If an Outi entered Feiti's circle, he would definitely want to be stabbed to death with a spear.

Ye Kai's strength is not at the conceptual level with them at all. When they were still pursuing big ships and cannons, Ye Kai had already pursued Star Destroyers.

Otherwise, no matter how many ship girls are, how could they be Ye Kai's opponents.

As soon as the captain finished speaking, he saw an extra cup of tea in front of him.

Not only him, everyone has a cup in their hands.

The captain was surprised for a moment, glanced at the reputation, and immediately understood.

The prestigious tutelary fort and the unprestige tutelary fort, hospitality are two different concepts.

Counterattack Seeing her sister's chic posture, she couldn't help being a little envious. She also wanted to achieve this level and be the most powerful maid!

"Well, I want to sell [-] units of resources, the same [-] units, a total of [-] units, according to the market price, [-] million [-] units, do you need it?" Ye Kai asked straight to the point.

Instead of sending a telegram to wait for buyers, it's better to see if these guys need it.

The three of them were immediately startled. Creatures like admirals generally value resources very much. No matter how much money they have, it is difficult to buy resources from them.

But if they want to sell resources, they are very happy to buy them.

The so-called market price is just a nice thing to say, except for the black market, basically no resources can be bought, and the price on the black market is still ten times that.

Only when the government is rich will it occasionally sell some resources.

At that time, there were absolutely huge crowds of admirals queuing up, and there was a purchase limit.

For some wild paths, you can queue up in advance, and the rest depends on luck.

Except for those who are well-connected, only ten or eight lucky ones can buy [-] units.

"Well, can you wait for two days?" the admiral of Nevada asked.

The captain shook his head and said, "I don't need resources, because these frigates are the frigates of the security company, not mine."

His four frigates are Atlanta, Juneau, San Diego, San Juan.

These ship girls are all wandering ship girls without admirals, and they are slowly collected by the ship girl headquarters or some security companies.

Of course, there are also those who are specially used as frigates for a certain ship, and they are all very valuable royal cruise ships, not ordinary passenger ships.

Generally, when going on missions, they will try their best to arrange sister ships to attack. Even if they are not an admiral, they are not considered sisters, and they have a tacit understanding than normal.

"Is it okay to swipe the card?" Hood's admiral didn't seem like an ordinary person, he took the two million as he said, and said with bright eyes: "If I can sell one MK6, I am willing to give another ten million."

Ye Kai's eyes widened, and he suddenly realized that selling equipment seems to be more profitable.

But the words have been spoken, it is not easy to take them back...

"Lexington, is Remy at the playground now?" Ye Kai asked Lexington beside him.

"Yes, she's playing a merry-go-round with Misaki." Lexington smiled.

Remi always pretended to be very dignified, but she was too childish.

Carousel, don't even sit on fantasy...

"Okay, it's just MK6, how much do you want?" Ye Kai said to Hood's admiral.

"Uh... If possible, I want two." Hood's admiral blinked and said.

How to say it seems to be, how much do you have as much as I want?

Chapter 479 Believe in Remy, Must Ship!

Remy followed Ye Kai to the arsenal reluctantly, she is tired of playing now and doesn't like it anymore.

If Ye Kai hadn't said that her sect might appear and bring good incense to her shrine, she wouldn't have come to help Ye Kai build it.

Ye Kai is also helpless, it seems that this time he has to make more, otherwise he will have no chance in the future.

Since the captain was not an admiral, he naturally couldn't visit here, so he returned to his own passenger ship with the frigate.

The other two admirals both started the live broadcast. After all, some people said that 4 MK6s would be produced on the spot, and every shot was guaranteed to hit, which made them very curious.

Ye Kai's ship wife went to do whatever she wanted, only Lexington and Shengfu were by her side.

As for Xili?Just hold it in your arms!

"Admiral, I can go by myself poi!" Xili pouted.

Ye Kai lifted Xili to the same height as himself, kissed her on the cheek, then put it down, touched her head, and said with a smile: "To me, you will always be a child."

So good at poi, how could I not hug...

Lexington suddenly had an idea, he should talk less and poi more in the future, Ye Kai seems to be very cute.

"I hate it, Admiral." Xi Li said dissatisfied.

Ye Kai thinks about it, she doesn't have any friends, and it's not a problem to be always taken by him, why not build her a partner.

"Tell me, servant, what do you want?" Remy said proudly.

She had already walked to the front of the construction machine, fiddling with it casually.

"First come four MK6, and then follow this list for the rest." Ye Kai took out a list, most of which were written on the equipment of destroyers, and the equipment of two battleships, kept for spare.

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