, radio fax, and went back to their respective homes.

Well, I also spent [-] million to buy two sets of AC equipment over there.

He said that since they bought it, it was fair not to pay twice the price.

They prepared one set for research, and the other set is in use now.

After completing these, it can be said that Gensokyo has temporarily taken root in this world.

Chapter 458 Fate...

construction yard.

There are four workbenches here, all of which are operated by goblins. The construction yard, supply yard, repair yard, and arsenal are all connected to the warehouse.

Although those resources were initially bucket by bucket, piece by piece, as long as they were put into the warehouse, they would automatically become digital units.

As long as you adjust the numbers and click OK, the items in the resource warehouse will be shipped in, and then poured into the construction place to build ships or equipment. The same is true for repair yards and supply yards.

There is no damage control in this world, but there are still quick repairs and quick builds, and those only need diamonds.

Now Ye Kai's resources are all 2W. This is what is left after building the tutelary mansion, buying construction blueprints and equipment blueprints, and selling the resources. It's not like there is an upper limit in the game.

I really don't know how those goblins changed the resources, it feels amazing.

Today is Ye Kai's first construction.

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