Shenhai Yamato, there have been two sinkings and thirty-one repulsions in the past [-] years, and each time it was a big news.

What about this time?He was caught here alive!

A reporter took a camera and snapped snaps at Ye Kai.

Wenwen expressed that he has no interest in this kind of news, because the monsters in Gensokyo would never read it.

The cricket is deep in the sea, and it is very easy for Wen Wen to abuse her, which is not as good-looking as Ye Kai's gossip.

Wenwen is the soul of a reporter, but she will not release such boring news, she will only release some [-]-ban reports about what happened to the two deep seas after Ye Kai.

"This admiral is really amazing." The captain said with emotion.

Ye Kai is now dragging the fish tail of the Yukaze ship outfit with one hand, and pinching Yamato's neck with the other. The ship girls are lined up behind him, looking very domineering.

"It's drizzle." Ye Kai shrugged.

The reporter greeted the cameraman, rushed up immediately, handed the microphone to Ye Kai's mouth, and said excitedly: "I'm a reporter from Jianniang Weekly, how did you capture Shenhai Yamato, what do you think about it? ?”

Ye Kai glanced at the reporter with contempt. He ran faster than anyone else before, and he was not favored by the god of news at first sight. It's unprofessional!If you want to be a reporter, you still need to study literature. She is a person who dares to secretly take pictures of Youxiang, a typical representative of wanting news and not dying.

However, Ship Girl Weekly is also a well-known publication in the world, so even if this reporter is an intern reporter, he can still occupy a good space.

Seeing that she looks good 36E and wears a bikini, I endured it.

Seeing that Ye Kai was going to be interviewed, some bold tourists took out their collections and started recording.

"For Gensokyo, the deep sea is just a chicken and a dog, and it can be manipulated by others! As long as you come here to play and settle here, it is definitely the safest! The playground is covered by the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and the beach has sister red Cover, the hot spring hotel is covered by me! Fantasy Island can still accept [-] people, first come, first served!" Ye Kai said proudly.

Since it is news, it is natural to advertise for yourself.

At this time, a male reporter rushed to Ye Kai, handed over the microphone, and said excitedly, "I am a reporter from the Tokyo Times. May I ask why you don't take the initiative to attack the deep sea?"

"That's not what you said when you regarded us as human-eating monsters..." Ye Kai said with a half-smile.

"That, we have already realized that we are wrong." The male reporter frowned.

"You can be forgiven if you admit your mistakes, so what's the use of the police? We are monsters, monsters thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago, but they all came from the law of the jungle." Ye Kai said deeply: "I didn't kill them all." Those people have been cultivating themselves for thousands of years.”

Many people looked at Ye Kai in fear, as if they were afraid that Ye Kai would kill them...

On the contrary, those nerds and nerds were very excited, as if Gensokyo should be like this, this is the Gensokyo they are familiar with.

"This, this..." The male reporter didn't know how to say it.

"Don't use human moral standards to ask monsters. We attack the deep sea because they violated our territory, so they are enemies. Those people attacked us at the beginning, so they are also enemies. But everyone is here to travel, that is Our customers, we will use the best appearance to greet customers. We have always had a clear grievance. You can ask the residents of Gensokyo, do the transformed monsters take the initiative to eat people? We adhere to the principle that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others. , if anyone offends me, I will kill you." Ye Kailang said.

The female reporter obviously just graduated, and her blood boiled immediately when she heard the words, and said to Ye Kai: "In this way, no matter how powerful the deep-sea fleet is, will it be smashed here?"

"Can you speak idioms?" Ye Kai couldn't help but amused and said: "Of course, protecting the safety of the guests is what we should do. The premise is that you don't leave this playground for ghosts and gods. If you go to the forbidden area, I can't help it. "

"Thanks, I still have some questions..."

"Let's do another interview next time. I want to study these two deep seas." Ye Kai picked up Shenhai Yamato.

"The last one..." the female reporter said pitifully.

"Okay, let's ask." Ye Kai has always been tolerant to girls, especially those with big breasts.

"Humans have tried to capture the deep sea, but even if they were caught, they would choose to commit suicide, but why are you so cute?" the female reporter asked curiously.

Some people who have studied the deep sea are also very curious, how did Ye Kai do it?

The deep sea is nothing but destruction, and it's dishonest if you catch it. Tranquilizers are of no use at all.

"Suppressed by the superior." Ye Kai sneered: "I checked with the power of ghosts and gods just now, and they are also a kind of monsters, but they are uncivilized. To some extent, they are the embodiment of the evil of the sea, so There are corresponding beautiful ship girls. The two I caught belong to the kind with a bit of intelligence, and my power is stronger and more evil than them, so they are only afraid of me instinctively."

"Evil..." The female reporter glanced at Ye Kai's ghost hand in surprise, it was the first time she saw someone say that her power was evil.

"Whether power is righteous or evil, it really depends on who the user is. A knife has killed countless people. Is it the fault of the knife or the fault of people?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said: "In my hands, my power It's for protecting customers and killing enemies. In the eyes of evil people, it's for conquering the world."

"Thank you for your answer." The female reporter bowed to Ye Kai, Ye Kai's heart trembled when he saw the trembling weapon on his chest.

"I'm leaving, let's have fun, don't worry about the deep sea!" Ye Kai said grandly.

Immediately, Ye Kai winked at the two admirals and the captain, signaling them to come over.

The two admirals and the captain also had a lot to say, so they naturally followed with the ship's mother.

The surrounding crowd instinctively made way for Ye Kai.

"Wow, this is Ye Kai, the protagonist of the Eastern Ye Kai Story, right?"

"It's true, but it's not as handsome as it was drawn."

"A lot of domineering..."

"His setting seems to be whimsical."

"That's because you don't understand deeply enough. His setting is actually a stallion. Didn't you see that every time he makes a move, he is for all kinds of girls?"

"By the way, it's over when we finally go out to attack Yuyuko."

"Yeah, it's a pity, I don't know if Kaguya Ji fell into his clutches..."

"Looking at him helping Yakumo Zi build a great barrier, wouldn't the entire Gensokyo be his harem?"

"How is it possible, Marisa objected!"

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