You Xiang was lying on the bed in her pajamas, holding Dian Xiang in her arms and Shimakaze in the other, the three of them slept very sweetly.

What about Xili?

She came to the beach immediately, and saw that the frigate on the ship had come down, ready to fight at any time.

And on that passenger ship, there was another person who did not disembark, and it was the captain.

He stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the deep sea in the distance, not knowing what to write.

After thinking about it, Xi Li went up against the flow of people, walked up to the captain, and said to him, "Why don't you hide, poi?"

She also wanted to help evacuate the crowd, so naturally the furthest one had to be evacuated first.

"Me?" The captain smiled, and said softly, "I am the captain of this ship. If the ship is alive, the ship is destroyed. If the ship is gone, what am I doing alive?"

"You are an amazing captain poi!" Xili said seriously.

"Ha, is this the basic quality of a captain?" The captain smiled.

"Don't worry, the admiral will definitely protect you and your ship's poi!" Xi Li said.

"Huh? I thought you would say that you would protect me. Why, are your admirals going to fight too?" the captain asked in surprise.

In his mind, the admiral is a group of guys who guide the ship girls.

In terms of combat effectiveness, an admiral can't even beat a sailor unless he has been trained.

"Of course, my admiral is a very strong poi!" Xi Li said proudly.

She's not like Bismarck or Lexington.

The two of them were already powerful ship girls, and when something happened, their first thought was naturally to go themselves.

But Xili is different, she is a little girl, she will instinctively seek protection when she is in danger.

If she fights, she can be very heroic, but that doesn't mean she won't be afraid.

"Oh, don't be joking, he is at most commanding the battle, right?" the captain smiled wryly.

At this time, four frigates of this ship and Ye Kai's three aircraft carriers have gathered on the beach.

Naturally, it is not so fast to clear the crowd, and there are still more than half of them left.

Xili just wanted to speak, but at this moment, everyone felt a strong aura.

The crowd looked up, the ship's mother turned her head, Xi Li and the captain turned their heads.

I saw Ye Kai spread his huge undulating wings and flew towards the sea against the flow of people.

"What kind of black technology is this?" the captain asked in surprise.

Although the other two admirals were helpless, they also brought the ship's wife to the beach, and the four ship's girls watched quietly behind them.

Soon, they saw a scene that they will never forget.

When Ye Kai flew five nautical miles, countless carrier-based aircraft soared into the sky and pressed towards Ye Kai.

But Ye Kai's wings suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The sky there exploded like glass shattered, turning all the deep-sea carrier aircraft into spare parts, none of them could still fly in the air!


Ye Kai swung a huge X-shaped sword energy, and the whole sea seemed to be divided into three parts by him.

How fast is Jianmang's speed?There is no way to hide from the deep sea!

bang, bang, bang...

Wherever the sword light passed, the deep sea was completely sunk!

Ye Kai landed on the sea, very stable, just like a ship's mother.

The two admirals held binoculars and their eyes widened.

So did the captain, who opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

If you carefully observe the mouth shapes of the three people, or if they are close, you can know that they shouted the same two words.


Chapter 475 Captive

Boom, boom, boom...

The overwhelming artillery fire drowned Ye Kai.

The spectators thought that Ye Kai was over like this, but within ten minutes, the deep sea ceased fire, and Ye Kai was still standing proudly on the surface of the sea, unaffected at all.

Even Shenhai Yamato's artillery fire didn't make him move a bit.

When facing Bismarck and Hong Meiling, he naturally wouldn't use this immobile kung fu that consumes a lot of mana.

But to deal with the deep sea, since you want to give your ship girl confidence, of course you have to use it.

Among them, three shells were unexpectedly strong, so they should be the artillery fire of Shenhai Yamato, right?But that's about it.

Ye Kai looked at the deep sea, unafraid, and swept away the light in his hand...

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