In other words, he felt that he and Stiyl were too weak and he would lose value...

"More than 85% of her brain capacity has been taken up by the 15 grimoires in the Forbidden Books Catalogue, and she can only rely on the remaining [-]% to barely maintain her function...Even so, her ability is still comparable to Ordinary people are on par." Kanzaki resolutely chose to change the topic.

Kamijou Touma felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. What he wanted to know was another thing: "So what? Why did you do this to her? Isn't your 'Church of Necessary Evil' just Indy?" Is it the church that Max belongs to? Why did you hunt down Index? Why did Index say that you are bad magicians from the magic association? Could it be that you want to tell me that Index actually lied to me?"

"I didn't lie to you!" Index put her hands on her hips, and said to Dangma angrily, "Don't you believe me?"

"She didn't lie to you." Kanzaki Kaori hesitated, and then replied: "Just because she doesn't remember anything. She doesn't remember that we are members of the 'Church of Necessary Evil', and she doesn't remember that she was chased. Therefore, she had to rely on the knowledge in her head to judge. The magician who is most likely to chase after the list of forbidden books is the one who wants to get [-] grimoires, isn't it?"

When Ma remembered, Index had no memory of a year ago at all.

He frowned and said, "Wait... This still doesn't make sense... Doesn't Index have full memory? Why did she forget? Also, why did she lose her memory?"

"She didn't have amnesia," Kanzaki said holding her breath, "To be correct, I erased her memory."

"...Why?" Kamijou asked, "Why? For you, Index is also an important friend, right? Why did you do this?"

Index finally set her gaze on Kanzaki's face, wanting to know the answer.

"...Because I have to do this. If I don't do this, Index will die." Kanzaki's shoulders trembled slightly, and she continued: "As I said, 85% of her brain capacity, They have already been used to memorize those 15 books. The brain capacity she can use is only [-]% of that of ordinary people. If she continues to "memorize" like ordinary people, her brain will be saturated immediately."

" is it possible..." Kamijou Touma said in disbelief: "This is impossible...this is too strange...didn't you just say that the remaining 15% can be no different from ordinary people..."

"It's not wrong. But her way of remembering things is different from ours. What she has is full memory." In Kanzaki's tone, the emotion is gradually disappearing: "Do you know what full memory means?"

"...It's the ability to never forget something once you've seen it, isn't it?" Kamijou Touma said with some uncertainty.

"That's right. But, is the behavior of 'forgetting' really a bad thing? The human brain is actually smaller than we imagined. Our brain can continue to function for nearly a hundred years because the brain can Keep organizing your memory and forgetting the 'useless memories'. You don't remember what you had for dinner a week ago? Everyone organizes their brain unconsciously. If you don't do this, you can't continue to live " Shenzhe said in a deep voice.

"I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

At this time, Ye Kai interrupted.

He felt that his IQ was tainted by a few mentally handicapped...

Chapter 503 You Are Not a Lolicon

"The brain is composed of about 140 cells, weighing about 1400 grams, the thickness of the cerebral cortex is about 2-3 mm, and the total area is about 2200 square centimeters. It is estimated that about 10 brain cells die every day. A person's brain The capacity to store information is equivalent to 1 libraries with a collection of 1000 million books, and people who are the best at using their brains only use 10% of their brain power in their lifetime." Ye Kai looked at San Rendao with a caring look on his face. : "I know a magician, she can silently write a book in the library, anytime, anywhere, she lives more happily than anyone else."

"This..." Kamijou Touma was stunned, not knowing who to trust.

"Why is it so noisy so early in the morning?"

At this moment, Shokuhou Misaki walked out of the room with a yawn, and was stunned when she saw Kamijou Touma and Index.

For a moment, she was a little confused.

Kamijou Touma's position is obviously to protect Index.

This guy will always be that good guy...

The look in that little nun's eyes seems to have fallen in love with Kamijou Touma?

That's right, after all, he is a person whose name he can't even remember.

Those pasts can only be fleeting, right?fair enough.The hazy feelings at that time were torn to pieces by Index and Kamijou Touma in that instant.

Kamijou Touma didn't pay attention when he saw Shokuhou Misaki, because he forgot about the girl he met last night again.

He just gave Ye Kai a thumbs up, saying: Pure man...

By the way, the last time I saw it was another woman, right?

Do you want to call the police if you attack a junior high school student?No, he is the security team... knowing the law and breaking the law?

"Shokuhou, how are your grades?" Seeing that Shokuhou's expression changed when he saw Kamijou Touma this time, Ye Kai didn't care.

"I am Her Lady Queen." Shokuhou said proudly.

She adjusted very quickly, or she was already prepared.

"Then tell me, is it possible for a person's brain to be overwhelmed by memory? Absolute memory, that is, a photographic memory." Ye Kai said to Shokuhou.

Shokuhou looked like you were teasing me and replied: "You don't have a fever, do you? How can a human brain be overwhelmed by memories? Don't forget that a human brain can hold at least four British Museums, unless the memory is a flash Come in, otherwise you won't be blown up."

Ye Kai glanced at a few scumbags with contempt, and said casually: "It's really interesting that this kind of common sense can scare you. You are a high school student. If you have any questions, you can ask the teacher. This kind of thing Can it bother you too?"

Kamijou Touma was stunned, Kanzaki did mean 85%.85% of Index's brain capacity has been used to memorize [-] grimoires.

So her mind is oppressed, and the remaining 15% can only store a year's worth of memories.If it exceeds this limit, her head will explode.

But... wait a minute!

15% of the brain capacity can only store one year's memory?Although Kamijou doesn't know how rare the constitution of "full memory ability" is, it should not be so rare that only Index in the world has such a constitution.

Other people with a "full memory ability" physique cannot use "magic" to erase their memories like Index did.

If 15% of the brain capacity can only store one year's memory... then other people can only live to be six or seven years old?

If it is really such a constitution similar to an incurable disease, generally speaking, it should be more famous, right?

Wait, not to mention... how did Kanzaki know the number of 85%?Who the hell told her?Get to the bottom of it... Is the 85% information correct?

What if Kanzaki didn't have any common sense about brain medicine at all, and just swallowed the information that his boss, that is, the upper echelons of the church, told him?

"Well, I'll call the teacher!" Kamijou Touma concluded.

He is a little flustered now. Compared with these people in front of him, he actually trusts his teacher more.

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