"It seems that they are not related to the experiment. I can't answer your question just now, Misaka said seriously."

"Chuchun, do you have authority? Find out what kind of experiment this is! Human experimentation of this level seems to be against the law." Ye Kai sneered.

Theoretically, this experiment did violate the law, but if the police were to call the police, the security team would have no way of controlling it, and they would definitely be suppressed by the higher authorities.

But Ye Kai, although he is a guard, he is not controlled by anyone!

Everything he has done so far has been counted by Aleister.

The fantasy beast incident, Mikoto's appointment, Ye Kai's part-time job, the re-encounter with Chuchun and Leizi, and even the location of the experiment this time seem to have no connection at all, but in fact they are all included in the calculation...

The absolute ability evolution experiment and the mass-produced ability user plan are just a cover. What he really wants is the arrival of a scientific angel.

Now Ye Kai has entered the attention of many powerful forces, and with his participation, many sisters Misaka can be saved from death.

"But, authorization..." Chuchun said with some confusion.

If she wants to obtain this level of authorization, it needs very complicated procedures.

Moreover, it may not be eligible for investigation.

"I'll take care of it if something goes wrong." Ye Kai narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm very curious! That white-haired guy gives me a very dangerous feeling."

Chuchun and Leizi glanced at Ye Kai at the same time, you white-haired guy, aren't you dangerous?

Chuchun decisively took out the laptop, knelt and sat on the ground, intending to see what the password was.

It's about Misaka Mikoto, she can no longer stay out of it.

Just now she just said something instinctively, even if she doesn't have permission, she still plans to check.

"Tear, tell Meiqin, she should know about this kind of thing." Ye Kai said in a deep voice.

Miqin probably wouldn't participate in this kind of inhumane experiment. If she didn't give her a longer memory, she might make the same mistake again.

Saten picks up the phone and dials Mikoto's number.

"You should listen to Misaka's persuasion and leave here. You should not be involved in this matter, and please don't inform my sister, she is not a person involved in the experiment. Misaka's heart is a little complicated, and I am afraid that this white-haired guy will stretch out his claws to my sister .”

However, his expression remained unchanged.

Leizi and Chuchun looked at Ye Kai suspiciously, which made Ye Kai a little confused.

Is this Mikoto the black-bellied version?In other words, how did she come to the conclusion that she had feelings for Mikoto?Miqin is not like Kaguya, she is still a child!


A sonic boom sounded, and the boy from before flew towards him.

Obviously, he was also a little confused by the appearance of unrelated people, but he quickly adjusted.

The area is deserted and no one sees it.

His eyes met Ye Kai's cold red pupils.

Chapter 512 Accelerator of a Certain Science

"Yo, what happened to the vigilant group? Why did you let outsiders in? In this case, can the 'experiment' continue?" The young man glanced at Ye Kai and the others, with a hint of addiction hanging from the corner of his mouth. bloody smile. [with_dream]ā

I saw him saying to Misaka 9000: "Or, you little bean, do you know to ask for foreign aid? Hey, is this bad? How can you bring ordinary people to the 'experiment site'!"

In fact, this is what he most hopes to happen in his heart, because this kind of killing is completely unnecessary.

On the opposite side is an artificial human, which costs 18 yen.However, he always felt that the other party should set his own existence as a real person.

It's a pity that those Misaka's reactions made him despair, because they never regarded themselves as human beings, only as tools.

They have no emotion called fear at all, even though they have been killed nearly nine thousand times.

"It didn't come from Misaka, Misaka explained."

"...I really can't stand you. Well, what should we do now? Shouldn't we kill the person who knows the secret of the 'experiment'? That feeling is quite uncomfortable! After all, it is not a doll that is used and thrown away .”

"I just happened to pass by. By the way, can you tell me what you are doing?" Ye Kai asked curiously.

There was a deep murderous intent spreading from the young man, but he had no killing intent at all.

Ye Kai didn't look at his appearance for a long time now, Jack's appearance looked very bad, but that guy was unexpectedly a good person.

And Barrett, if someone passes by the gate of the elementary school, someone will call the police, but he really has nothing to say to the children.

"This kind of thing is not for people like you." The boy squinted his eyes and said, "If you don't want to die, just leave me alone."

Both Chuchun and Leizi looked at the boy vigilantly, but showed no fear.

They grabbed Misaka 9000 and dragged it behind Ye Kai.

Even if the two have no strength, they will do many things that should be done, not to mention Ye Kai's situation around them.

In the comics, there has never been a person who can have an accident with Ye Kai by his side...

"This is Misaka's experiment. You are irrelevant personnel, you should leave. Misaka tried to persuade him again and again."

Although she said so, she didn't resist.

In other words, deep down in her heart, she also yearns to be saved.

Is this because my sister is arrogant?Are they not being frank?

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