"Reimu expresses dissatisfaction!"

"Marisa is the harem king."

"I'll go, have you read the settings carefully? Compared with Marisa, Ye Kai's strategy ability is simply negative."

"Marisa is always captured, just like a harem fighting for favor..."

Well, Alice and Patchouli thought that no one knew about Marisa's thoughts, but now everyone knows...

Chapter 478 Robbery!

When I arrived at Ye Kai's office, I saw Huiye Yonglin and Paqiuli were already stuck here.

Ye Kai was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise, "Hui Ye, have you changed your sex?"

Hui Ye hurriedly ran to Ye Kai's side, squeezed Yamato's face, then pinched his chest, Yamato was pinched by Ye Kai's neck, and he couldn't resist even if he wanted to resist.

"I want to see the [-]:[-] diamond version of the real figure." Hui Ye said excitedly.

"Hui Ye, I have to take one back to study, and I'll give it to you when the research is finished." Yonglin smiled.

"Hey, if you take it back to study, what will you do if you damage my concubine's hand?" Hui Ye frowned.

"You can ask Ye Kai to go to the depths of the sea to catch another one for you." Yong Lin said.

"Tch, well, I'll leave it to you." Hui Ye said with a dissatisfied face.

"Then I want this small one. The previous equipment hasn't made much progress. It's just a different way of thinking." Paqiuli said indifferently.

"Well, then the big one belongs to me, and the small one belongs to you." Yonglin said.

Yamato and Xuefeng looked at the two girls in fear, as if they were looking at a demon who was about to eat people.

Yamato regrets it very much now, why did he avenge that fleet?Well now, into the wolf's den.

In the past, when humans saw the deep sea, they panicked and were bombarded to death in despair.

But here, why does it seem that if you grab it slowly, it will disappear?

Is the human being drifting away, or I, Yamato, can't lift a knife?

"Well, this is my prisoner..." Ye Kai said weakly.

In other words, is it really okay for them to distribute the spoils like this?I caught this myself, and I want to see if I can turn them into normal ship girls.

In that case, I would have the only Yamato in the world!

The Yamato in the ship C world has always been yearning to say that compared to those admirals who can't build a Yamato, he can make a Yamato without playing, and he is very happy.

"Huh?" Yonglin narrowed her eyes and looked at Ye Kai, as if to say: Do you also want to be dissected by me?

"What's yours is mine." Paqiuli said indifferently: "This is the common property of the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

"Okay." Ye Kai had no choice but to pass the two deep seas over, and said with some heartache: "Don't break them, these two are very rare."

Eirin put an enchantment on Yamato's body and pinched her horn.


Yonglin grabbed Shenhai Yamato's horn, dragged it to the ground, and said as she walked, "Don't worry, my medicine won't kill anyone."

Well, at best it can make life worse than death.

Seeing Yamato being taken away like this, both the admiral and the captain choked up at the corners of their mouths, feeling that Yamato was so pitiful.

Paqiuli released a magic, and a golden transparent chain trapped Xuefeng firmly.

Holding the magic book in her arms, she said calmly, "I'll go back first."

After speaking, he left with Xuefeng.

Hui Ye stomped her feet, and said dissatisfied: "Yong Lin just took away my concubine's toy, Ye Kai, you want to get me another one."

Speaking of Huiye's liking for Beizhai, I'm afraid not only because she is also a house girl, but partly because Beizhai is also made by a real person, right?

There are a lot of Beizhai's books and fan comics in the world. It's hard to find the real ones. It seems normal for Hui Ye to like them?

"Hey, I'll help you catch it later." Ye Kai looked at his hand, it was still covered with water, instead of touching Hui Ye's head, he rubbed his face against her face.

"Hmph, I'm going to make up for it, remember to come and watch the new anime with me tonight." After speaking, Hui Ye turned around and left, without any nostalgia.

Ye Kai spread his hands helplessly, turned to the captain and the two admirals and said, "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"Uh... no, I really learned a lot." One of the admirals said, he was the one with Hood.

Several people entered the office, Ye Kai sat in his seat, and Lexington stood beside him.

The rest of the ship girls, except Bei Zhai who fell behind halfway through, were all sitting on the sofa.

"Excuse me, what's the matter with us this time?" the captain said indifferently.

He didn't think that Ye Kai wanted to greet them.

Just like the circle of admirals, non-mention and non-commitment flow, Outi and Ouyi flow.

The strong rarely talk to the weak, because they are not equal.

For example, if Fei Ti entered Ou Ti's circle, he definitely wanted to be stimulated to death.

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