"Teacher! Listen to me quietly! The thing is like this..." Kamijou Touma asked Moe-sensei about the perfect memory ability.

"How could there be such a thing." Teacher Xiaomeng vetoed this statement with one sentence.

She continued: "It is true that the full memory ability can remember all the junk memories, even what they saw on the supermarket advertisement last year, but it is absolutely impossible for their heads to burst because of this. All the memories of nearly a hundred years in one's life are brought into the grave, because the human brain can remember information for one hundred and forty years."

Kamijou Touma said in a deep voice: "But...but... what if a person memorizes a lot of things? For example, with his memory, he has memorized all the books in the entire library...then he Will your head explode?"

"Hey...it seems that you will fail the memory development class," Teacher Xiaomeng said in a happy tone: "The teacher told you that people's 'memory' does not only exist in one area. There are many memory areas. There are many places, such as the 'meaning memory area' that is in charge of language and knowledge, the 'procedure memory area' that is in charge of motor proficiency, and the 'experience memory area' that is in charge of memories, etc., there are many kinds~"

"Uh... Teacher... I don't quite understand..."

"Simply put." Teacher Xiaomeng, who likes to teach people, said happily: "The 'containers' for each type of memory are different, just like garbage is divided into combustible and non-combustible. Even if a person hits his head and dies Amnesia, and won't crawl on the floor and turn into a baby who can't talk, will it?"

"It means..."

"That's right, no matter how many books in the library you read and how much information you add to the 'Memory Area of ​​Meaning', it won't oppress the 'Memory Area of ​​Experience' that is in charge of memories. This is absolutely impossible in brain medicine what happened~"

Kamijou Touma said a few words to the teacher, hung up the phone, and said to Kanzaki with complicated eyes: "You guys have been fooled, this is information that can be easily found, memory won't blow your brain out. "

"Then why did they treat me like that?" Index asked puzzled.

"If your body doesn't need to rely on the magic of the church, you can survive even if you don't accept the magic of the church. Does the church dare to let you be free like this? What about the possibility of disappearing with [-] grimoires at any time? How could the Church not wear a collar for you without a trace? The Church has tampered with your mind, which had no problems at all." Ye Kai sneered.

He has seen a lot of this kind of thing.

"Then what should I do?" Index said pitifully.

She didn't want to lose her memory, she didn't trust Kanzaki and Steele, and she trusted the unreliable Ye Kai and Touma in front of her.

"Just remove that collar." Ye Kai said calmly.

Shokuhou Misaki watched coldly from the sidelines, she probably already knew what happened.

It seems that Academy City is not the only one that is dark.

This is also the biggest reason why Ye Kai doesn't like her very much. If it were Miqin, she would have already figured out a way to help Index.

Chuchun sent him an email last night, explaining the ins and outs of Miqin's appearance at the bridge, and some information she had, which Miqin herself did not disclose.

As for telling Ye Kai whether it is in line with the rules?Ye Kai's authority is higher than that of the Disciplinary Committee, even if he is not a department, he can still ask the other party to assist in the investigation.

It can be said that Ye Kai is very interested in this child named Meiqin, whether it is for the mission or not.

She is a bit like Kamijou Touma in front of her, exuding the aura of justice and good old man.

Although Ye Kai didn't have much contact with Kamijou Touma, but he can stand in front of Index, a person he has known for a long time, and he can stand up decisively when facing Ye Kai, so you know what kind of person he is. people.

"If you do this, what if something happens?" Kanzaki asked anxiously.

"As for Index's safety, I will naturally ask the church." Stiyl frowned and said, "We will deal with this matter."

"Don't forget, you are captives now." Ye Kai gave the two of them a contemptuous glance.

The two looked at each other, both feeling speechless.

"Of course, the right to choose is up to you, whether to be a salted fish with only one year of memory in your life, absolutely safe, and wearing shackles, or keep that precious memory, even if you may die, even if you are only free for a few minutes." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

"I don't forget Touma!" Index jumped onto Kamijou Touma at once.

There was a wry smile on Touma's face.

Index looked at him as if he was the only friend in this world.

It makes people feel very bitter.

"Okay!" Ye Kai nodded.

"Well, do you have a way to open that shackle?" Touma asked curiously.

"How can I do it?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "It's quite easy for me to hack her to death. I can't even cure her."

Everyone was defeated by Ye Kai, so you are so domineering just now?

"Isn't your right hand able to eliminate all supernatural powers? Judging by what Kanzaki said, you can even break the church's absolute defense, not to mention Index's shackles." Ye Kai said casually.

"That's right! Then I'll try it now?" Kamijou Touma said excitedly.

Ye Kai took back his mobile phone, so as not to be thrown out by this dancing guy.

"Try it, it happens that I'm protected by an enchantment, it's very strong." Ye Kai said with a smile.

He still doesn't know that he has made a big death inadvertently...or in other words, set up a great FLAG...

Kamijou Touma placed his hand on Index's forehead as she sat on the sofa.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them. Although Ye Kai and Shokuhou had little to do with them, they couldn't help being curious.

Although it claims to be a miracle that can destroy gods, it can't defeat bad boys, increase test scores, or use it to pick up girls. It's a right hand that I thought was useless.

However, it is different now.

What a great right hand if he could save the painful girl in front of him.


After a while, nothing happened...

Chapter 505 Go, Be a Ma Beast

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