None of this has changed...

Accelerator suddenly found that the noise surrounding him had completely disappeared.

At this moment, he finally lowered his eyes looking at the long strip of sky in the alley, and looked around.

The vicious teenagers who surrounded Accelerator all killed themselves, lying on the dirty ground and sleeping peacefully.

It can be regarded as a miracle that he can still breathe a sigh of relief in a face-to-face confrontation with Accelerator.

Looking back, there were about ten vicious teenagers falling down the road.But Accelerator did nothing at all, not even fighting.As far as he's concerned, it's just him walking home late at night after buying a can of coffee at the convenience store.

Nor did he intend to deliver the final blow to these felled fellows.Those who can be killed today can be killed tomorrow, and those who can be killed tomorrow can be killed a year later.It's just stupid to be serious with these people.

"No, according to my original personality, I wouldn't let people who challenged me go so easily. I really changed... But, where did I change? What's the situation now? What's going on?" Accelerator pondered.

In terms of killing, I have killed several times more than you, but I don't regret it, I think what I did was right.If you think you're right, you don't have to regret it.If you think you are wrong, find a way to make up for it.

Ye Kai's words rang through Accelerator's mind again.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know whether it is Ye Kai or himself who is mocking.

He walked forward without any purpose, and even silenced the sound because the night was too loud.

He walked on the road and looked blankly at the night sky.There is no need to look ahead as there is no need to pay attention to obstacles.As long as he has the ability to reflect, it is impossible for his body to be harmed.

However, precisely because of this ability, Let Accelerator never notice one thing.

There was a person following closely behind Accelerator, shouting with all his might.

As Tong Tong was walking, he turned his head and glanced behind him.

That was a strange man.

First of all, she's dressed in a weird way.Wrapped from head to toe in a dirty blanket.A light blue blanket, which looked like a cloak of some mysterious organization, completely covered the man's face and body.

Can't even tell if it's male or female.What kind of clothes are worn inside is of course unknown.

Not only that, but this person is very short in height.Accelerator's height can never be considered tall, but this person's height is only around the stomach of Accelerator, and he is only about ten years old.

However, [-]% of the residents in this city are students, so such young homeless people are not completely absent.

This little blanket geek was yelling something to Accelerator.

But because the sound was reflected, Accelerator couldn't hear a word.Accelerator looked at the top of his head leisurely, trying to turn off the reflection.

A high-pitched but slightly flat tone of a girl's voice came to Accelerator's ears.

"Ah, ah, it's refreshing to be ignored to such an extent. Speaking of which, if it's malicious neglect, why do you walk so naturally? This person is actually a guy with a super brainless brain, right? Misaka tilted Misaka's head and thought."

"Boring!" he concluded.

"While chanting, the distance between the two people is still widening. Could it be that this person can't see Misaka? Or does he think Misaka is a fairy? Hello, Misaka is here! Misaka Misaka keeps trying to emphasize her own existence but completely Ignored..."

Accelerator swayed his stiff neck from side to side, and walked towards his own house.

The girl who was left aside looked a little flustered: "Hey! Misaka Misaka is here! Huh? Could it be that this person completely treats Misaka as if she doesn't exist? Misaka Misaka tilted Misaka's head slightly in a way that fits Misaka's style... ...Huh? How many times did Misaka just say Misaka? Misaka Misaka's head is in a mess."

" said your name is Misaka?"

Chapter 523 Redemption

On the evening of August 8, it was sunny.

The location is near a remote factory.

"That's it, push harder and hurry up."

"I've reached my limit..."

"Hurry up, move more, you are too weak!"

"I really can't do it..."

Leizi panted and waved the wooden knife, losing her temper after being tormented by Ye Kai.

This week Ye Kai has been training Leizi to help her lay the foundation, and it is estimated that in three days, she can try to help her wake up the source of magic power.


Renzi's wooden knife fell to the ground, panting heavily.

She is now wearing a tracksuit instead of her normal school uniform.

Ye Kai patted her on the back and said with a smile: "It's not bad, let's go, I'll take you back."

"Can't you rest for a while?" Renzi said pitifully.

"No." Ye Kai shook his head and said, "If you rest, you won't be able to stand up after a while."


There was a muffled sound in the distance, like a car hitting a wall.

Ye Kai scratched his head, is there still someone fighting at this late hour or something?

Forget it, go and have a look, just passing by.

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