"Who made him the one who made us born, our admiral?" Lexington narrowed his eyes.

If it's the admiral, it's fine.

Although these things are busy, some girls seem to be born with the talent to be secretaries, and Lexington is one of them.

"Well, come on, we're going to the dojo, and the admiral has already reserved it before the construction." Akagi smiled.

"Go ahead, I'll go to the admiral to build the equipment after I finish these." Lexington said while making the form.

The tutelary mansion needs to replenish food and buy goods, and it has spent more than [-] yuan at once. The admiral's small coffers don't know how long it can last.

Before the amusement park has a large number of tourists, this is a loss-making business.

Fortunately, the equipment is new, otherwise the remaining money would not be enough for one maintenance.

Ye Kai is used to being poor, so he feels that the money is a lot. In fact, for a big family or a big company, the money is not enough at all.

Fortunately, creatures like Jian Niang don't need wages, as long as they are nice to them.

So many people want to be an admiral, isn't it because they can get married?

Basically, Ou Ti has a harem, and if it is not mentioned, there are only elementary school students... The gendarmerie is waiting for him.

Ye Kai had already let go of Xili at this time, and the two were on their way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"Admiral, why did you bring my poi?" Xili looked at his admiral curiously.

She could feel that Ye Kai seemed to have an extraordinary affection for her and Bei Zhai.

Xili is very quiet most of the time. Although she also likes to play, her hobbies are more girlish.

Of course Kong Xiang and Shimakaze are good too, but they are too lively, and Ye Kai is not really used to lively children.

However, I really like to see their youthful atmosphere.

If the tutelary mansion or the playground are like Bismarck, then it will be over.

Compared with them, Beizhai is soft and fleshy, somewhat similar to Kaguya, and they can read books together, this is a comrade in arms.

And what about Xi Li?

Very quiet, will poi.

Well, the latter is the most important thing, no matter whether it is a capital ship or not, what kind of body it has, as long as it is cute enough and can poi!

"Because you are cute." Ye Kai rubbed Xili's little head.

"I'm so happy to be praised by the admiral!" Xili showed a bright face.

Ye Kai couldn't hold back, and rubbed his little face.

"My fellow, are you molesting a little girl?"

Hong Meiling was exercising in the morning, and she couldn't help teasing Ye Kai when she saw Ye Kai.

In other words, I haven't seen this guy for a long time, especially when she was not sleeping when I came to Hongmeng Hall, it is a miracle!

"No way, this is my poi!" Ye Kai said proudly.

"He's called Xili, poi!" Xili said resolutely.

Ye Kai picked her up and rubbed her head with a smile, "It's all the same."

"Cut, you are still molesting the little girl." Hong Meiling lost her posture, and said to Ye Kai, "Are you here to find the eldest lady?"

"That's right, is Missy up yet?" Ye Kai nodded.

"Get up, surfing the Internet in the living room." Hong Meiling said.

"Then I'll go in directly." Ye Kai waved his hand.

"Wait a minute." Hong Meiling stopped Ye Kai.

Ye Kai raised a question mark on his forehead, not knowing what she wanted to do.

In other words, I am also a member of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, isn't it the same as going back to my hometown when I come to the Scarlet Devil Mansion?

"I heard that you are very strong now, would you like to compete with me?" Hong Meiling said indifferently.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be a sparring madman." Ye Kai said in surprise.

He just doesn't care too much, Hong Meiling has always been the weakest big monster.

One is that she has mediocre monster power. Although she has lived for a long time, her abilities are all derived from martial arts, and her long-range means are very weak.

Gensokyo's abilities, except for Yuka, are all at the mysterious level.

Ye Kai's four series of ghost swords are ranked high even in Gensokyo.

"Hey, go and sit over there for a while, I'll talk about it after I take care of her." Ye Kai put Xi Li down.

Xili knew that Ye Kai was very strong yesterday, but she didn't know to what extent, she was also very curious.

"Admiral, come on poi!" Xi Li said with clenched fists.

Chapter 466 Ye Kai vs Hong Meiling

Ye Kai pulled out the Liuguang Xingyun Knife, and looked solemnly at Hong Meiling who was posing.

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