Immediately, he replaced all the remaining [-] gold coins in his backpack with materials, and started to make it.

I knew that the money would not be able to be kept, but if I used the money to buy food, it would be better to use it on the right path.

I miss the dark world so much, the monsters there are simply used to give him gold coins!


One is broken.

"This puppet is really not very easy to make. I haven't made it for too long, and my hands are a little raw." Ye Kai scratched his head.

"Don't worry, I'll wait as long as you do. The more the better, Ye Kaisang." Yakumozi said softly.

She has never been to many associations, and a lot of detection is still needed.

The strength of this world is not as simple as it seems, and there are many demon gods with other phases.

Ye Kai's doll can fight effectively without revealing her true strength, which is a rare good thing.

Although her abilities can be found on the Internet, if she doesn't make a move, no one knows how strong those abilities are, or in other words, they are not comprehensive at all.

She doesn't think of her opponent as an idiot who only believes in network settings.

Slowly, the materials became less and less, and more and more puppets were made.

In the end, the number stayed at nine, nine dolls of Ye Kai.

It's a pity that my puppeteer level is not enough, so I can't make the ghost and god Ye Kai.

Ye Kai pushed the puppet and said helplessly, "Take it, take it all, there's nothing else you can do."

Yakumo Zi could feel that the strength of the nine dolls was not as strong as that ghost and god Ye Kai, but it was said that Ye Kai synthesized it with cubes, so she didn't struggle.

Even ordinary Ye Kai is enough for those guys to drink a pot.

"Is there any more? If there are so few, it will be broken if they are arrested." Yakumo Zi said with a pitiful face.

"No, my poverty is definitely known in Gensokyo, don't you think about it, can I save so much money?" Ye Kai even touched Yuyuko's little head.

"That's right." Yakumo Zi thought for a while, Ye Kai really didn't need to hide anything from her.

"The family is very easy to raise." Youyouzi wriggled and ate six pizzas without hesitation.

Yakumo Zi brought back at least one truckload of food, and now there are only some sashimi left.

Well, Yuyuko is really easy to raise...

"What happened in the past few days, tell me in detail." Yakumo Zi waved away the doll, and changed the subject.

If you compare yourself with Yuyuko, you will lose.

"Well, it's nothing serious..." Ye Kai explained the matter.

Of course, I didn't tell Yakumo Zi how many positions I used with Yuyuko and what happened.

"Is that so?" Yakumo Zi said thoughtfully, "Your guess is correct, you were being used. It turned out to be like this, he wasn't really using us."

Ye Kai stared at Yakumo Zi, waiting for her next words.

"They didn't design you on purpose, but took advantage of your character." Yakumo Zi explained: "Those things will definitely happen to you, and you can choose to ignore them, so that they will not be used. Our residence The position is probably a way to take advantage of it. You said that the guy next door to you is very unlucky and likes to meddle in other people's business. He should be a hot-blooded idiot. The Misaka Mikoto you mentioned should also be a hot-blooded idiot. As long as the two of them participate, it's up to them You around will be involved in some incidents inexplicably."

Yakumo Zi's implication is that if it were her, she would probably not be nosy.

Fang Accelerator killed nearly [-] Misaka sisters, what does it have to do with her?Before meeting Yuyuko, she killed ten times that number...

"I'll go, won't I be bored if I don't care about my business? Forget it, just use it if you use it." Ye Kai said helplessly.

Whether it's Touma Kamijou, Index, or Misaka Mikoto, it's not like they won't help if they don't say they don't.

If you take care of your business once, there will definitely be a follow-up.

Besides, Meiqin's tsundere character is so cute, Ye Kai also likes it.

Especially when she wanted to thank her after helping her, but she didn't know how to thank her...

"Don't worry, you won't be used in vain, I'll blackmail that guy." Yakumo Zi smiled.

"In the end, you two profited, and I was treated as cannon fodder?" Ye Kai rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, you're used to it anyway, aren't you?" Zi Yakumo said softly, "The cloning matter will not be so simple. You don't need to worry about the follow-up, just live an honest life."

"Yeah." Ye Kai nodded.

Yakumo Zi put her head next to Ye Kai's ear, and said softly, "This time the sound-proof barrier is very strong."

After all, she got into the gap and disappeared.

As for what kind of consensus she and Aleister reached, it was beyond Ye Kai's knowledge, he just wanted to test how strong the sound-proof barrier was.

Chapter 519

The next day, Ye Kai went to work as usual.

Well, the sound insulation effect is really good. I played an MP3 recording outside, but nothing was recorded.

Mikoto didn't come today, but Renzi and Uiharu came as usual.

It can be seen that the mentality of the two has recovered, after all, the matter has been resolved!

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