Sister-in-law?It is also a gift, but the strength is really good, you can build one.

Ye Kai nodded and said with a smile, "No problem."

Then Ye Kai thought about it, and continued: "We still need prestige and counterattack. They are all maids, who can take care of daily life."

"The last one I suggest is Prince Eugen." Bismarck interjected.

Prince Eugen is her best partner, only with her can she fight without any scruples.

Ye Kai opened his mouth and closed it again.

Bismarck finally made a request, but it was satisfied.

Originally, I wanted to build Yixian with long legs.

"It's still under construction..." Ye Kai pondered.

"Admiral, we still need equipment." Lexington said.

The equipment on them is not good stuff.

"Okay, let's wait until these are built. As long as the equipment is battleships and battle cruisers, they will be equipped with MK6 plus 91 armor-piercing bombs, and the aircraft carrier will be equipped with Haifangfang plus B25 or A2!" Ye Kai waved his big hand and said grandly.

In fact, he had no idea if these could be built.

B25 is also impossible to build in this world. Only one B25 can be brought out of a bumblebee.

In other words, the B25 must be donated to the Hornet.

How much resources are needed to build equipment, build an aircraft carrier, hehe...

"Admiral is very kind..." Lexington smiled.

"When Missy gets up, I will go to build it. By the way, has Lexington figured out how many resources are needed to build these?" Ye Kai asked doubtfully.

There are several black lines visible to the naked eye on Lexington's forehead. It's only been a few minutes since you finished talking to me. Where can I count them?

The one who can turn his wife black is probably Ye Kai.

"Ah... sorry, I forgot, let's go now, and let me know when the statistics are finished." Ye Kai smiled.

"It's over, I'm so tired, I'm going back to rest." Bei Zhai said listlessly.

"Admiral, is it past working hours now?" Chicheng's body was visibly black with naked eyes.

If everything about Ye Kai is achieved, can you give her money?There is also the matter of the secretary ship, we have to talk about it...

Chapter 465

"Chicheng, listen to my explanation, it's not what you think." Ye Kai said with some embarrassment.

Kongxiang looked at the soon-to-be-blackened Akagi, and couldn't help tugging at Shimakaze beside him: "Shimakaze, let's go for a race!"

Shimakaze's rabbit ears moved, and she nodded. She just looked a little natural, and she still had a strong sense of danger.

Before Xili could speak, Shimakaze ran away just like Utopia.

Alas... She also needs the POI of her little friend very much.

Lexington rolled his eyes, pulled up a chair, and started to do rough statistics.

In fact, doing this job is not very useful, it still depends on how Remy inputs resources.

The point is still that Ye Kai blamed her for the things in the playground.

Lexington had a strange feeling that Ye Kai summoned the ship girl to work for the amusement park.

Bismarck frowned slightly, ignored the things here, and went to the direction of the beach. She had to find out how to practice properly, and make some pillars, buoys, targets and other things for practice.

Facing someone else's ship girl at the beginning probably won't end well. It's better to practice the basics first before hitting that kind of moving target.

Kaga stood behind Chicheng, staring at Ye Kai covetously, and seemed to want to discuss with Ye Kai.

"What's that like?" Chicheng swayed to Ye Kai's side, showing a smile like Yamato Nadeko, and said calmly, "Why can't I be a secretary ship?"


Ye Kai pressed his hands on Chicheng's shoulders, Chicheng was stunned for a moment, blushing to the base of his neck, isn't the admiral too bold?

Ye Kai said in a deep voice: "Chicheng, listen to me, I know your character is relatively elegant, and you usually only like archery and drinking tea, so I'm sorry to trouble you."

Lexington curled his lips aside, this kind of lie came out as soon as he opened his mouth, it seems that the admiral is very good at coaxing girls.

Only then did Chicheng cancel the blackening, and said softly: "Really?"

"It's more real than real gold!" Ye Kai nodded vigorously and said, "I'm going to find the eldest lady first, and the equipment will be yours first, goodbye."

After speaking, Ye Kai bypassed Chicheng, hugged Xili, turned around and ran away.

"Do you always feel like you've been fooled?" Chi Cheng asked in confusion.

"It's just a secretary, it's tiring to do." Kaga smiled.

"Yeah, it's very tiring. The admiral took the blame for all the big and small things in the tutelary mansion, from the management of the ship's mother, to the management of the playground, and the entire finance here. It's so troublesome." Lexington revealed A smile.

It is the first time for Ye Kai to be a boss when he is a secretary, but he fully understands the true meaning of this.

"It looks like you're enjoying it." Chi Cheng rolled his eyes and said.

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