
The light of piercing the air and drawing the sword spread across the entire sea area.

Ye Kai never thought about how strong he could be.

When dealing with the strong, this trick is very difficult to accomplish, but what about dealing with the deep sea?

bang, bang, bang...

The deep sea that was hit by the piercing knife slash was all sunk, and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Ye Kai felt as if there was something under his feet, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

buzz, buzz, buzz...

Don't move Mingwang array!

Five huge spheres surrounded all the deep-sea submarines, and those submarines involuntarily floated up and came to the center of Ye Kai's five engravings.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...


With a loud explosion, all the submarines were sunk.

Ye Kai's eyes returned to normal color, and then he froze.

I thought that all the deep seas would sink this time, but two of them survived.

He had never seen Shenhai Yamato before. He happened to close the port at that time and missed the event.

But he has seen Yamato's vertical painting, and one of the two deep seas left is Yamato.

There are two black and purple horns on her head, one long and one short, and her eyes are purple. She is wearing a black and purple swimsuit, swimming trunks or a pair of breasts.

Her ship was emitting purple gas, and it looked like it was almost destroyed.

She is looking around blankly now, as if to say: Where is my fleet?What about such a large fleet?Who saw it?Why is it gone?

Ye Kai looked at Yamato and said, "Qing Ben is beautiful, how can I be a thief?"

The other ship was obviously an ordinary-looking destroyer.

Her body seems to grow in the mouth of the ship suit, and the ship suit is like a fish, the kind of miscellaneous fish that can be encountered as soon as it enters the game.

Her eyes were already blindfolded, with a golden lamp in the center of the blindfold.

The way to distinguish deep-sea destroyers is actually very simple. They are all black. The one with purple stripes in the mouth is the weakest, the one with purple stripes spreading outside is stronger, and the one with purple into gold is the strongest.

However, even if it is the strongest, it is only a destroyer, and several golden battleships have been killed by Ye Kai.

Moreover, she didn't seem to be hurt at all.

She moved forward a little and stood in front of Yamato.

Ye Kai didn't believe in evil, and blasted towards the opponent with a blasting wave sword.


A huge fireball hit Yamato.

By the way, what's going on here, is that destroyer I aimed at?

There should have been a protective cover on Yamato, but the protective cover was dropped by Ye Kai a second ago, so it doesn't exist now.

Yamato's body was scorched black, he didn't even have the strength to move, he looked at Ye Kai innocently.

And the destroyer also looked innocently at Yamato.


Those people who escaped came back, and there was a lot of discussion. After all, the deep sea has sunk, and the rest are resources.

The only two remaining deep-sea ship girls also seemed to have lost their combat effectiveness, and they dared not come out to watch the fun, they were too weak.

Bismarck and Eugen looked at each other, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly called everyone over. As a result, the admiral went up and settled the battle easily. Is that okay?

In other words, they are the first batch of ship girls who are protected by the admiral, right?

"Uncle, let me tell you, my admiral is very powerful poi!" Xi Li said proudly.

Click click.

The captain turned his head to look at Xili, and asked in a daze, "Is your admiral a man or a ghost?"

"The admiral said he was a ghost!" Xi Li said proudly.

The other two admirals were also stupefied, and one of them murmured: "This guy, why are you afraid of the deep sea with him? Just kill him alone, what's the use of us?"

"Did you forget the incident last time?" Another frowned.

The news in the admiral's circle is still relatively wide, but it has nothing to do with the ship's mother, and they don't take it seriously.

Ordinary people have been forcing the admiral to go to war with Shen Hai to regain human territory.

However, war will kill people, those ship girls can go through fire and water for their admirals, but how can the admiral just let the ship girls go to death like this?

Not to mention those admirals who became monks halfway, even admirals who were born in the military, at most they would only try to protect their homes as much as possible instead of going out to die.

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