It's not that there are people like Ye Kai, on the contrary, there are many more, and most of the people who work here are students.

Many of them are after eating, just ask by the way, some people will actually come to work.

She can be said to be handy in dealing with this situation.

But among those students, none of them had anything Ye Kai could eat.

"Then I'm fine, thank you." Ye Kai bowed to the store manager and returned to his seat.

Meiqin held a piece of French fries in her hand, opened her mouth wide, and looked at Ye Kai in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Ye Kai asked suspiciously.

"You really want to work here?" Meiqin said speechlessly.

She was just talking about Tao Kanye just now, but she didn't expect that he really wanted to work.

Here, a monster is an employee of McDonald's, and it is a monster stronger than LV5, how do you think about it, how nonsense is it?

"Of course, it's hard to find a job outside, and it's also the wrong day for me to look for a job. The students who take up summer jobs have already taken up almost all the positions." Ye Kai thought for a while and said, "It's just that I didn't expect the jobs here. The salary is so high."

Meiqin curled her lips, McDonald's salary is based on appearance, the more handsome or beautiful they can get, the higher the salary, because they are more attractive to customers.

This may not be the case in other places, but most of them are students in Academy City, and the chance of color control is higher.

If it were an ugly breast attack, it would be nice if Miqin didn't hunt for thousands of miles, let alone really treat this "pervert" to dinner.

"Then congratulations, you have found a job that suits you." Meiqin curled her lips.

Ye Kai stood up and said with a smile, "Well, let's go, I'll take you back to school."

"Huh? I thought you would pack some for Yuyuko." Miqin said in surprise.

Ye Kai glanced at Meiqin with caring eyes, as if to say: Do you think this small shop is enough for Youyuzi to eat?

He has already eaten a lot of Mikoto's hamburgers, and with his integrity, he won't continue to go dark.

It’s enough to eat enough by yourself, it’s too much to drag the family!

Meiqin looked into Ye Kai's eyes, and a well appeared above her head.

It's a pity that she used all her power just now, and now she has run out of power.

Because of her proud character, she didn't really want Ye Kai to send her off, but she still wanted to spend a little longer with this vile monster.

Sure enough, the novelty is the scariest thing.

Chapter 509 Let's work!Master Yokai

Seventeenth, afternoon.

"Hi guest, what do you need?" Ye Kai looked down at the little Chuchun Shili with a professional smile on his lips.

He easily passed the interview yesterday, and then worked for a day, very comfortable.

After Miqin returned, she shared the information with her friends. Chuchun had just finished working as a disciplinary committee member, and brought Saten Leizi to the door.

"Well, I want a set meal A." Chuchun said with a blushing face.

She came here purely to see the live-action figures.

"A set meal." Ye Kailang said.

Immediately, Ye Kai said to Chuchun: "Guests, please go over there to pick up the meal."

Chuchun resolutely leaves, making way for the tears behind.

Anyway, Ye Kai is working here, so he can't escape.

Leizi walked to the front of the counter and looked at Ye Kai with interest.

Ye Kai has always had a good impression of such a girl who has a sense of justice and lives a very real life.

Satenko said enthusiastically, "I'd like to have a Maixuanku Sunshine Orange, a cheeseburger, and a small portion of French fries."

Ye Kai typed out the order casually, handed the order to Leizi, and said softly: "Guests, please go over there to pick up the meal."

Renzi and Chuchun finished their meal, ran to a table and watched Ye Kai while eating.

"Cichun, you said that this monster came here to eat people, right?" Saenko said enthusiastically, "Did you know? Now there is a new urban legend, that is, the monster from Gensokyo came. Academy City."

"Isn't that what Saten-san passed on?" Chuchun said softly.

"Isn't it interesting to discover urban legends by yourself?" Saenko rolled her eyes and said.

"You don't want to spread the news about him here, do you?" Chuchun asked curiously.

" there anything wrong?" Renzi asked suspiciously.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just an urban legend anyway." Chuchun shook his head and said, "Student Zuotian, do you really want to learn magic from him?"

"I want to see if he can help me develop superpowers." Saenko couldn't help lowering her head, the yearning for superpowers has always been there.

"Do you think he can do it? He's a monster." Chuchun said curiously while drinking Coke.

"There must be!" Saten nodded affirmatively.

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