Ye Kai seemed to know what Bei Zhai was thinking, pinched the index finger and thumb of both hands on her fleshy face, tugged at both sides, and said with a sneer, "Tell me, are you thinking about something unhealthy?"

Bei Zhai retorted: "The bed is folded on the left side, can you carry it on your shoulders?"

Seeing that she couldn't speak clearly, Ye Kai let go of her hand.


Bei Zhai's face trembled for a moment, and then returned to normal, unexpectedly elastic.

Sure enough, Bei Zhai is so cute.

While gathering the diamonds, Lexington looked at this side and thought to himself: The admiral seems to like Beizhai and Xili very much. Does he like lazy people?No, Xili is very diligent, or she just doesn't like to study.Could it be that this is the resonance among the scumbags?

It took Ye Kai less than an hour from the start of the battle to the end, but it took only an hour to collect resources.

As soon as Xili came out, he went to collect resources. Ye Kai didn't rub Xili's head, expressing his displeasure.

Fortunately, Bei Zhai has been staying by his side and complaining, so there will be no one to harm.

"Master, the task is complete, please give instructions." Sheng Sheng said indifferently.

Prestige's heart can't help but be a little complicated, the master is so powerful, she is incompetent as a so-called almighty maid, at least she can't help in battle.

In other words, how does prestige define a maid?It is depressing not to be able to provide help in battle, and it is also depressing not to be able to warm the bed for the owner...

It's normal to fight back, at least Tifa, Yuyuko, Kaguya, and Beizhai were well served, and there was nothing embarrassing about them.

Even if it is a bit clumsy at times, it is actually cute.

If everything is the same as prestige, two perfect and handsome maids, it would be scary to think about it.

"Admiral, I have harvested a lot of diamonds this time. I calculated that I can exchange them for about [-] units of resources. If you want to add blueprints and some props, you can exchange them for about [-] units." Lexington reported.

"Well, let's sell it for two million cash, the tutelary mansion doesn't have enough money." Ye Kai thought for a while.

"But, what should we do in the future? As far as the money is concerned, it is enough." Chicheng said with a worried expression.

brush brush...

Except for Beizhai and Kaga, all eyes were on Akagi.

Standing beside Akagi, Kaga couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Is it because of who is guarding the mansion that he is so poor, and he doesn't have a B number in his heart?

Well, although Jian Niang doesn't know how to swear, that's what it means in translation.

Chicheng's food intake alone is worth as much as the rest of the ship's mother.

The entire bow dojo, bow and arrow stand, and tea room, the income of the three places cannot support Chicheng alone.

It can be seen that Chicheng is a big cancer of the tutelary mansion!

Although Bei Zhai doesn't work very much, she stays with Hui Ye for food and lodging, as if Hui Ye is her older sister. The notebooks and some games are also Hui Ye's, which saves a lot of money invisibly.

The rest is the fault of Youyouzi, but she is Ye Kai's sister, so it's hard for the girls to say anything.

"I agree to sell some resources, about [-] units each." Lexington said indifferently.

Lexington felt that as long as she had the resources for exercises and so on, she didn't have to worry about the rest.

"Don't worry, when I go on an expedition, I will definitely earn you a lot of resources." Ye Kai said proudly.

"But isn't the expedition something about the ship's mother?" Xi Li said weakly.

"How many resources can an expedition of that level earn? At that time, as long as there is an expedition related to the deep-sea flagship, I will participate in it, and the resources will be greatly increased." Ye Kai said proudly.

"Then, won't we be able to touch the deep sea in the future?" Bismarck said a little disappointed.

It can make Bismarck lose, that is, all equipment can only be used for exercises.

"Of course not. When your proficiency is higher, I will naturally arrange for you to go on an expedition and attack. However, it can't be this kind of formation." Ye Kai comforted.

It's a big deal, when the time comes, he will follow quietly, and he can't hurt the hearts of these ship girls.

Not all ship girls like to fight, but all ship girls want to be approved by the admiral, and fighting is a shortcut.

Bismarck is a person who knows nothing except fighting, and Prince Eugen takes care of him in daily life.

If you can't fight, what's the difference with salted fish?

"Ah? You still have to attack, it's so troublesome." Bei Zhai pouted.

Before Bismarck reprimanded him, Ye Kai rubbed Bei Zhai's little head, and said with a smile, "Fight if you like fighting, and play if you don't like it, as long as everyone is happy."

"The admiral is the best." Bei Zhai showed a smile.

The next time my sister asks her to attack, even if she is killed, she will not attack.

With this time, how good is it to read the book?

Chapter 477 Interview

After that, Ye Kai escorted Shenhai Yamato and Shenhai Xuefeng, and everyone drove towards the shore.

The two admirals came up with the ship's wife, and the captain also brought his own frigate.

The rest of the tourists were a little far away, but they didn't disperse.

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