Index, the sufferer, and Ye Kai, whose house was demolished, didn't say anything, and she couldn't help it.

This matter, just let it go.

Steele and Kanzaki still had a lot of things they wanted to ask their bishop, and they didn't stop in Academy City too much.

After Ye Kai sent Shokuhou home, he went to the appointment.

He and Mikoto have another date.

In a seemingly uninhabited place, Miqin waited quietly here.

Ye Kai didn't make her wait too long, and came here with Liu Guang.

His whole body is on the sword, if he doesn't use the sword, he will look down on him too much, but Meiqin has read the entire "Historical Records of Seeking News".

"Coming?" Meiqin looked at Ye Kai excitedly.

"Don't show the expression of a little girl in love who finally found her boyfriend." Ye Kai said, digging his ears.

"Obviously, it's clearly an expression of looking forward to the duel, you scum monster!" Mikoto stomped her feet angrily.

Ye Kai showed a smile, flirting with Meiqin was so interesting, it was more fun than flirting with the young lady.

"Don't show that kind of smile! You narcissist!" Meiqin pointed at Ye Kai and said, "Surely, you have made up your mind, too?"

"I advise you to make up your mind to kill me if you want to fight me." Ye Kai smiled and said, "Otherwise it will be very boring."

After all, Ye Kai's evil spirit of killing thousands of people was revealed.

Mikoto took a step back with a horrified expression on her face.

She collected herself and said coldly: "Stop looking down on people, I will definitely defeat you!"

"The fighting spirit is good." Ye Kai said with a smile: "It's a pity that the aura on his body is empty, without any murderous aura, it's boring."

"Hey, not everyone is alive from that era, old monster!" Meiqin shouted.

"Forget it, it's just a warm-up anyway." Ye Kai opened his posture and said indifferently: "Come on, little boy."


An electric arc flashed across Miqin's forehead, this guy, still treats himself like a child?Use your strength to surprise him!

"Take the call!"

The bangs on the girl's forehead suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and then a blue-white electric light gun flew straight towards Ye Kai, which almost reached the extreme speed of light!


"Hit!" Miqin said excitedly.

Ye Kai shook his hand, and the ordinary block was blocked, this attack is not strong enough.

"I've said it all, use the power that won't give up if you don't kill me." Ye Kai frowned and said, "You are too weak like this."

"Damn monster!" Miqin gritted her teeth and said, "It's not over yet!"

She gave a coquettish cry, and a large number of arcs appeared on her forehead again. This time, a total of three lightning guns were fired!

Bang, bang, bang!

The three sword lights actually cut off Meiqin's electricity!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Three cuts!

When Meiqin realized it, Ye Kai was already in front of her.

Ye Kai's smile appeared in Meiqin's pupils.

On her head, a drop of cold sweat flowed down.

Being approached by this kind of guy, is she going to lose?

And Ye Kai made a movement that she couldn't understand. He used the index finger and thumb of his right hand to swipe on her neck.


Ye Kai's figure returned to the original place.

Meiqin only felt a little chill on her neck and face, and then it became hot again.

"Just now, you were already dead." Ye Kai smiled and shook his head, ready to leave.

"You bastard, how dare... How dare you touch me..."

Beep, beep, beep...

Miqin's body erupted with dazzling lightning in an instant, and a bolt of lightning struck Ye Kai's body!


Ye Kai raised his sword to block, his eyes lit up, it was not bad.

Due to blocking, he didn't take too much damage, but Miqin finally hurt him, when he didn't take the initiative to attack.

brush, brush...

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