"Where there is light, there is darkness. Isn't that the case in Gensokyo?" Ye Kai smiled indifferently and said, "Drinking is the real thing, come on."

"You're right." Huang Quanchuan clinked glasses with Ye Kai, and they drank it down again.

"Actually, I'm curious, how did you come to this world?" Huang Quanchuan said seriously.

"My special ability can travel through the world." Ye Kai smiled.

"This, there is no record..." Huang Quanchuan said thoughtfully.

When Ye Kai appeared, science seemed to have been beaten to death, right?

Plane barrier or something, it feels like science fiction.

PS: The next two chapters are mostly the plots of the anime, and it is not complete without writing.

If you still remember the plot between Yifang Accelerator and the last work, skip it.

Also, this volume will be finished in two days.

PPS: This paragraph is free.

Chapter 522 The Fateful Encounter

It was sunny on March 8.

In the alley in the middle of the night, there were constant roars, screams, wailing, and the sound of things being smashed.

This is a long and thin straight roadway, blocked by concrete walls on both sides.

There were seven teenagers in the alley panting for breath.

There were still three people lying down on the ground, bleeding profusely from their bodies.

Each of the seven teenagers held large pocket knives, batons, tear gas and other items in their hands.Although the destructive power is powerful, it is not easy to hold in the young man's hands.

However, even if it doesn't go well, the murder weapon is a murder weapon after all.No, perhaps it is especially dangerous because it is held in the hands of laymen who don't know the importance.

Seven teenagers surrounded one teenager, and everyone's eyes were bloodshot.But the young man who was surrounded did not make any move.

The seven people holding murder weapons seemed not to exist in the young man's sight. He just looked up at the night sky cut into long strips, standing thoughtfully.

The boy seemed to have just returned from a convenience store, holding a plastic bag with the name of the store in his hand.

The wobbly plastic bag was filled with more than ten cans of what appeared to be canned coffee.

The boy named Accelerator was thinking casually in his mind.

What kind of consequences did the battle with Ye Kai cause?Or rather, what happened?

What kind of changes did this defeat bring about in the world?

Snapped!The sound of bones breaking came from behind Accelerator.

Of course, this sound of destruction did not come from Accelerator's body.The vicious boy who stabbed him in the back with a knife had already broken his wrist.All the weight applied to the knife was reflected, and the slender wrist holding the knife couldn't bear that kind of force at all in terms of strength.

"Ah..." Another scream.

The vicious boy was rolling on the ground with his wrists pressed, his appearance was really ridiculous.

It seems that the boy is no longer the strongest in Academy City since then.

He is one of only seven level 5 superpowers in Academy City. He has the ability to 'freely change the direction of kinetic energy, thermal energy, electrical energy and other energy that touches the skin', which obviously has not changed.

The screams of the companions seemed to be the fuse, and the remaining six teenagers rushed up together.

But how many people here really think they can win?

Since that battle, Accelerator has been attacked from all sides day and night.

Amidst the roar, the knives and batons were swung out respectively.But Accelerator turned a blind eye to these.

His hands drooped lazily.You don't have to do anything, just wait for the enemy to destroy itself.

For any attack from the vicious teenagers, all energy directions will be reflected, concentrated on the complex and fragile wrist bones.

Just after their first strike failed, they realized that Academy City's strongest myth was still alive.

The sounds of the vicious teenagers breaking their bones and tendons rose one after another.

They screamed and rolled on the ground, but Accelerator still ignored them.

At this time, a famous teenager used superpowers on Accelerator.

Why are you only planning to use it now?Or he found it too dangerous to attack physically, or maybe the little bit of conscience left in his heart kept him from using it lightly until the last moment.

But the number of attacks has not decreased.

No matter how many times you defeat the enemy, no matter how many times you prove your ability, you can't tear off the labels these idiots have attached to themselves.

Accelerator couldn't figure out what kind of superpower it was.All in all, the vicious boy emits some kind of superpower, and then that superpower is reflected, it's as simple as that.

The boy who released the superpower was stunned on the spot, and the next second his body took the blow he released with confidence, rolling on the ground.But since he didn't die, it should be at most a level 2 ability.

It was Ye Kai who defeated me, what does it have to do with you?Or, do you think you are stronger than that monster from Gensokyo?

Yes, I lost.

But, did I become weaker, or did you become stronger?

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