Seeing that Ye Kai was fine and she was a little sleepy, Remy followed Sakuya back, leaving even fewer people behind.

"Sorry, Admiral, my sister has caused you trouble." Bismarck looked at Ye Kai and said meticulously.

"It's nothing, Bei Zhai's character is very cute." Ye Kai said with a smile.

"The ship's mother was born for fighting." Bismarck frowned slightly.

This kind of military style is very headache!

Forget it, the main reason is to let them serve as employees of the playground.

With Bismarck's character, he can manage the beach and take care of security issues.

"There is no battle right now, so there is no need to be so vigilant." Ye Kai waved his hand.

"We must maintain a fighting state at all times, so that we will not be in a hurry during the battle." Bismarck said in a deep voice.

"Your admirals are very powerful, much better than the ship's mother. It's really weird... Logically speaking, the admirals are all creatures who eat the ship's soft food. The ship's mother is in charge of fighting, and the admiral is in charge of diplomacy and guiding the ship's mother. But, This admiral seems to be in reverse." Enterprise said with a smile.

During the day, she saw Ye Kai and Tifa "discussing", Ye Kai, who didn't use his full strength, had the ability to hit any ship girl.

Marisa's magic cannon is more powerful than the battleship's shell, but it hit Ye Kai with nothing, as if nothing happened.

This guy is a pervert!

"Bismarck, open the ship and fire at me." Ye Kai said calmly.

If you want to convince this kind of person, I'm afraid you still have to see the truth.

"What?" Bismarck did not expect that the admiral would issue such an order.

Yudachi and Shimakaze were about to move, but Tifa held down their shoulders one by one.

They were shocked to find that they couldn't move!

You know, even the weakest submarine is not something that humans can compete with.

"This is a military order." Ye Kai smiled.

"This..." Bismarck opened the ship's armor, and said in a deep voice: "If the admiral wants to test my firepower, I can attack other things, or if the admiral has a powerful enemy, I can help the admiral sink it, but I will not attack the enemy." The admiral fired."

"We are ship girls, we cannot point our weapons at the admiral." Bei Zhai grabbed Bismarck's clothes.

Good Beizhai, it's not in vain to help you talk.

Bismarck obviously couldn't carry out the task of attacking Ye Kai, she just opened the ship suit for Ye Kai to see.

Ye Kai laughed a bit, and with the aura on his body like the abyss and the sea, he pressed towards Bismarck.

In Bismarck's mind, the memory of her predecessor being bombed and sunk suddenly appeared.

The admiral is stronger than those planes, or even those ships!


A shell hit Ye Kai.

Bismarck turned pale with fright, and was forced to instinctively attack. What kind of momentum is this, and how did he do it?


The four ship girls yelled at the same time, and Beizhai took a step back. Although Shimakaze and Yudachi were close, they were held tightly by Tifa, unable to block Ye Kai's shells.


The three ship girls turned on the ship equipment at the same time, but they couldn't stop the shells, they could only watch the shells fly towards Ye Kai.

Bismarck rushed towards the cannonball desperately, but could the ship's mother be faster than the cannonball?

Tifa has a relaxed expression on her face, she knows Ye Kai's abilities better than anyone else, in all aspects.

Ye Kai drew his sword and blocked it!



On the ground, Ye Kai slid for more than [-] meters before stopping, his feet had already stepped into the ground.

It can be seen how amazing Bismarck's artillery is.

But Ye Kai didn't try to cheat this time, but really wanted to try Bismarck's level.

A little higher than expected, but that's about it.


Ye Kai wheeled Liu Guang twice, put it in, and then walked back step by step, smiling: "It's not bad, but it's still far away."

Yudachi and Shimakaze were obviously relieved, as long as the admiral is fine.

Bang, bang, the two little girls slumped on the ground, obviously unable to accept all this.

In other words, their common sense did not tell them that humans are already so strong.

Humans are so strong, why do we need ship girls?

"Admiral..." Bismarck looked at Ye Kai with a complicated expression.

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