Dajian or something, I like it the most!

Looking at those resources, the company felt envious for a while. After the task was over, she could still receive a share from the government, and she made a profit.

Although those officials have left, her task is not yet complete, so she cannot leave.

The officials naturally left by boat, a passenger ship converted from a destroyer, not by a ship's mother.

Those ship girls don't care if you are an official or not, if you are not an admiral, you will break your hand if you dare to bang.

Many people came to watch Ye Kai's construction, Remi, Fran, Sakuya, Patchouli, Mei Hong, Xiandai, Zacks, Tifa, Yuyuko, Reimu, Marisa, Alice, Yakumo Zi ,delicate fragrance.

Here, Marisa knelt on one side, and said resentfully: "Why can't I make ship girls? I still want to collect their equipment DA☆ZA."

Alice whispered to Marisa, "I can make some dolls for you to play with."

"I want Kanna's equipment, DA☆ZA..." Marisa rolled on the ground.

"Alright, Marisa." Alice hugged Marisa tenderly.

And Paqiuli came over at this time, squatted in front of Marisa, and said softly: "Don't worry, I am researching the ship girls and ship equipment in this world, and the fairies also do research, and I will definitely be able to make such equipment in the future. "

"Really?" Marisa suddenly became excited.

Patchouli nodded.

Marisa broke away from Alice's embrace, hugged Patchouli, and said with a smile: "You are the best DA☆ZA!"

A triumphant smile suddenly appeared on Paqiuli's three-none face.

Alice, on the other hand, looked at the two of them resentfully.

Damn it, how dare a mere Qiyao magician dare to snatch Marisa from me?

Me, I'm also going to study the equipment of the ship girl!

Marisa doesn't know yet, because of her interest, the two girls are ready to go all out.

Ye Kai felt that things were not that simple, so in order to ensure the safety of the ship's mother, he decisively put Magic Sala into the blacklist of the tutelary mansion.

It was the same after Reimu's test, knelt down with Marisa, and said resentfully: "Why can't I become the admiral, I still want to sell the ship girl to make a fortune."

Well, if this kind of person can become a ship girl, then he has really seen a ghost.

"Ah, Ye Kaisang, don't have bad thoughts about the ship's mother. It is said that as long as you give the goblin [-] units of diamonds, you can exchange for the vow ring. Give the ring to the ship's mother, and you can marry the ship's mother. "Youyouzi said with a natural face.

"You became an admiral, isn't it for this reason?" Tifa said with a look of uncertainty.

"Well, it's not that simple." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "You need to reach a certain level of favorability to get married to Jianniang, and the fact that Jianniang got the ring just proves the admiral's approval, not what you have to do as a husband and wife. Not all ship girls are like companies, they also have children."

"There are also destroyers, so there is a gendarmerie." Enterprise smiled.

Ye Kai's smile suddenly froze.

Can't marry a destroyer in this world?Veneto wondered if it was possible...

In other words, VV is the strongest destroyer, because no destroyer can beat her.

She is also a disgrace to destroyers, because she can't release torpedoes and can't anti-submarine.

When I played the game before, the initial ship seemed to be Fubuki. I regretted not choosing Firefly, and it took me a long time to get it.

The first big ship is Lexington, and it will be sent after completing the mission.

The first Gympie to be built was Guam, and it has trained more than [-] levels.

After the first time I couldn't hold back my hand and sent 648, Guam had no status...

Beizhai, Bismarck, Richelieu, VV, and the Lexington sisters have become their first echelon.

Also, that Dadian, who was never created until his death, wonders if this world can be created.

This is different from the game. All ships can be built, and there are no activities.

However, big ships are still very rare, and many of the town guards are non-chieftains with six destroyers, and there are still a few with rare battleships.

The admiral of the enterprise is already a European among the Europeans, with four aircraft carriers, four battles and six expulsions, only the enterprise and Washington are golden skins.

Well, of course whether it is rare or not has nothing to do with Gympie...

"Don't worry, I have absolutely no idea about Jian Niang!" Ye Kai waved his hand.

"Seeing that you know so clearly, even if you have an idea, I will let you have no idea." Tifa smiled.

Ye Kai suddenly felt a chill in his crotch, only the exhausted cattle did not plow the land...

He can handle Tifa by himself, but what about Kaguya who is always in the same place if you add Yuyuko who is eyeing him covetously?


Forget it, the life of the ship's mother is still collected, mainly to enrich the staff for the playground, that's all.

As for the expedition?Just hand it over to the admiral.

As for the attack?Just hand it over to the admiral.

As for the deep sea flagship?It's okay to kidnap them!

"The construction can start now, and we can roughly calculate what kind of ship will appear by looking at the construction time." The enterprise said indifferently.

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