What is Guta, a special item used to attack Suwako?I'm not interested in loli, if possible, give me a chance to attack Sanae than this thing!

Forget it, don't do this seemingly cheating task.

Yuyuko and Yakumo Zi jumped out of the gap, grabbed Ye Kai's hand each, and slowly disappeared into this world.

Chapter 483 Academy City

This world is a world where science and magic coexist, and the development of science far surpasses Ye Kai's previous life.

The place where Ye Kai and others appeared was in Academy City.

After the government acquired all the slower-developed areas in the western part of Tokyo, this "Academy City" was established, with an area of ​​about one-third of Tokyo.

This city of schools includes dozens of universities and hundreds of elementary schools, junior high schools and high schools, with a total of more than a thousand large and small research institutions.

With a population of nearly 230 million, [-]% of the residents are students.

Academy City has the most cutting-edge technology in the world, [-] or [-] years ahead of the outside world, and is a leader in the scientific world.

Academy City was built by the general director Aleister Crowley for more than fifty years, and it is fully managed by the general council.

Since most of the technology and research are highly confidential matters, the security system in Academy City is very strict, and there are strict restrictions on the entry and exit of personnel.

Academy City basically adopts an anti-foreign policy. It is not only surrounded by walls, but also has a guard force specially designed to block intruders. Artificial satellites are always watching inside and outside.

Most of the students of Academy City live in the dormitory of the school, and receive ability development in each school.Most of the students in Academy City obtain superpowers by means of drugs, hypnosis, and electrical stimulation.


In fact, it is only theoretically possible for a person with absolute ability to evolve to Level 6, and no character has successfully evolved to Level 6.

Physical examinations will be carried out at regular intervals, and re-measurement will be carried out, but [-]% of the students are incapable, and there are only seven people with superpowers in Academy City.

Today is July [-]th, the first day of summer vacation.

Four girls were carrying big and small bags, and there were many strangely dressed people nearby, all of whom seemed to have just come out of the comic exhibition.

"Misaka-senpai, there was a massive power outage last night, do you know why? It seems that there is a new urban legend circulating."

The person who spoke was Saten Reiko, a first-year student in Sagawa Middle School, a girl with long black hair and a five-petal white plum flower ornament on her head.

Her dress was a plain blue and white sailor suit with a skirt that reached down to her calves.

The innocent personality gives people the feeling of optimism, and she looks very casual at first glance, but on the contrary, she also shows meticulous care for others by perceiving the atmosphere around her.

A girl who is full of curiosity, shows deep interest in everything no matter what, and likes to talk about topics.

An aerostat with Level 0 ability, that is, the ability to use air, or wind.

"Well, I don't know either, hehe... By the way, what did you buy at the comic exhibition?" A girl responded.

Her name is Misaka Mikoto. She has shoulder-length brown hair, brown pupils, unyielding eyes, and a pretty face that doesn't need makeup.

She was wearing a Tokiwadai uniform, with a shirt inside, a light tea sleeveless top over wheat noodles, and a short skirt on her lower body.

This can be seen the gap between the schools, it seems that the more noble the school, the shorter the skirt?

"Saten bought the commemorative CD of LOVELIVE." Another girl said.

Her name is Uiharu Shiri, a first-year student at Sagawa Middle School, and the same as Shirai Kuroko, the discipline committee member of the 177th branch, and has the authority to enter the "library" of Academy City.

Petite, with narrow shoulders, she looks a bit more childish. Her short black hair wears a headdress full of roses, hibiscus, peacock grass, hibiscus and other flowers. From a distance, she looks like There is a big vase on the head, known as the "walking vase".

Because the flowers on the head are artificial flowers, each flower can be taken off at will, and the voice of speaking sounds sweet and greasy, as if you have candy in your mouth.

The ability is Level1's "constant temperature preservation", which can keep the temperature of the object in contact at a certain state, but it can't pick up things that are too hot.

She is a super-genius hacker, she can be called Level 6, and she is also the true body of the "Patron Saint" in urban legends, but she doesn't know it herself.

"Hmph, they really sing really well!" Saten Ruiko rolled her eyes and said, "How much do you like Missy, Chuchun, that you would even buy Remilia's merchandise from the Touhou series? Touhou is out of date, okay? "

As she said that, she hid Yakumo Zi and Yuyuko's lily book hidden deep in her pocket, as well as LOVELIVE's lily book...

"No, Satian-san is too good, I can fight for another five hundred years!" Chuchun pouts.

The Three Miracles of Doujin: Dongfang, Hanchan, and Yueji.

Nico Yu Sanjia: Touhou, Vocaloid, Idol Master.

Three major cults: Dongfang, Jianniang, LOVE LIVE, Xingyue.

It can be seen that no matter how long it has passed, Great Eastern will not fall down.

Why do you say there are four of the three major cults?There are five of the Four Heavenly Kings, five of the Four Sword Masters, and four of the Three Great Cults. What's wrong?

"Anime is the most boring thing, isn't it my sis?" The last girl hugged Mikoto's arm.

Her name is Shirai Pervert, no... Shirai Kuroko, a girl with brown hair who is slightly shorter than the average height of ordinary middle school girls.Her hairstyle is twin ponytails with a bow tie. Because she has natural curly hair, she often goes to a beauty salon in Sakashima Road to straighten her hair.

Wearing a uniform and three-fold socks on the feet, the somewhat traditional appearance is the biggest feature.

The thighs are supporting the belt, and dozens of metal arrows are inserted into it.This is also Shirai Kuroko's ultimate move by using space to move the metal arrow to the target in an instant.

The Disciplinary Commissioner of the 177th Activity Branch of the Disciplinary Commissioner is a colleague of Rishi Uiharu.

The corner of Meiqin's mouth twitched, and she smiled unnaturally, "Really? Hahaha..."

In her pocket, there are a few Touhou fans, which doesn't mean she particularly likes Touhou, although she also reads it, but it's more to cover up the CDs of magical girls.

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