The girl actually used the burst function, which was unimaginable in long-distance sniping.It released a huge recoil that even a burly man would turn over twice, and the bullets were fired at a speed of twelve rounds per second, which was accurate.

In just a second, the pod is empty.But the girl still followed the boy's figure through the telescope.Since the flow of the wind is fixed, it is absolutely impossible for the bullet to miss.The twelve bullets released will hit the boy's back without missing a beat, blasting his thin body like needles into a bloody mess.

That's right, "original" should be like this.

The bullet that hit the boy actually bounced back, just like a video tape, the bullet perfectly followed its original trajectory.

But a long and narrow red knife stopped those bullets at a faster speed!

bang, bang, bang...

After Ye Kai landed, he let go of the two girls.

Naturally, he couldn't watch the bullet hurt 'Meiqin'.

His eyes accurately captured every bullet fired and bounced them off perfectly.

'Meiqin' turned her head and looked at Ye Kai and the others.

During the experiment, an unexpected guest appeared!

Chapter 511 Misaka 9000

Three strangers appeared, one of them looked at Misaka maliciously, Misaka said in a panic. "'Meiqin' had a look of nothingness on her face, there was no panic at all.

"Wait, you're not Meiqin." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes.

This Mikoto-like creature should be an artificial human, right?When he met Sephiroth for the first time, he felt similar characteristics from him.

Moreover, Mikoto's ability is much stronger than the one in front of her, and the one in front of her is only a little bit stronger than Uiharu...

"Misaka-senpai?" x2.

Chuchun and Leizi looked confused, they had no idea why Mikoto appeared here.

Because they were surprised, they didn't hear Ye Kai say that she was not Miqin.

This girl looks the same as Mikoto in appearance, but her ability is greatly deteriorated.

Wearing the same Tokiwadai Middle School uniform as the prototype Misaka Mikoto, with camera-like emotionless eyes, dim pupils, and little expression change.

She has more military goggles than Miqin, and a sniper rifle in her hand.

Renzi and Chuchun glanced at each other, although they were still dizzy due to the high speed, their brains had begun to return to normal operation.

"I'm Misaka 9000, please leave this place. Misaka kindly advises these three people." Misaka 9000 said.

"Wait, senior sister, why are you so weird?" Saenko finally came to her senses.

"Well, it seems like you don't know us." Chuchun also had doubts on his face.

This Misaka-senpai doesn't have some signature moves, such as flicking her hair.

Moreover, her eyes are not full of emotion like humans...

"Didn't I say that? She's not Mikoto, she should be a creature similar to an artificial human. You Academy City still does this? The blood is not strong enough, and the body is full of defects. It feels like she won't live long." Ye Kai frowned.

He has always been disgusted with this kind of experiment, but in this world, where there is light, there is darkness. Similar experiments are being carried out in many places, right?

"Are you a friend of Onee-sama? But you should leave quickly! Misaka advised again, and panicked."

Ye Kai has black lines all over his head, at least you show me a little panic!

"Misaka-senpai has become the subject of the experiment?" Chuchun's small face instantly became terrified.

After Ye Kai's explanation, she already guessed what happened.

Academy City has never lacked such experiments, and it was almost the same when I imagined Mitami before.

However, that is not a replicant.

Now, there is an artificial human type experiment?And the target is Misaka Mikoto?

"What should I do? Do you want to notify Senior Sister?" Renzi also panicked.

They lived in the sun, and they didn't know enough about the darkness of Academy City, so they panicked when they encountered such a thing.

The eyes of the two looked at Ye Kai at the same time.It seems that Ye Kai has now become their backbone.

"Let's see what's going on first." Ye Kai frowned and said, "I feel like I've encountered something extraordinary."

What a coincidence, even taking a shortcut to send two girls home, this kind of thing can happen.

In other words, it was fortunate that I ran into it, otherwise I would not have known that Academy City was so dark.

Ye Kai didn't understand the truth behind the incident of the previous fantasy beast, so he didn't know much about it.

"Please listen to Misaka's advice and don't stay here. Misaka feels very dissatisfied that this man didn't listen to his advice."

"Why did you leave? Also, why did you shoot that boy? Even if you are dissatisfied, can you show me your dissatisfaction?" Ye Kai said with black lines all over his head.

"ZXC741 ASD852 QE963, Misaka confirms the password." Misaka 9000 said softly.

"Puff..." Even though she didn't know what happened, Chuchun couldn't help laughing.

This set of passwords is like a joke!

There are three groups of letters on the keyboard from bottom to top, each group only takes the first three, and then the numbers on the small keyboard, which is very regular.

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