"That, put it away, she is my fiancee." Ye Kai said to the two girls.

The two tilted their heads, and obediently put away their ship suits.

Their ships have their own ship space, which will only appear when they want to use it, otherwise it will be a waste of fuel.

"I've met the admiral's wife poi." Xili bowed politely.

"I offended you just now, do you want to race with me?" Shimakaze said with a smile.

"Is this the ship girl? So loyal! This time is not the time for a race." Naturally, Tifa would not be intimidated by the two ships. girly.

"Of course." Ye Kai said proudly, "My Yuli, my Shimakaze!"

"Hmph, pervert." Tifa turned her head away.

"Miss, continue, Lexington, dream!" Ye Kai said.

Of Ship C, there really isn't a faster ship than Shimakaze.

But in Ship R, fantasy is the fastest ship!

However, Ye Kai felt that Utopia might not be able to escape Shimakaze, because Utopia would fall...

Ye Kai also saw that the company was a bit unable to hold on, and wanted to end today's construction.

The company said that she really learned a lot today.

Get whatever you want, this little girl probably won't be long before she becomes the belief of all the admirals, no matter Oufei...

When construction began, the other two longest ones were finally finished.

Bismarck, who has short brown hair, has a lock of hair that is always turned up, like cat ears.

Wearing a German uniform, black boots, and red pleated skirt, she saluted Ye Kai and said in a deep voice, "I am Bismarck, the crystallization of German technology, please bear it in mind."

Tifa narrowed her eyes, and in Bismarck, she finally saw the other side of the ship's mother, the iron-blooded side.

Bismarck can be said to be a soldier among soldiers, a tough guy among tough guys, and her eyes are not at all confused.

Tifa believes that even if Ye Kai asks her to shoot at him, she will not hesitate to fire the gun directly!

Although Ye Kai was not used to it, he returned a military salute speciously.

Shimakaze and Yudachi were obviously a little scared. After all, Bismarck's aura was too strong.

"Battleship, Tirpitz, it's me~ Woo, it's so troublesome. Hurry up and return to the port to rest."

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded.

Dressed like Bismarck, except that the skirt was pink and the hair was pink.

The size of their chests is about the same, and their bodies are similar, but Tirpitz gives the impression that he is fleshy and easy to bully.

Because the German admiral has been reluctant to send Tirpitz to sea to fight in history, and always let her stay in the port of Norway in the north, so she has the attributes of a house girl, and is "kindly" called "North House" by everyone.

Contrary to his prudish older sister Bismarck, Tirpitz was a hopeless stay-at-home before the transformation. Basically, the matter of attacking was left to her older sister, and she just wanted to enjoy the book quietly.

After the transformation, she is strong and cold-blooded, just like the sentence in the transformation line: what is lost must be regained with one's own hands.This time, we have the odds of winning.

Because of the sinking of his sister, Tirpitz became strong, from a hopeless house girl to the lonely queen of the north.

Her prototype is actually very miserable. The German family has long left her in a remote and cold foreign country and never let her return to her family. They are indifferent to her attitude of using her to be the firepower of the British to attract punching bags. They did not protect them at the last moment. Duty to let it be abused by the British.

After the war, the Norwegians and the natal Germans cooperated to smash and cut the hull of the ship in broad daylight with various violent tools, dismantled it and broke it into various small pieces, and then sold it as broken copper and rotten iron.

Fragments of the body are still being sold as souvenirs by a Norwegian company.

In this sense, the ending of Beizhai may be one of the worst among all German warship girls.

However, with Ye Kai by her side, she won't be able to become the lonely queen of the north, she just needs to be the lovely north mansion with peace of mind.

Growing up can be painful at times.

"Tirpitz?" Bismarck asked a little uncertainly.

She turned around and walked in front of another construction machine, seeing that the one inside was indeed Beizhai, she couldn't help but burst into anger.

When I first saw the admiral, I was afraid of trouble, so I will have to pay for it in the future?

What is in her hand?By the way, why did you have Bismarck's book in your hand when the North Mansion was built?

It's not scientific, but it's magical.

"Ah, sister, let's go back and rest together." Bei Zhai showed an angelic smile and put away the notebook.

Although she was just born, the person in front of her was her older sister, her lifelong elder sister.

Chapter 462 Fire at Me

Bei Zhai was naturally taught by Bismarck Hawton.

Seeing her aggrieved expression, Ye Kai wanted to go up and bully her, she was so cute!

The North House is a very powerful ship, both in-game and historically.

Although Bei Zhai is not as good as her sister in terms of record, even the main cannon has not been used a few times in the official history, but Bei Zhai has slightly higher attributes than her sister in the game.

Ever heard of fleets?As long as it exists, it can contain a large number of enemy fleets, and Beizhai is like this.

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