Like swinging a giant sword, the apartment was blown away from the walls to the ceiling.Even the dark clouds in the night sky were torn apart... Maybe even the artificial satellites outside the atmosphere were blasted to pieces.

Well, it's not that maybe, but the tree diagram designer was really blown away.

It seems that the destruction of this thing is not something that Ye Kai, a butterfly, can change.

Not even a single piece of wood remained on the walls and ceiling that were blasted away.Instead, the damaged parts turned into pieces of luminous feathers as white as beams of light, floating down.Dozens of glowing feathers with no clear effect, like winter snow.

"That's the 'Dragon King's Sigh'──a magic that has the same meaning as the blow of St. George's dragon in the legend. No matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to resist with mortal flesh and blood!" Kanzaki said anxiously.

Ye Kai ignored it, but said to Kamijou in embarrassment: "Are you okay?"

"I can hold on!" Kamijou Touma gritted his teeth.

Ye Kai grabbed his left hand and rushed towards Index.

In an instant, Ye Kai was in front of Index.

Kamijou swung his right hand down vigorously as a mahjong player.

The magic circle containing the black cracks and the black cracks were torn apart by his right hand.

It's so simple that people can't help but laugh, why did you get killed by this kind of thing just now?

It's so easy, it's like puncturing a wet goldfish paper.

Ye Kai was also stunned. He knew that his right hand was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so easy to use. How many years of cultivation would it take to be single?

" 'collar' fatally...destroyed...unable to...regenerate...destroyed..."

With a pop, Index stopped making any sound.The beam of light disappeared, the magic circle disappeared, and the cracks extending to every corner of the room also disappeared as if they were erased by an eraser.

The feathers above were easily blocked by Ye Kai's sword, and there was no existence that could touch Kamijou Touma.

"Huh, is it over?" Kamijou Touma collapsed to the ground.

Kanzaki and Steele also breathed a sigh of relief. They wanted to help just now, but every time they wanted to do something, Yuyuko would look at them with a smiling face.

Instinct told them that Youyouzi was more terrifying than Ye Kai in front of them.

It seemed that she could easily take away their souls, just like a god of death!

"It's over? What kind of international joke are you making?" Ye Kai's voice sounded.

Everyone except Youyouzi looked at Ye Kai suspiciously.

Ye Kai pointed to the roof of his house, there was already a huge hole exposed, Index's Dragon King's complaints were not polite to him, the cut was very smooth.

"Let's talk, card or cash." Ye Kai held the Meteorite Knife, sneered: "Destroyed the enchantment of my house, and even demolished the roof of my house. Do you want to end like this? Just dream."

"Well, how much should I pay?" Kamijou Touma trembled, he was not rich at all!

"Shokuhou, help me figure out the price." Ye Kai prayed to Shokuhou.

"At least two million yen..." Shokuhou said weakly.

To be honest, I'm a little sorry for Kamijou Touma, but she still has to say it.

"At least? Then I'll treat it as five million yen, after all, it also damages a lot of furniture." Ye Kai pointed his fingers and said, "Well, there is also the loss fee of my enchantment, and it is cheaper to add one piece. Count you ten million yen."

After the house is repaired, there will be more food expenses...

Only then did Kamijou Touma realize that he thought things were too simple before.

Heroes or something, you have to pay for breaking things!

As for Index?Where does she have money?

Ten million, even if you sell him, you can't afford it!

PS: Tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, the exemption will be restricted. During the exemption period, it will be updated normally, and there will be no situation of not updating for fear of losing money.

Well, just a reminder, two chapters will be updated tomorrow morning, it can be fixed or not, so as not to waste everyone...

It's agreed, from the third watch to the sixth, that is, today.

There is no way, all the manuscripts are used up...

The two shifts will last for about a week. In theory, my acupuncture should be over. As long as my waist doesn't cause trouble for me, I can continue the third shift.

PPS: This paragraph is free.

Chapter 507 You Are Dead

A whole day passed before Ye Kai let Dang Ma and the others go.

Of course, it's not that there is no compensation, but that a few poor ghosts have collected enough money.

Well, Touma collected [-] yuan, Stiles collected [-] yuan, and the remaining [-] million yuan was all money from Kanzaki.

And Ye Kai's roof was quickly repaired under the construction of the construction team.

Huang Quanchuan instinctively felt that there was a problem here, so he also came to investigate, but the meaning of the above was to ignore it.

The two "prisoners" Huang Quanchuan also saw it with their own eyes, and the higher authorities did not intend to arrest them, but said that this matter must be handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and they have diplomatic immunity.

Huang Quanchuan gritted his teeth in hatred, the kidnapper was exempted?

Humph, the hateful privileged class.

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