Ye Kai and Shokuhou made a defeated action at the same time.

This guy, is he going to call the teacher at this time?

Fuck, I'm just talking!Don't you see that this is a run on you?

Kanzaki frowned slightly, she instinctively felt that she had been fooled.

And Index couldn't help being puzzled, so Kanzaki and the others were chasing her because of this?In other words, for her own good?

However, the brain is overwhelmed by memory, how can it be unreliable to think about it?

Ye Kai walked up to Steele, took the rag out of his mouth, and said disgustedly: "Stop pretending, I know you've woken up a long time ago."

"Then why didn't you expose it earlier?" Stiyl decisively opened his eyes.

He was already awake when Kamijou Touma came in, and he was just waiting to see if there was a way to escape.

"I thought you liked my dishcloth." Ye Kai said with a smile: "Let you bite for a while."

Stiyl had a shit-eating expression on his face.

"Well, I don't know Teacher Xiaomoe's phone number." Kamijou Touma said awkwardly.

To be precise, he didn't find his mobile phone, and only then remembered that his mobile phone was crushed by himself.

Really, unfortunately!

Ye Kai rolled his eyes and dialed the phone: "Hello, Huang Quanchuan?"

"It's me, the bonus has arrived."

It seems that she doesn't dislike Ye Kai in general...

As for the biography of Dongfang Ye Kai, she has no time to read it right now.

"It's not about this, what's the name of your teacher, Dang Ma?" Ye Kai asked Dang Ma.

"Yueyong Komoe." Kamijou Touma replied decisively.

Huang Quanchuan?It can't be that female man, she is quite famous in the police force.

"Well, can you check for me the contact information of a teacher named Yueyong Xiaomeng?"

"You lolicon, how do you know Xiaomeng?"

"What? I'm not a lolicon!"

"Then why are you looking for her? She's just a teacher."

"Do you know her? Her student is here with me, named Kamijou Touma, you can ask her if she knows her, and then call me back."

"Breaking the law? Advise him to surrender."

"No violation of the law, no violation of the law, but there is a very important question that needs to be consulted. He doesn't remember his teacher's phone number."

"Hmph, learn from the scum. You shouldn't bother the security team with this kind of thing, right?"

"It's true that he is a scumbag, but I don't know anyone here, so I can only find you."

"Let me help you with a question. By the way, there was a battle in a place yesterday, and the ground was cut open. At that time, you were near there."

"Are you following me?" Ye Kai frowned.

"After I sent you the location, you haven't closed the software, blame me?"

"Well... I did pass by last night and caught two kidnappers." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"This kind of matter should be handed over to us, right? At least we should make a record."

"What? Send it to the security team? Don't be kidding, if you send it to the security team, believe it or not, you won't be able to resist if they kill you all." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.


"No, foreign magicians. Don't ask so many questions, just report to the higher authorities. If you need it, I will send it to you. Can this count as a bonus?" Ye Kai asked tentatively.

"No, you are acting bravely!"

"Okay, let's inform Teacher Xiaomeng first." Ye Kai hung up the phone and said curiously: "By the way, what is the connection between my teacher and Lolicon?"

Kamijou Touma smiled awkwardly, his teacher is a Wannian Lolita...

Chapter 504 The Great Right Hand

Woohoo~ It's as bright and beautiful as a flower...

Woohoo~ Elegant as a bird...

Ye Kai's bell that praised Master Siji rang again.

When he saw that it was an unknown number, he answered the phone casually and said, "Hi, hello."

"Hello, I'm Kamijou Touma's teacher, Tsukiyong Komoe."

The voice is soft and cute, just like a child.

Ye Kai said casually: "Hello, hello, I'll let Dang Ma answer the phone right now."

Immediately, he handed the phone to Touma.

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