Although he is a second year in junior high school, his favorite things are unexpectedly younger.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for accompanying you, my elder sister and I would have gone shopping a long time ago." Heizi turned his head.

In the morning, they had just finished investigating the void explosion incident that happened yesterday. A researcher gave them some science. In the afternoon, they wanted to relax, so they came to the comic exhibition.

Since Miqin confiscated her hand when she was fighting with someone last night, there was a large-scale power outage in Academy City, and there was no good place to go.

"Well, it's okay to participate once in a while, haha." Meiqin scratched her head and smiled.

This time she gained a lot, and bought a lot of Guatai's peripherals.

"Wait, the space fluctuates." Heizi suddenly frowned.

Chapter 484 First Meeting

"To be able to cause such spatial fluctuations, the other party is at least a Level 4 space-type ability user. However, there are 58 space-type ability users registered in Academy City, and there are only 4 people who have reached Level 19, including Heizi and me. They are active. There are only three in the seventh school district." Heizi said solemnly.

As she spoke, she took out the discipline committee's armband from her backpack and put it on.

"Let's go and have a look together, Shirai-san!" Chuchun said to Heizi.

Both of them are very responsible people, so they are naturally very curious about this incident.

"Well, I'll go and have a look too." Meiqin said softly.

Although this is not her duty, her sense of justice has always been overwhelming, which means she likes to meddle in other people's business.

"Sister, this is the work of the Disciplinary Committee. You can follow up, but please don't do it yourself!" Heizi smiled.

She still cares about her responsibilities.

"All right……"

Knowing that Heizi attached great importance to the work of the disciplinary committee, Mikoto didn't care.

After the space fluctuation ended, Ye Kai, Yuyuko, and Yakumo Zi appeared in an alley.


Why are there four girls staring at us?

Two of them still wear the armbands of discipline committee members. What the hell is this?

By the way, the system time travel is becoming more and more unreliable now, I don't say anything when I travel to the girl, why are you still wearing clothes?Compared with them, Kaguya didn't know how high he was.

It seems that one of the girls is very familiar. There seem to be many posters of her in Hui Ye's store. Although the three-dimensional and two-dimensional are somewhat different, Ye Kai can still see the similarities.

This, we are in the anime world?

"Who are you guys?" Shirai Heizi said coldly, "Why did you use your spatial ability to appear here? It's against the law to use your ability indiscriminately. I'm a discipline committee member. Please come with me."

"Yakumozi?" This is Leizi, and most of the Dongfang fans she reads are from Yakumozi's books...

"Youyouzi?" This is Chuchun, and she also yearns for the eldest lady of Baiyulou.After all, Remilia is not the only lady in Gensokyo.

Well, that's right, right?

"Ye Kai?" This is Mikoto. Among the Touhou series, there are very few males. Mikoto can naturally remember him, and she has a lot of affection for Ye Kai. After all, she helps Yuyuko fight the West Goblin and Kaguya against the nobles. Helping Yakumo Zi establish a great enchantment and helping the ancestors seal Rumia are all good things.

Ye Kai helps others without asking for anything in return, and what he does is taken for granted.

Well, he can't say that everything he does is good, it can be said that he is both good and evil, and he is merciless when attacking the moon.

Wait, if you calculate it this way, it seems like he will help anyone who asks him for help?

Heizi was stunned, and she looked at the three little friends with a puzzled expression on her face, only to see that their eyes were shining, even Miqin was no exception.

What Heizi likes are some mature anime, commonly known as Lily Xiang**, she seldom watches doujin, so naturally she doesn't know who these three guys are.

Now Mikoto and others are a little confused, is this a cosplay?It's easy to say!

There should be a space ability user among them, is he here to catch up with the comic exhibition?

"It seems that there is information about Gensokyo in this world." There was a dangerous light in Yakumo Zi's eyes.

For the book, she has always killed everything!

"Ala, it looks like the modernization is doing well. There should be a lot of delicious food." After Yuyuko finished speaking, she floated up and looked around in the air.

Youyouzi's flying made the four girls confused again, how did she fly?Looking around, there is no such thing as steel wire.

Is it a superpower?Maybe.

"Youyuko, come down first. There doesn't seem to be much privacy in this world. Some invisible threads can observe us at any time." Yakumo Zi sneered.

"By the way, should we leave first? Our sudden appearance should have a big impact on ordinary people, right?" Ye Kai asked Yakumo Zi.

"Ordinary people..." Meiqin's excited gaze suddenly turned cold, a smile hung on the corner of her mouth, she took a step forward, and said softly, "How dare you say that I am an ordinary person."

How dare these cosplayers call her an ordinary person?I haven't let go of the anger of losing the duel last night!

"My lord, please leave this to me." Heizi didn't know how powerful the few people were, so she instinctively touched the metal arrow on her leg.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

In front of the throats of the three of Ye Kai, metal arrows appeared at the same time.

Ye Kai rolled his eyes, took one down, and with a pinch, the metal arrow turned into a metal ball.

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