Although this burst is good, her battery life doesn't seem to be strong, and she has already used up all her power just now.

Simply put, now she's out of battery.

"It's all right?" Meiqin let go of her hand, took a step back, and looked at Ye Kai in horror.

"What can I do?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "You are not strong enough now."

"..." Meiqin looked at Ye Kai with complicated eyes, she bumped into it with a lot of force just now, Ye Kai's hand has not moved away, and now her left chest still hurts a bit.

However, it is not easy for him to knead with his hands here...

The old rascal!

"Now tell me, what shall we eat?" Ye Kai smiled, but he did not forget that the price of this duel was Miqin's food.

"You actually..." Meiqin looked at Ye Kai in a daze.

You hit my chest just now, and now you still want me to treat you to dinner?

There are such shameless people in the world!


Under Meiqin's gaze, Ye Kai stuffed the hamburgers one bite at a time, and when she was almost done, Meiqin would go to fetch another plate.

Faced with Ye Kai's dominance, Mei Qin succumbed, because Ye Kai was so hungry that even she wanted to eat...

"By the way, how much food can you eat?" Meiqin asked curiously.

Although she was very ashamed before, it was a very strange feeling. If Ye Kai kept looking at her YD, she would feel very uncomfortable and shy.

But Ye Kai didn't seem to regard the attack on the chest as an attack on the chest, but as the fatal point of the attack in a normal exchange.

Although Miqin was very conflicted, she was the one who brought up the duel, so she couldn't say anything.

How did she know that it wasn't that Ye Kai was a saint, it was that Ye Kai disliked her for being too young...

If she knew, even if the battery was out now, Meiqin would try her best to have another fight with Ye Kai.

"One hundred, one day is worth three days." Saying that, Ye Kai ate another hamburger.

"Won't Yuyuko give you food?" Miqin asked with some pity.

"No, but there are too many delicious things in this world. Yuyuko can't get enough to eat, and she will never get enough to eat. She is just a glutton. Every time I eat it, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money. Especially Academy City is so developed." Ye Kai said helplessly.

"You dote on her?" Meiqin asked.

"Of course, Youyouzi is so cute." Ye Kai said firmly.

Such a cute creature, it's understandable if you can eat it... understandable...

"Puff..." Meiqin smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be a strict wife."

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"You said that you are the guard of our Tokiwadai, and also a special member of the security team. You don't usually have to go on missions, so why don't you find some part-time jobs? Now that the school hasn't started yet, you shouldn't be paid, right?" Meiqin tentatively asked.

"I forgot if you didn't tell me, I'm still looking for a job!" Ye Kai suddenly said.

"..." Meiqin was a little speechless about Ye Kai's IQ.

Meiqin watched Ye Kai stand up, and walked towards the store manager's position facing everyone's adoring eyes.

As for why worship?After eating a hundred hamburger noodles without changing his color, he is a "strong man".

"Excuse me, are there any temporary workers here?" Ye Kai asked softly.

"Um..." The store manager is a girl in her twenties, with the appearance and figure comparable to a model, and a barista at McDonald's.

"What's the matter? I think there is a recruitment notice here?" Ye Kai pointed to the recruitment notice.

Before, Ye Kai only went to the commercial street, and never came to this kind of place that recruits temporary workers.

It seems that I can't find a regular job, and I have no choice but to go to McDonald's.

"We don't care about the food." The store manager said decisively.

She was also frightened by Ye Kai's appetite just now.

"Oh, I don't have to worry about food." Ye Kai said.

"The hourly wage here is 1000 yen. If you can, you can try it tomorrow." The store manager stroked his forehead and said.

This is the rule, the store manager just introduced it, anyway, whether he is qualified or not depends on whether Ye Kai is competent.

I have to say that Ye Kai has white hair and scarlet eyes, and looks quite handsome, so he should be able to attract many customers.

If you take care of the food, it is absolutely impossible!

"So good? Then I'll come for the interview tomorrow!" Ye Kai said excitedly, "What time does it start?"

"Eight in the morning." The store manager said softly.

1000 yen is equivalent to about [-] yuan, which is Academy City, otherwise it would be difficult to offer such a high price.

"Under Ye Kai, what's your name?" Ye Kai said.

"Maumi Kisaki..." Kisaki said helplessly.

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