The faces of the two girls turned red all of a sudden, they didn't expect Ye Kai to be so bold!

As for the danger, they didn't think about it. It was written in the setting that Ye Kai was not that kind of person.

Saten Saten is okay, Chuchun is a little at a loss now, her character is still too shy.

However, it feels so safe in his arms...


Ye Kai ran to the top of the building in a few steps like an arrow from the string, and then tossed back and forth. In less than three seconds, he had already reached "Meiqin".

Before the two girls could react, Ye Kai arrived here. What kind of speed is this?It's not much worse than Shirai Kuroko's teleportation!

No, faster than that!

Shirai can move at a high speed by continuously moving his "own body", which translates to a speed of about 288 kilometers per hour.

But what about Ye Kai?He's already approaching the speed of sound...

When they reached the roof of the building where 'Meiqin' was, the two girls were in a daze.


The wind roared.

In the dark night, the hidden girl crouching on the roof of the building narrowed her eyes slightly.

The girl's hands were holding a long pathety that looked extremely out of tune with her.No, this is beyond the description of "out of tune", because this spear is [-] cm long, much longer than the girl's height.

Iron Breaker MX.

Improved in the Persian Gulf War, it is a sniper rifle for anti-tank vehicles that claims to be able to destroy tanks from a distance of [-] meters. Originally, due to the strong recoil of this sniper rifle, the designer thought that the burst function was not practical, so The burst function has not been added, and the Iron Breaker is an experimental gun that has added the burst function to this firearm.

The Iron Breaker is terrifying, the recoil alone can knock some cheap hard hats to pieces.

However, the slender girl has it completely in her hands.The trick to taking street hits is not to suppress but to absorb.After fourteen days of data input, the girl's learning device successfully learned to calculate the impact force released by the "Steel Breaker", and guided the most efficient way to withstand it.

Holding her breath, the girl aimed at the "target" [-] meters away through the cold telescopic lens.

Brightly lit, a convenience store that constantly attracts summer night flies.

Walking out of the shop were a boy of fifteen or six years old, with a body as thin as a needle, skin as fine as a girl's strands, and white hair - so thin and thin, it seemed... that it would break if touched.

But in the eyes of others, this young man is more terrifying than a sharp knife point, because according to the records in the library, this young man's official battle result is a total victory, not only that, but he has never suffered any scratches, and has never even suffered any scratches. No defensive or evasive measures were taken.

This young man is like a thin and thin knife that has been sharpened to an incomparably sharp point. Its only purpose is to cut off the enemy's flesh. Blocking the enemy's knives has never been the possibility of its existence. one.

The girl did not know the real name of this "target".All he knows is that his code name is "Accclerator".

This is the boy's name.He is the top figure among only seven level 5 superpowers in the huge superpower development institution "Academy City".

The horizontal wind is strong...Move the front sight to the left by three squares.

The girl twirled the small screw next to the telescope lens, muttering to herself.

The boy who was walking home lazily swinging the plastic bag from the convenience store──he was the girl's target.

If facing the enemy head-on, the girl would definitely not be able to defeat Accelerator.No, in fact, in the entire Academy City, maybe even the entire planet, no one could face Accelerator head-on and win.

But think about it the other way around.That's nothing special either.

Since you can't win by facing the enemy head-on, why don't you go head-on?

As a result, so-called superpowers are not that different from moving hands and feet.Except for level 0 incapacitated people who are not used to controlling superpowers, the activation conditions of superpowers can be roughly divided into two situations.

In the first case, when the superpower user himself orders "use superpower".

The second situation is when the superpower user himself feels the danger.

Summarized in this way, it is obvious that as long as the opponent takes his life in a sneak attack without even realizing that "he has been targeted", no matter how powerful the superpower user is, he will lose.

Long-distance sniping was originally used by the Disciplinary Committee of Academy City to suppress the riots of superpowers, but they used rubber bullets, which would only make people faint.But now the girl is using armor-piercing bullets, the purpose of which is to penetrate the heart.

The building wind... from three directions intertwined into a vortex, and the front sight was corrected one frame to the right.

The girl muttered to herself, and continued to fine-tune the telephoto lens.

Gun bullets are actually easily affected by wind.And where there are many buildings, the wind does not necessarily blow from a single direction.The building winds from all directions stirred each other to form a vortex, and then dispersed in all directions.

Absolutely not miss, the opponent is the strongest level 5 superpower user, as long as the first shot misses and he notices, the girl's defeat will be decided in an instant.No matter how far the distance is, no matter how far you escape to the ends of the earth.

The teenage girl puts her finger on the trigger.

There is no hesitation at all, even though there is a real teenager on the other side of the camera.

Even if you know it clearly in your heart, just pull the trigger.The bullets from the combat vehicle would break through the air at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, and before the sound arrived, they would blast the boy's upper body into pieces... The girl still didn't hesitate at all.

A slender girl with only one order in her mind.

Destroy the strongest superpower "Accelerator" by long-distance sniping.

The girl's ear strips are listening to the sound of the wind.Stirring each other, the whirlpool winds all headed in the same direction in an instant.

The time is only a short two seconds.But at the moment when the wind in this complex building tends to stabilize...

The girl pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by a bang like an explosion in a firecracker factory, several bullets burst into the air.

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