Gensokyo series, ghosts and gods Ye Kai...

In other words, what is the use of my own figure?Isn't it over when you look in the mirror?

If you give me a one-to-one figure of Yakumo Zi, I will thank your eight generations of ancestors...

Ye Kai rolled his eyes and put the figure into his space backpack.

No matter what, it's just my wish, so keep it.

He staggered home, and when he got downstairs, he just ran into Accelerator who was listless.

"Leaving?" Ye Kai greeted Accelerator.

Accelerator was stunned when he saw Ye Kai, but he still nodded instinctively.

"Don't do bad things in the future, I'm going upstairs." Ye Kai walked towards the elevator.

He wasn't worried at all about what would happen to Accelerator. One was Touma and the other was not a vegetarian, and the other was Yuyuko who was still at home.

"Stop!" Fang Accelerator reacted, and gritted his teeth at Ye Kai: "You want to leave like this?"

Ye Kai turned his head and said with a puzzled expression: "Do you still want to fight with me? This is a residential area, not an abandoned factory."

"I..." Fang Accelerator opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Yesterday he spent a night cultivating immortality, read Dongfang Ye Kai's biography and all fan works about Ye Kai, and found that he had lost to a two-dimensional character.

His heart is very complicated, did the two-dimensional characters come to the three-dimensional?And beat him up.

He has an idea now, which is to beat up the guy who made the Gensokyo series.

He was also a little fortunate that the characters from Gensokyo came here, not the characters from Dragon Ball or the hang B from Fairy Tail.

During the day, in order to thank Index and Kamijou Touma, he ordered a lot of takeaways, but those takeaways were cut in half by a foodie ghost.

Even if he is Accelerator, he is not really a heinous person.

At least I will pay for meals and coffee, and I won’t want to renege on everything.

He didn't talk to the nun and the guy who looked like a nice guy, and he didn't have to, because he was Accelerator.

Even if the experiment is stopped in the future and he kills, he will kill, and the matter will never be undone.

"Live well." Ye Kai shook his head.

"Why don't you kill me? Aren't you very strong? Aren't you going to stand up for those puppets?" Fang Accelerator said coldly.

"Damn it's those guys who designed the experiment, not you." Ye Kai turned around, faced Accelerator, and said softly: "The two countries are at war, even if a soldier kills a thousand people, the wrong soldier still orders The general? Or the person who started the war? You, just a knife, once claimed to be the strongest knife."

"You bastard, do you look down on me?" Accelerator's head appeared with a well.

"Your strength is not bad, but don't have the so-called dream of becoming a god. Without a god's body, stepping into the realm of a god is an act of courting death." Ye Kai said indifferently: "I don't look down on you, I just hope you Just don't look down on yourself. In terms of killing people, I killed several times more than you, but I don't regret it, I think what I did was right. If you think you are right, you don't have to regret it. If you think you are Wrong, just find a way to make up for it. If you really annoy me one day, I will not show mercy. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Kai turned around and got on the elevator, leaving Accelerator who was struggling on the spot.

Chapter 518 Yakumo Zi Returns

Ye Kai returned home and found that the enchantment had come out again, and Yakumo Zi sitting on the sofa, he couldn't help sighing.

It seems that starting today I will sleep alone!

"Hey, the Great Lover is back?" Yakumo Zi looked at Ye Kai with a smile.

In front of Yuyuko was a large pile of food, all of which were special products of Yakumozi from all over the world.

Her mouth is bulging like a squirrel, and she looks very cute.

"Ye Kaisang, welcome home." Youyouzi smiled happily.

As long as there is food, she is always happy.

In particular, Yakumozi still misses herself when she goes on a 'travel', and Ye Kai still works part-time to support herself.

Well, Yakumo Zi destroys the world part-time, and Ye Kai saves the world part-time...

"Tch, why did you come back so early?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes and said.

"I found out when the enchantment was destroyed, but unfortunately there are still some things that need to be dealt with over there. Sure enough, as soon as he came back, you ate and wiped away Youyuzi." Yakumozi glanced at Ye Kai resentfully.

"Master Youyouzi was not eaten and wiped clean." Youyouzi pushed Yakumozi, her pretty face flushed.

Ye Kai sat on the sofa, picked up a hamburger, stuffed it into his mouth in two or three bites, and said helplessly: "We are normal, okay? People can run for at most ten years, but I have been running for more than a thousand years."

"Anyway, you ate up Youyouzi and wiped it clean, so they have to pay for it!" Yakumo Zi said coquettishly.

Ye Kai felt goosebumps all over his body...

A seventeen-year-old guy is cute, and his power is no less than a nuclear bomb explosion.

"Tell me, what happened? If you don't achieve your goal, you won't come back easily." Ye Kai said.

He still knew Yakumo Zi quite well. She said that it would take half a month to go, and it was less than ten days, which was unreasonable at all.

"It's nothing, it's just that Ye Kaisang's puppet is surprisingly useful, and it has helped people block many people with malicious intentions." Yakumo Zi smiled and said, "I want to ask you for some more."

In her gap, there are some Roman Orthodox books, a crown of the Queen of England, and some scientific and technological materials of this world...

"You don't want to do it yourself, do you?" Ye Kai said helplessly.

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