Although she is not sure, she must give herself hope.

And at this time, a girl appeared in front of Ye Kai again.

He felt that he should reflect on himself, whether his behavior was too young, why did he attract children?

"You seem disappointed." Shokuhou smiled at Ye Kai.

"No, I was thinking how I could cheat a meal with you." Ye Kai said frankly.

Shokuhou subconsciously covered her wallet. The last time Ye Kai ate, she ate a total of one million yen, which was uncomfortable even for her.

Miqin is much smarter. At that time, basically everything that should be closed is closed, and the only food that can be eaten is a place that is open [-] hours a day like McDonald's, or a convenience store.

"Unexpected honesty." Shokuhou rolled his eyes and said.

Seeing that many people around her were looking at her, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and subconsciously picked up the remote control.

"You should learn not to use superpowers." Ye Kai shook his head and said, "Otherwise, you will be sliced ​​into pieces when you arrive in Gensokyo."

Gu Mingjiu has the ability to read minds, so he is not liked by monsters.But because of her strength, no monsters are willing to provoke her.

If it was replaced by a weak chicken like Shokuhou that even Saten couldn't beat, nothing might happen.

"Cut." Shokuhou put away the remote control, and said casually: "The common people's cuisine here is not suitable for me, give me a cup of coffee."

Ye Kai decisively ordered the most expensive one for her...

Shokuhou sat at the table next to Saten and Uiharu, causing them to look sideways.

Uiharu met Shokuhou once, and knew this dangerous guy.

The power to manipulate people is scary to say the least.

Fortunately, Shokuhou didn't stay here for too long. After all, it was inconvenient to move around here without his own people, so he sat for a while to feel his presence and then left.

And Leizi and Chuchun both brought their computers, and they have been surfing the Internet here, so they stayed at McDonald's until the evening, which is the time for Ye Kai to change shifts.

"By the way, do you two want me to take you back?" Ye Kai asked helplessly after changing his clothes.

"Is it okay?" Little stars appeared in Chuchun's eyes.

"I can't watch you two children walk back by themselves, can I?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go, I'll see you off."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Sure enough, it was the same as what Qiuwen Shiji said. Although he looked very evil on the outside, he was easy to talk to.

After the three left McDonald's, Saten served as the leading party.

With Ye Kai here, you can also walk some small roads, so you don't have to worry about running into bad guys.

"By the way, what's the matter with you two coming to me?" Ye Kai asked Chuchun suspiciously.

"Well, I just want to compare the historical records of seeking news." Chuchun said with a blushing face.

"I want to ask you, is there any way to help me develop super powers." Laizi said to Ye Kai.

She couldn't figure out Ye Kai's real thoughts, so she planned to attack decisively.

"Superpower? Oh, I remembered." Ye Kai had seen this setting before, but he thought it was quite funny.

Superpowers rely on computing power, and this thing has a limit.

Learning this kind of thing, even if you have other talents, is useless.

After his research, the level that everyone can reach is innate, and what is cultivated the day after tomorrow is nonsense.

"Is it okay?" Lienzi clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and bowed to Ye Kai: "Please."

"Why, I have the feeling that you are worshiping the gods at the shrine." Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said, "It's not impossible. Mu Q can do things like developing brain power."

Laizi was overjoyed immediately.

"Listen to me." Ye Kai said solemnly: "However, as long as the development is carried out, and the development reaches a certain level, it will no longer be able to grow. For example, Meiqin, her limit is now like this."

Saten was stunned for a moment, Mikoto is LV5, there are only seven powerhouses in Academy City!

Why does it feel a little weak in Ye Kai's mouth?

It seems embarrassing to have only reached Mikoto's level.

There is nothing wrong with Ye Kai's idea. Gensokyo has a lot of gods, and the superpowers here can't even step into the realm of gods. Can they not be weak?

While Leizi was thinking, Ye Kai frowned.

"Is that Meiqin?" Ye Kai pointed to a girl on a tall building in the distance.

The girl was exactly the same as Mikoto, except that she wore goggles on her head and held a sniper rifle in her hand.

Due to the distance, only Ye Kai can see her, Chuchun and Leizi can't see anything, only a blurry point.

Chapter 510 Sniper

to ah. "Leizi said with a puzzled face.

Chuchun also shook her head, indicating that she couldn't see it either.

Ye Kai forgot that they were just ordinary people, so he had no choice but to grab the waist of the two girls.

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